HB 457

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to public school funding; providing for
3school district flexibility in the 2009-2010 fiscal year
4to expend specified funds for operating expenses;
5requiring district school board adoption of a resolution
6and approval of an amendment to the school district's
7operating budget; amending s. 1011.71, F.S.; deleting a
8restriction on the expenditure of capital outlay millage
9for educational facilities and sites under a lease-
10purchase agreement; deleting a restriction on the
11expenditure of operating revenues made available through
12the payment of property and casualty insurance premiums;
13providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  School district flexibility.--
18     (1)  Each district school board is given flexibility to
19expend in its operating budget any funds allocated to the school
20district for prekindergarten through grade 12 public schools
21through specific appropriations in the 2009-2010 General
22Appropriations Act, including, but not limited to:
23     (a)  Funds for instructional materials.
24     (b)  Funds for supplemental academic instruction.
25     (c)  Funds for supplemental reading instruction.
26     (d)  Funds for the Merit Award Program for Instructional
27Personnel and School-Based Administrators.
28     (e)  Funds for the Florida School Recognition Program.
29     (f)  Funds for student transportation.
30     (2)  To expend funds for operating expenses under
31subsection (1), a district school board shall find and declare
32in a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the school board
33that the funds are urgently needed to maintain school board
34operating expenses and shall approve an amendment to the school
35district's 2009-2010 operating budget transferring the
36identified amount of funds to the appropriate account for
38     Section 2.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and paragraph
39(b) of subsection (4) of section 1011.71, Florida Statutes, as
40amended by Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for
41Senate Bill 6-A, 2009 Special Session A, are amended to read:
42     1011.71  District school tax.--
43     (2)  In addition to the maximum millage levy as provided in
44subsection (1), each school board may levy not more than 1.75
45mills against the taxable value for school purposes for district
46schools, including charter schools at the discretion of the
47school board, to fund:
48     (e)  Payments for educational facilities and sites due
49under a lease-purchase agreement entered into by a district
50school board pursuant to s. 1003.02(1)(f) or s. 1013.15(2), not
51exceeding, in the aggregate, an amount equal to three-fourths of
52the proceeds from the millage levied by a district school board
53pursuant to this subsection.
54     (4)  Effective July 1, 2008, and through June 30, 2010, a
55school district may expend, subject to the provisions of s.
56200.065, up to $100 per unweighted full-time equivalent student
57from the revenue generated by the millage levy authorized by
58subsection (2) to fund, in addition to expenditures authorized
59in paragraphs (2)(a)-(j), expenses for the following:
60     (b)  Payment of the cost of premiums for property and
61casualty insurance necessary to insure school district
62educational and ancillary plants. Operating revenues that are
63made available through the payment of property and casualty
64insurance premiums from revenues generated under this subsection
65may be expended only for nonrecurring operational expenditures
66of the school district.
67     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.