HB 637

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to affordable housing for seniors;
3amending s. 163.3177, F.S.; revising provisions relating
4to the elements of local comprehensive plans to include an
5element for affordable housing for seniors; providing for
6the disposition of real property by a local government for
7the development of affordable housing; providing an
8effective date.
10Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12     Section 1.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (6) of section
13163.3177, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
14     163.3177  Required and optional elements of comprehensive
15plan; studies and surveys.--
16     (6)  In addition to the requirements of subsections (1)-(5)
17and (12), the comprehensive plan shall include the following
19     (f)1.  A housing element consisting of standards, plans,
20and principles to be followed in:
21     a.  The provision of housing for all current and
22anticipated future residents of the jurisdiction.
23     b.  The elimination of substandard dwelling conditions.
24     c.  The structural and aesthetic improvement of existing
26     d.  The provision of adequate sites for future housing,
27including affordable workforce housing as defined in s.
28380.0651(3)(j), housing for low-income, very low-income, and
29moderate-income families, mobile homes, affordable housing for
30seniors, and group home facilities and foster care facilities,
31with supporting infrastructure and public facilities. Real
32property that is conveyed to a local government for affordable
33housing under this sub-subparagraph shall be disposed of by the
34local government pursuant to s. 125.379 or s. 166.0451.
35     e.  Provision for relocation housing and identification of
36historically significant and other housing for purposes of
37conservation, rehabilitation, or replacement.
38     f.  The formulation of housing implementation programs.
39     g.  The creation or preservation of affordable housing to
40minimize the need for additional local services and avoid the
41concentration of affordable housing units only in specific areas
42of the jurisdiction.
43     h.  Energy efficiency in the design and construction of new
45     i.  Use of renewable energy resources.
46     j.  Each county in which the gap between the buying power
47of a family of four and the median county home sale price
48exceeds $170,000, as determined by the Florida Housing Finance
49Corporation, and which is not designated as an area of critical
50state concern shall adopt a plan for ensuring affordable
51workforce housing. At a minimum, the plan shall identify
52adequate sites for such housing. For purposes of this sub-
53subparagraph, the term "workforce housing" means housing that is
54affordable to natural persons or families whose total household
55income does not exceed 140 percent of the area median income,
56adjusted for household size.
57     k.  As a precondition to receiving any state affordable
58housing funding or allocation for any project or program within
59the jurisdiction of a county that is subject to sub-subparagraph
60j., a county must, by July 1 of each year, provide certification
61that the county has complied with the requirements of sub-
62subparagraph j.
64The goals, objectives, and policies of the housing element must
65be based on the data and analysis prepared on housing needs,
66including the affordable housing needs assessment. State and
67federal housing plans prepared on behalf of the local government
68must be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of
69the housing element. Local governments are encouraged to use job
70training, job creation, and economic solutions to address a
71portion of their affordable housing concerns.
72     2.  To assist local governments in housing data collection
73and analysis and assure uniform and consistent information
74regarding the state's housing needs, the state land planning
75agency shall conduct an affordable housing needs assessment for
76all local jurisdictions on a schedule that coordinates the
77implementation of the needs assessment with the evaluation and
78appraisal reports required by s. 163.3191. Each local government
79shall utilize the data and analysis from the needs assessment as
80one basis for the housing element of its local comprehensive
81plan. The agency shall allow a local government the option to
82perform its own needs assessment, if it uses the methodology
83established by the agency by rule.
84     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.