CS/HB 499

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to state universities; amending s.
31001.74, F.S.; increasing the monetary threshold for
4continuing contracts for professional services; amending
5s. 1013.64, F.S.; increasing the monetary threshold for
6the utilization of funds for the replacement of minor
7facilities; amending s. 1013.78, F.S.; conforming
8provisions; amending s. 1013.79, F.S.; revising provisions
9relating to the matching and expenditure of funds under a
10university facility challenge grant program; providing an
11effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15     Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
161001.74, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17     1001.74  Powers and duties of university boards of
21     (a)  Each board of trustees constitutes the contracting
22agent of the university. Each university shall comply with the
23provisions of s. 287.055 for the procurement of professional
24services and may approve and execute all contracts for planning,
25construction, and equipment. For the purpose of a university's
26contracting authority, a "continuing contract" for professional
27services under the provisions of s. 287.055 is one in which
28construction costs do not exceed $2 $1 million or the fee for
29study activity does not exceed $200,000 $100,000. Contracts
30executed pursuant to this paragraph are subject to the
31requirements of s. 1010.62.
32     Section 2.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section
331013.64, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
34     1013.64  Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs;
35construction cost maximums for school district capital
36projects.--Allocations from the Public Education Capital Outlay
37and Debt Service Trust Fund to the various boards for capital
38outlay projects shall be determined as follows:
39     (1)
40     (h)  University boards of trustees may utilize funds
41appropriated pursuant to this section for replacement of minor
42facilities provided that such projects do not exceed $2 $1
43million in cost or 10,000 gross square feet in size. Minor
44facilities may not be replaced from funds provided pursuant to
45this section unless the board determines that the cost of repair
46or renovation is greater than or equal to the cost of
48     Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 1013.78, Florida
49Statutes, is amended to read:
50     1013.78  Approval required for certain university-related
51facility acquisitions.--
52     (2)  Legislative approval shall not be required for
53renovations, remodeling, replacement of existing facilities, or
54construction of minor facilities projects as defined in s.
551013.64, except to the extent required pursuant to s. 1010.62.
56     Section 4.  Subsection (5) of section 1013.79, Florida
57Statutes, is amended to read:
58     1013.79  University Facility Enhancement Challenge Grant
60     (5)  A project may not be initiated unless all private
61funds for planning, construction, and equipping the facility
62have been received and deposited in the separate university
63program account designated for this purpose. However, these
64requirements shall not preclude the university from expending
65funds from private sources to develop a prospectus, including
66preliminary architectural schematics or models, for use in its
67efforts to raise private funds for a facility. Private funds
68expended for planning, constructing, and equipping a facility
69are eligible for state matching funds but do not create a
70financial obligation of the state and the state's share for the
71minimum amount of funds needed to begin the project has been
72appropriated by the Legislature. The Board of Governors shall
73establish a method for validating the receipt and deposit of
74private matching funds. The Legislature may appropriate the
75state's matching funds in one or more fiscal years for the
76planning, construction, and equipping of an eligible facility.
77However, these requirements shall not preclude the university
78from expending available funds from private sources to develop a
79prospectus, including preliminary architectural schematics or
80models, for use in its efforts to raise private funds for a
81facility. Additionally, any private sources of funds expended
82for this purpose are eligible for state matching funds should
83the project materialize as provided for in this section.
84     Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.