A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to financial instruments; amending s.
317.57, F.S.; deleting a provision relating to concurrent
4deposits by a unit of local government and customers of
5other federally insured financial institutions; requiring
6that the Chief Financial Officer and local governments
7deposit surplus funds in financial deposit instruments
8insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
9rather than in certificates of deposit; amending s.
10218.415, F.S.; requiring that the Chief Financial Officer
11and local governments deposit surplus funds in financial
12deposit instruments insured by the Federal Deposit
13Insurance Corporation rather than in certificates of
14deposit; deleting a provision relating to concurrent
15deposits by a unit of local government and customers of
16other federally insured financial institutions; amending
17s. 532.01, F.S.; including payroll debit cards under
18requirements  applicable to payment instruments; providing
19an effective date.
21Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23     Section 1.  Subsection (7) of section 17.57, Florida
24Statutes, is amended to read:
25     17.57  Deposits and investments of state money.--
26     (7)  In addition to the deposits authorized under this
27section and notwithstanding any other provisions of law, funds
28that are not needed to meet the disbursement needs of the state
29may be deposited by the Chief Financial Officer in accordance
30with the following conditions:
31     (a)  The funds are initially deposited in a qualified
32public depository, as defined in s. 280.02, selected by the
33Chief Financial Officer.
34     (b)  The selected depository arranges for depositing the
35deposit of the funds in financial deposit instruments insured by
36the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation certificates of
37deposit in one or more federally insured banks or savings and
38loan associations, wherever located, for the account of the
40     (c)  The full amount of the principal and accrued interest
41of each financial deposit instrument such certificate of deposit
42is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
43     (d)  The selected depository acts as custodian for the
44state with respect to each financial deposit instrument such
45certificates of deposit issued for its account.
46     (e)  At the same time the state's funds are deposited and
47the certificates of deposit are issued, the selected depository
48receives an amount of deposits from customers of other federally
49insured financial institutions, wherever located, equal to or
50greater than the amount of the funds initially invested by the
51Chief Financial Officer through the selected depository.
52     Section 2.  Paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of subsection
53(23) of section 218.415, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
54     218.415  Local government investment policies.--Investment
55activity by a unit of local government must be consistent with a
56written investment plan adopted by the governing body, or in the
57absence of the existence of a governing body, the respective
58principal officer of the unit of local government and maintained
59by the unit of local government or, in the alternative, such
60activity must be conducted in accordance with subsection (17).
61Any such unit of local government shall have an investment
62policy for any public funds in excess of the amounts needed to
63meet current expenses as provided in subsections (1)-(16), or
64shall meet the alternative investment guidelines contained in
65subsection (17). Such policies shall be structured to place the
66highest priority on the safety of principal and liquidity of
67funds. The optimization of investment returns shall be secondary
68to the requirements for safety and liquidity. Each unit of local
69government shall adopt policies that are commensurate with the
70nature and size of the public funds within its custody.
71     (23)  AUTHORIZED DEPOSITS.--In addition to the investments
72authorized for local governments in subsections (16) and (17)
73and notwithstanding any other provisions of law, a unit of local
74government may deposit any portion of surplus public funds in
75its control or possession in accordance with the following
77     (b)  The selected depository arranges for depositing the
78deposit of the funds in financial deposit instruments insured by
79the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation certificates of
80deposit in one or more federally insured banks or savings and
81loan associations, wherever located, for the account of the unit
82of local government.
83     (c)  The full amount of the principal and accrued interest
84of each financial deposit instrument such certificate of deposit
85is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
86     (d)  The selected depository acts as custodian for the unit
87of local government with respect to each financial deposit
88instrument such certificates of deposit issued for its account.
89     (e)  At the same time the unit of local government's funds
90are deposited and the certificates of deposit are issued, the
91selected depository receives an amount of deposits from
92customers of other federally insured financial institutions,
93wherever located, equal to or greater than the amount of the
94funds initially invested by the unit of local government through
95the selected depository.
96     Section 3.  Section 532.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to
98     532.01  Payment by check, draft, or other order for
99payment.--Any order, check, draft, note, memorandum, payroll
100debit card, or other acknowledgment of indebtedness issued in
101payment of wages or salary due or to become due must be
102negotiable and payable in cash, on demand, without discount, at
103some established place of business in the state, the name and
104address of which must appear on the instrument or in the payroll
105debit card issuing materials, and at the time of its issuance,
106and for a reasonable time thereafter, which must be at least 30
107days, the maker or drawer must have sufficient funds or credit,
108arrangement, or understanding with the drawee for its payment.
109     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.