HB 67

A bill to be entitled
2An act for the relief of Madonna Castillo, a minor,
3and Reyna Castillo, individually and as the natural
4guardian of Madonna Castillo, by the City of Hialeah;
5providing for an appropriation to compensate them for
6injuries and damages sustained by Madonna Castillo as
7a result of the negligence of the City of Hialeah;
8providing a limitation on the payment of fees and
9costs; providing an effective date.
11     WHEREAS, on July 3, 1998, Madonna Castillo, a minor, was
12swimming in the public pool at Milander Park in the City of
13Hialeah, and
14     WHEREAS, the City of Hialeah managed and operated the pool
15at Milander Park, and
16     WHEREAS, city employees allowed swimmers to race and dive
17in and around areas of the pool in which others were swimming,
19     WHEREAS, the lifeguard on duty had abandoned his post, and
20     WHEREAS, while Madonna Castillo was standing in the pool
21talking to her sister, Madonna Castillo was struck in the eye by
22another swimmer, and
23     WHEREAS, as a result of the incident, Madonna Castillo
24suffered total vision loss in her right eye and underwent two
25surgeries, including the insertion of a microvalve to regulate
26intraocular pressure, and
27     WHEREAS, Madonna Castillo's injuries will require the
28eventual removal of her right eye and the insertion of a
29prosthetic eye, and
30     WHEREAS, Reyna Castillo, mother and natural guardian of
31Madonna Castillo, is obligated for past and future medical
32expenses and losses incurred by her daughter, and
33     WHEREAS, after a jury trial resulting in a verdict in favor
34of Madonna and Reyna Castillo, the City of Hialeah initiated
35appellate proceedings, and
36     WHEREAS, the parties entered into a settlement agreement,
37pursuant to which the City of Hialeah paid to the plaintiffs the
38sum of $200,000 on April 2, 2004, and agreed to support a claim
39bill by the Legislature in the amount of $500,000 in favor of
40Reyna Castillo, NOW, THEREFORE,
42Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
44     Section 1.  The facts stated in the preamble to this act
45are found and declared to be true.
46     Section 2.  The City of Hialeah is authorized and directed
47to appropriate from funds of the city not otherwise appropriated
48and to draw a warrant in the amount of $500,000, pursuant to the
49settlement agreement, to be paid to Reyna Castillo, individually
50and as natural guardian of Madonna Castillo, a minor, which is
51inclusive of costs and attorney's fees as limited in accordance
52with s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, as compensation for the
53injuries sustained by Madonna Castillo due to the negligence of
54the City of Hialeah.
55     Section 3.  This award is intended to provide the sole
56compensation for all present and future claims arising out of
57the factual situation described in this act which resulted in
58the injuries sustained by Madonna Castillo. The total amount
59paid for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, and other
60similar expenses relating to this claim may not exceed 25
61percent of the amount awarded under this act.
62     Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.