Florida Senate - 2009                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 624
                                Barcode 945668                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: FAV            .                                
                  04/16/2009           .                                
                Floor: 2/AD/2R         .                                
             04/24/2009 03:59 PM       .                                

       The Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability
       (Jones) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 241 - 316
    4  and insert:
    5         officer” includes the officer’s representative or legal
    6  counsel, except in application of s. 112.534(1)(d).
    7         (a)The law enforcement officer or correctional officer
    8  shall advise the investigator of the intentional violation of
    9  the requirements of this part which is alleged to have occurred.
   10  The officer’s notice of violation is sufficient to notify the
   11  investigator of the requirements of this part which are alleged
   12  to have been violated and the factual basis of each violation.
   13         (b)If the investigator fails to cure the violation or
   14  continues the violation after being notified by the law
   15  enforcement officer or correctional officer, the officer shall
   16  request the agency head or his designee be informed of the
   17  alleged intentional violation. Once this request is made the
   18  interview of the officer shall cease and the officer’s refusal
   19  to respond to further investigative questions does not
   20  constitute insubordination or any similar type of policy
   21  violation.
   22         (c)Thereafter, within 3 working days, a written notice of
   23  violation and request for a compliance review hearing shall be
   24  filed with the agency head or designee which must contain
   25  sufficient information to identify the requirements of this part
   26  which are alleged to have been violated and the factual basis of
   27  each violation. All evidence related to the investigation must
   28  be preserved for review and presentation at the compliance
   29  review hearing. For purposes of confidentiality, the compliance
   30  review panel hearing shall be considered part of the original
   31  investigation.
   32         (d)Unless otherwise remedied by the agency before the
   33  hearing, a compliance review hearing must be conducted within 10
   34  working days after the request for a compliance review hearing
   35  is filed, unless, by mutual agreement of the officer and agency
   36  or for extraordinary reasons, an alternate date is chosen. The
   37  panel shall review the circumstances and facts surrounding the
   38  alleged intentional violation. The compliance review panel shall
   39  be made up of three members: one member selected by the agency
   40  head, one member selected by the officer filing the request, and
   41  a third member to be selected by the other two members. The
   42  review panel members shall be law enforcement officers or
   43  correctional officers who are active from the same law
   44  enforcement discipline as the officer requesting the hearing.
   45  Panel members may be selected from any state, county or
   46  municipal agency within the county in which the officer works.
   47  The compliance review hearing shall be conducted in the county
   48  in which the officer works.
   49         (e)It is the responsibility of the compliance review panel
   50  to determine whether or not the investigator or agency
   51  intentionally violated the requirements provided under this
   52  part. It may hear evidence, review relevant documents and hear
   53  argument before making such a determination; however, all
   54  evidence received shall be strictly limited to the allegation
   55  under consideration and may not be related to the disciplinary
   56  charges pending against the officer. The investigative materials
   57  are considered confidential for purposes of the compliance
   58  review hearing and determination.
   59         (f) The officer bears the burden of proof to establish that
   60  the violation of this part was intentional. The standard of
   61  proof for such a determination is by a preponderance of the
   62  evidence. The determination of the panel must be made at the
   63  conclusion of the hearing, in writing, and filed with the agency
   64  head and the officer.
   65         (g)If the alleged violation is sustained as intentional by
   66  the compliance review panel the agency head shall immediately
   67  remove the investigator from any further involvement with the
   68  investigation of the officer. Additionally, the agency head
   69  shall direct an investigation be initiated against the
   70  investigator determined to have intentionally violated the
   71  requirements provided under this part for purposes of agency
   72  disciplinary action. If that investigation is sustained, the
   73  sustained allegations against the investigator shall be
   74  forwarded to the Criminal Justice Standard and Training
   75  Commission for review as an act of official misconduct or misuse
   76  of position. a law enforcement officer or correctional officer
   77  employed by or appointed to such agency who is personally
   78  injured by such failure to comply may apply directly to the
   79  circuit court of the county wherein such agency is headquartered
   80  and permanently resides for an injunction to restrain and enjoin
   81  such violation of the provisions of this part and to compel the
   82  performance of the duties imposed by this part.
   83         (2)(a) All the provisions of s. 838.022 shall apply to this
   84  part.
   85         (b)The provisions of chapter 120 do not apply to this
   86  part.