HB 635

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to military affairs; amending s. 250.35,
3F.S.; clarifying and updating references with respect to
4courts-martial; amending s. 250.482, F.S.; revising
5applicability of provisions with respect to immunity of
6National Guard members ordered into state active duty from
7penalization by employers; providing for entitlement of
8National Guard members returning to work following state
9active duty to seniority and other rights and benefits;
10providing that such members shall not be discharged from
11employment except for cause; providing rights and
12requirements with respect to use of vacation and leave by
13such members; removing a limitation with respect to the
14right of an employee ordered into state active duty to
15bring a civil action for specified violation by an
16employer; amending s. 250.82, F.S.; clarifying provisions;
17providing for the imposition of a civil penalty for
18specified noncompliance with any duty imposed under ch.
19250, F.S., or with other specified provisions of state law
20that afford protections to members of the United States
21Armed Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, and the
22National Guard; providing for attorney's fees and court
23costs; providing an effective date.
25Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
27     Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 250.35,
28Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
29     250.35  Courts-martial.--
30     (1)  The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C.
31ss. 801 et seq., and the Manual for Courts-Martial (2008 2002
32Edition) are adopted for use by the Florida National Guard,
33except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
34     (2)  Courts-martial may try any member of the Florida
35National Guard for any crime or offense made punishable by the
36Uniform Code of Military Justice (2008 2002 Edition), except
37that a commissioned officer, warrant officer, or cadet may not
38be tried by summary courts-martial.
39     Section 2.  Section 250.482, Florida Statutes, is amended
40to read:
41     250.482  Troops ordered into state active service; not to
42be penalized by employers and postsecondary institutions.--
43     (1)  If a member of the Florida National Guard is ordered
44into state active duty pursuant to this chapter, a private or
45public employer, or an employing or appointing authority of this
46state, its counties, school districts, municipalities, political
47subdivisions, career centers, community colleges, or
48universities, may not discharge, reprimand, or in any other way
49penalize such member because of his or her absence by reason of
50state active duty.
51     (a)  A member of the National Guard who returns to work
52after serving on state active duty is entitled to:
53     1.  The seniority that the member had at his or her place
54of employment on the date of the commencement of his or her
55state active duty and any other rights and benefits that inure
56to the member as a result of such seniority; and
57     2.  Any additional seniority that the member would have
58attained at his or her place of employment if he or she had
59remained continuously employed and the rights and benefits that
60inure to the member as a result of such seniority.
61     (b)  A member of the National Guard who returns to work
62after serving on state active duty shall not be discharged from
63such employment, except for cause.
64     (2)  No employer may require any National Guard member
65returning to employment following a period of state active duty
66service to use vacation, annual, compensatory, or similar leave
67for the period during which the member was ordered into state
68active duty. However, any such returning member shall, upon his
69or her request, be permitted to use, for the period during which
70the member was ordered into state active duty, any vacation,
71annual, compensatory, or similar leave with pay accrued by the
72member prior to the commencement of his or her state active duty
74     (3)(2)  If the Adjutant General certifies that there is
75probable cause to believe there has been a violation of this
76section, an employee who has been employed for a period of at
77least 1 year prior to being ordered into state active duty so
78injured by a violation of this section may bring civil action
79against an employer violating this section in a court of
80competent jurisdiction of the county in which the alleged
81violator resides or has his or her principal place of business,
82or in the county wherein the alleged violation occurred. Upon
83adverse adjudication, the defendant is liable for actual damages
84or $500, whichever is greater. The prevailing party in any
85litigation proceedings is entitled to recover reasonable
86attorney's fees and court costs.
87     (4)(3)  The certification of probable cause may not be
88issued until the Adjutant General, or his or her designee, has
89investigated the issues. All employers and other personnel
90involved with the issues of such investigation must cooperate
91with the Adjutant General in the investigation.
92     Section 3.  Section 250.82, Florida Statutes, is amended to
94     250.82  Applicability of state and federal law.--
95     (1)  Florida law provides certain protections to members of
96the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve
97Forces, and the Florida National Guard in various legal
98proceedings and contractual relationships. In addition to these
99state provisions, federal law also contains protections, such as
100those provided in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA),
101Title 50, Appendix U.S.C. ss. 501 et seq., and the Uniformed
102Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), Title
10338 United States Code, chapter 43, that are applicable to
104members in every state even though such provisions are not
105specifically identified under state law.
106     (2)  To the extent allowed by federal law, the state courts
107shall have concurrent jurisdiction for enforcement over all
108causes of action arising from the provisions of federal law and
109may award a remedy as provided therein.
110     (3)  Any person who:
111     (a)  Knowingly omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with
112any duty imposed upon him or her by;
113     (b)  Knowingly omits, neglects, or refuses to do or cause
114to be done any of the things required by; or
115     (c)  Commits any act prohibited by
117this chapter or any other provision of the Florida Statutes that
118affords protections to members of the United States Armed
119Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, and the National Guard
120in any legal proceeding, contractual relationship, or in any
121other manner, in addition to any other penalty provided by law,
122is liable for a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per violation,
123attorney's fees, and court costs.
124     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.