Bill No. CS/CS/CS/HB 651
Amendment No. 708939
Senate House

1Representative Hudson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 2030 and 2031, insert:
5     Section 48.  Subsection (1) of section 651.105, Florida
6Statutes, is amended to read:
7     651.105  Examination and inspections.--
8     (1)  The office may at any time, and shall at least once
9every 5 3 years, examine the business of any applicant for a
10certificate of authority and any provider engaged in the
11execution of care contracts or engaged in the performance of
12obligations under such contracts, in the same manner as is
13provided for examination of insurance companies pursuant to s.
14624.316. Such examinations shall be made by a representative or
15examiner designated by the office, whose compensation will be
16fixed by the office pursuant to s. 624.320. Routine examinations
17may be made by having the necessary documents submitted to the
18office; and, for this purpose, financial documents and records
19conforming to commonly accepted accounting principles and
20practices, as required under s. 651.026, will be deemed
21adequate. The final written report of each such examination
22shall be filed with the office and, when so filed, will
23constitute a public record. Any provider being examined shall,
24upon request, give reasonable and timely access to all of its
25records. The representative or examiner designated by the office
26may at any time examine the records and affairs and inspect the
27physical property of any provider, whether in connection with a
28formal examination or not.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
33     Remove line 162 and insert:
34the agency; amending s. 651.105, F.S.; revising the timeframe
35for certain examinations by the Office of Insurance Regulation
36relating to the provision of continuing care; amending s.
37651.118, F.S.; conforming a cross-

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.