Bill No. CS/HB 567
Amendment No. 000593
Senate House

1Representatives Zapata, Rivera, Robaina, Bovo, Garcia, Soto,
2Scionti, Brisé, Rogers, Y. Roberson, Flores and Planas offered
4     Amendment (with title amendment)
5     Remove lines 15-60 and insert:
6111.076  Reporting of immigration status
7information.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an
8agency, as defined in s. 20.03, including, but not limited to,
9the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the
10Department of Business and Professional Regulation, and any
11person or entity contracting with such an agency, including, but
12not limited to, those in agribusiness, construction, and
13hospitality, may not prohibit or in any way restrict a public
14employee from doing any of the following with respect to
15information regarding the immigration status of any individual:
16     (1)  Sending such information to, or requesting or
17receiving such information from, the United States Department of
18Homeland Security;
19     (2)  Maintaining such information; or
20     (3)  Exchanging such information with any other federal,
21state, or local governmental entity.
22     (4)  There shall be no prohibition on state, county, or
23municipal government from penalizing private sector entities in,
24among other sectors, the agribusiness, construction and
25hospitality industries, with sanctions that include, but are not
26limited to, denial, suspension and termination of occupational
27licenses, denial, suspension and termination of permitting
28opportunities, denial, suspension and termination of property
29tax exemptions, denial, suspension and termination of regulatory
30exemptions, and denial, suspension and termination of public
31sector contracting opportunities, for any violation of state or
32federal law related to the hiring of illegal immigrants.
33     Section 2.  Section 125.582, Florida Statutes, is created
34to read:
35     125.582  Communicating or cooperating with federal
36officials concerning immigration.--
37     (1)  A county government, whether acting through its
38governing body or by an initiative, referendum, or any other
39process, may not enact any ordinance or policy that limits or
40prohibits a law enforcement officer, local official, or local
41government employee or any person or entity contracting with
42such a government, including, but not limited to, those in
43agribusiness, construction, and hospitality, from communicating
44or cooperating with federal officials with regard to the
45immigration status of any person within this state.
46     (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a county
47governmental entity or official may not prohibit or in any way
48restrict any governmental entity or government official from
49sending to, or receiving from, the United States Department of
50Homeland Security information regarding the citizenship or
51immigration status of any individual.
52     Section 3.  Section 166.04935, Florida Statutes, is created
53to read:
54     166.04935  Communicating or cooperating with federal
55officials concerning immigration.--
56     (1)  A municipal government, whether acting through its
57governing body or by an initiative, referendum, or any other
58process, may not enact any ordinance or policy that limits or
59prohibits a law enforcement officer, local official, or local
60government employee or any person or entity contracting with
61such a government, including, but not limited to, those in
62agribusiness, construction, and hospitality, from communicating
63or cooperating with federal officials with regard to the
64immigration status of any person within this state.
65     (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a
66municipal governmental entity or official may not prohibit or in
67any way restrict any governmental entity or government official
68from sending to, or receiving from, the United States Department
69of Homeland Security information regarding the citizenship or
70immigration status of any individual.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
78     Remove lines 2-5 and insert:
79An act relating to illegal immigration; creating s. 111.076,
80F.S.; prohibiting restrictions on the reporting of certain
81immigration status information by public employees and public
82contractors; creating ss. 125.582 and 166.04935, F.S.;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.