Bill No. HB 5115
Amendment No. 464465
Senate House

1Representative Rouson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove lines 17-23 and insert:
5the amount of $1.99 $1, which shall be collected in the same
6manner as the license tax. Of the proceeds of the license tax
7surcharge, 58 cents percent shall be deposited into the General
8Revenue Fund and 92 cents 42 percent shall be deposited into the
9Grants and Donations Trust Fund in the Department of Juvenile
10Justice to fund the community juvenile justice partnership
11grants program and prevention programs. Of the remaining 49
12cents, 33 percent shall go to the Office of the State Courts
13Administrator, 33 percent shall go to community corrections
14substance abuse programs in the Department of Corrections, and
1533 percent shall go to the Guardian Ad Litem Program.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
20     Remove line 6 and insert:
21the community juvenile justice partnership grants program, the
22Office of the State Courts Administrator, community corrections
23substance abuse programs in the Department of Corrections, the
24Guardian Ad Litem Program,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.