Bill No. CS/HB 363
Amendment No. 541697
Senate House

1Representative Ambler offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove lines 40-54 and insert:
5     (b)  In addition to the authority granted in paragraph (a),
6natural guardians are authorized, on behalf of any of their
7minor children, to waive and release, in advance, any claim or
8cause of action against an activity provider and its employees
9for the inherent risks involved in any activity; however, any
10waiver or release by a natural guardian on behalf of any of his
11or her minor children does not grant civil immunity to any
12person or entity whose negligence, gross negligence, or
13intentional conduct causes injury to a minor child sustained in
14the course of an activity.  As used in this section, the term
15"negligence" means doing something that a reasonably careful
16person would not do under like circumstances or failing to do
17something that a reasonably careful person would do under like
18circumstances. Waivers and releases under this subsection are
19disfavored and must be strictly construed against a party
20claiming to be relieved of liability due to such a waiver and
21release. Such waivers and releases are enforceable only where
22and to the extent that the intention to be relieved of liability
23was made clear and unequivocal in the waiver and release and the
24wording of the waiver and release was so clear and
25understandable that an ordinary and knowledgeable person would
26know what he or she would be contracting away. Nothing in this
27paragraph shall be construed to relieve an activity provider or
28its employees or agents from liability for any claim based on a
29violation of state or federal law.
30     (c)  Notwithstanding the authority granted in paragraph
31(b), natural guardians are authorized, on behalf of any of their
32minor children, to sign waivers or releases in accordance with
33chapter 773, regarding equine, activities and s. 549.09,
34regarding motor sport activities.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
38     Remove lines 3-13 and insert:
39744.301, F.S.; authorizing natural guardians to waive, in
40advance, the risks involved in any activity; providing
41exceptions; providing that such waivers and releases are
42disfavored and must be strictly construed against a party
43claiming to be relieved of liability; providing readability
44requirements for the wording of such waivers and releases;
45providing that such a waiver and release may not be construed to
46apply to claims based on a violation of state or federal law;
47authorizing waivers and releases in accordance with ch. 773 and
48s. 549.09, F.S.; providing an effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.