HB 625

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to mangrove protection; amending s.
3403.121, F.S.; expanding the penalty previously applicable
4to violations involving mangrove trimming or alteration to
5apply to any violation under the Mangrove Trimming and
6Preservation Act; amending s. 403.9323, F.S.; clarifying
7legislative intent with respect to the protection of
8mangroves; amending s. 403.9324, F.S.; authorizing the
9Department of Environmental Protection to adopt by rule
10certain exemptions and general permits under the Mangrove
11Trimming and Preservation Act; amending s. 403.9329, F.S.;
12clarifying the department's authority to revoke a person's
13status as a professional mangrove trimmer; amending s.
14403.9331, F.S.; providing that the Mangrove Trimming and
15Preservation Act does not authorize trimming on
16uninhabited islands or lands that are publicly owned or
17set aside for conservation or mitigation except under
18specified circumstances; providing an effective date.
20Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22     Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section
23403.121, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
24     403.121  Enforcement; procedure; remedies.--The department
25shall have the following judicial and administrative remedies
26available to it for violations of this chapter, as specified in
27s. 403.161(1).
28     (3)  Except for violations involving hazardous wastes,
29asbestos, or underground injection, administrative penalties
30must be calculated according to the following schedule:
31     (d)  For mangrove trimming or alteration violations, The
32department shall assess a penalty of $5,000 per violation
33against any person who violates any provision of ss. 403.9321-
34403.9333 the contractor or agent of the owner or tenant that
35conducts mangrove trimming or alteration without a permit as
36required by s. 403.9328. For purposes of this paragraph, the
37preparation or signing of a permit application by a person
38currently licensed under chapter 471 to practice as a
39professional engineer shall not make that person an agent of the
40owner or tenant.
41     Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 403.9323, Florida
42Statutes, is amended to read:
43     403.9323  Legislative intent.--
44     (3)  It is the intent of the Legislature to provide
45waterfront property owners their riparian right of view, and
46other rights of riparian property ownership as recognized by s.
47253.141 and any other provision of law, by allowing mangrove
48trimming in riparian mangrove fringes without prior government
49approval when conducted in conformance with the provisions of
50ss. 403.9321-403.9333 the trimming activities will not result in
51the removal, defoliation, or destruction of the mangroves.
52     Section 3.  Present subsections (1) through (6) of section
53403.9324, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (2)
54through (7), respectively, a new subsection (1) is added to that
55section, and present subsections (1) and (4) of that section are
56amended, to read:
57     403.9324  Mangrove protection rule; delegation of mangrove
58protection to local governments.--
59     (1)  The department may adopt rules providing for
60exemptions and general permits authorizing activities that have,
61singularly or cumulatively, a minimal adverse effect on the
62water resources of the state.
63     (2)(1)  Sections 403.9321-403.9333 and any lawful
64regulations adopted in accordance with this section by a local
65government that receives a delegation of the department's
66authority to administer and enforce the regulation of mangroves
67as provided by this section shall be the sole regulations in
68this state for the trimming and alteration of mangroves on
69privately or publicly owned lands. All other state and local
70regulation of mangrove is as provided in subsection (4) (3).
71     (5)(4)  Within 45 days after receipt of a written request
72for delegation from a local government, the department shall
73grant or deny the request in writing. The request is deemed
74approved if the department fails to respond within the 45-day
75time period. In reviewing requests for delegation, the
76department shall limit its review to whether the request
77complies with the requirements of subsection (3) (2). The
78department shall set forth in writing with specificity the
79reasons for denial of a request for delegation. The department's
80determination regarding delegation constitutes final agency
81action and is subject to review under chapter 120.
82     Section 4.  Subsection (5) of section 403.9329, Florida
83Statutes, is amended to read:
84     403.9329  Professional mangrove trimmers.--
85     (5)  A professional mangrove trimmer status granted under
86ss. 403.9321-403.9333 or by the department may be revoked by the
87department for any person who is responsible for any violations
88of ss. 403.9321-403.9333 or any adopted mangrove rules.
89     Section 5.  Subsection (3) is added to section 403.9331,
90Florida Statutes, to read:
91     403.9331  Applicability; rules and policies.--
92     (3)  Pursuant to s. 403.9323(2), the provisions of ss.
93403.9321-403.9333 do not allow the trimming of mangroves on
94uninhabited islands that are publicly owned or on lands that are
95set aside for conservation and preservation or mitigation,
96except where necessary to protect the public health, safety, and
97welfare or to enhance public use of, or access to, conservation
98areas in accordance with approved management plans.
99     Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.