Florida Senate - 2009         (PROPOSED COMMITTEE BILL) SPB 7020
       FOR CONSIDERATION By the Committee on Transportation
       596-00671-09                                          20097020__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to a review under the Open Government
    3         Sunset Review Act; reenacting s. 119.0712(2)(a), (b),
    4         (c), (d), (e), and (f), F.S., relating to an exemption
    5         from public-records requirements for personal
    6         information contained in motor vehicle records;
    7         repealing s. 2 of chapter 2004-62, Laws of Florida;
    8         deleting provisions providing for repeal of the
    9         exemption; providing an effective date.
   11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   13         Section 1. Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of
   14  subsection (2) of section 119.0712, Florida Statutes, are
   15  reenacted to read:
   16         119.0712 Executive branch agency-specific exemptions from
   17  inspection or copying of public records.—
   19         (a) Personal information contained in a motor vehicle
   20  record that identifies an individual is confidential and exempt
   21  from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution
   22  except as provided in this subsection. Personal information
   23  includes, but is not limited to, an individual's social security
   24  number, driver identification number or identification card
   25  number, name, address, telephone number, medical or disability
   26  information, and emergency contact information. For purposes of
   27  this subsection, personal information does not include
   28  information relating to vehicular crashes, driving violations,
   29  and driver's status. For purposes of this subsection, the term
   30  “motor vehicle record” means any record that pertains to a motor
   31  vehicle operator's permit, motor vehicle title, motor vehicle
   32  registration, or identification card issued by the Department of
   33  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
   34         (b) Personal information contained in motor vehicle records
   35  made confidential and exempt by this subsection may be released
   36  by the department for any of the following uses:
   37         1. For use in connection with matters of motor vehicle or
   38  driver safety and theft; motor vehicle emissions; motor vehicle
   39  product alterations, recalls, or advisories; performance
   40  monitoring of motor vehicles and dealers by motor vehicle
   41  manufacturers; and removal of nonowner records from the original
   42  owner records of motor vehicle manufacturers, to carry out the
   43  purposes of Titles I and IV of the Anti Car Theft Act of 1992,
   44  the Automobile Information Disclosure Act (15 U.S.C. ss. 1231 et
   45  seq.), the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq.), and
   46  chapters 301, 305, and 321-331 of Title 49, United States Code.
   47         2. For use by any government agency, including any court or
   48  law enforcement agency, in carrying out its functions, or any
   49  private person or entity acting on behalf of a federal, state,
   50  or local agency in carrying out its functions.
   51         3. For use in connection with matters of motor vehicle or
   52  driver safety and theft; motor vehicle emissions; motor vehicle
   53  product alterations, recalls, or advisories; performance
   54  monitoring of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts, and dealers;
   55  motor vehicle market research activities, including survey
   56  research; and removal of nonowner records from the original
   57  owner records of motor vehicle manufacturers.
   58         4. For use in the normal course of business by a legitimate
   59  business or its agents, employees, or contractors, but only:
   60         a. To verify the accuracy of personal information submitted
   61  by the individual to the business or its agents, employees, or
   62  contractors; and
   63         b. If such information as so submitted is not correct or is
   64  no longer correct, to obtain the correct information, but only
   65  for the purposes of preventing fraud by, pursuing legal remedies
   66  against, or recovering on a debt or security interest against,
   67  the individual.
   68         5. For use in connection with any civil, criminal,
   69  administrative, or arbitral proceeding in any court or agency or
   70  before any self-regulatory body for:
   71         a. Service of process by any certified process server,
   72  special process server, or other person authorized to serve
   73  process in this state.
   74         b. Investigation in anticipation of litigation by an
   75  attorney licensed to practice law in this state or the agent of
   76  the attorney; however, the information may not be used for mass
   77  commercial solicitation of clients for litigation against motor
   78  vehicle dealers.
   79         c. Investigation by any person in connection with any filed
   80  proceeding; however, the information may not be used for mass
   81  commercial solicitation of clients for litigation against motor
   82  vehicle dealers.
   83         d. Execution or enforcement of judgments and orders.
   84         e. Compliance with an order of any court.
   85         6. For use in research activities and for use in producing
   86  statistical reports, so long as the personal information is not
   87  published, redisclosed, or used to contact individuals.
   88         7. For use by any insurer or insurance support
   89  organization, or by a self-insured entity, or its agents,
   90  employees, or contractors, in connection with claims
   91  investigation activities, anti-fraud activities, rating, or
   92  underwriting.
   93         8. For use in providing notice to the owners of towed or
   94  impounded vehicles.
   95         9. For use by any licensed private investigative agency or
   96  licensed security service for any purpose permitted under this
   97  subsection. Personal information obtained based on an exempt
   98  driver's record may not be provided to a client who cannot
   99  demonstrate a need based on a police report, court order, or
  100  business or personal relationship with the subject of the
  101  investigation.
  102         10. For use by an employer or its agent or insurer to
  103  obtain or verify information relating to a holder of a
  104  commercial driver's license that is required under 49 U.S.C. ss.
  105  31301 et seq.
  106         11. For use in connection with the operation of private
  107  toll transportation facilities.
  108         12. For bulk distribution for surveys, marketing, or
  109  solicitations when the department has obtained the express
  110  consent of the person to whom such personal information
  111  pertains.
  112         13. For any use if the requesting person demonstrates that
  113  he or she has obtained the written consent of the person who is
  114  the subject of the motor vehicle record.
  115         14. For any other use specifically authorized by state law,
  116  if such use is related to the operation of a motor vehicle or
  117  public safety.
  118         15. For any other use if the person to whom the information
  119  pertains has given express consent in a format prescribed by the
  120  department. Such consent shall remain in effect until it is
  121  revoked by the person on a form prescribed by the department.
  122         (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), without the express
  123  consent of the person to whom such information applies, the
  124  following information contained in motor vehicle records may
  125  only be released as specified in this paragraph:
  126         1. Social security numbers may be released only as provided
  127  in subparagraphs (b)2., 5., 7., and 10.
  128         2. An individual's photograph or image may be released only
  129  as provided in s. 322.142.
  130         3. Medical disability information may be released only as
  131  provided in ss. 322.125 and 322.126.
  132         4. Emergency contact information may be released only to
  133  law enforcement agencies for purposes of contacting those listed
  134  in the event of an emergency.
  135         (d) The restrictions on disclosure of personal information
  136  provided by this subsection shall not in any way affect the use
  137  of organ donation information on individual driver licenses or
  138  affect the administration of organ donation initiatives in this
  139  state.
  140         (e)1. Personal information made confidential and exempt may
  141  be disclosed by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
  142  Vehicles to an individual, firm, corporation, or similar
  143  business entity whose primary business interest is to resell or
  144  redisclose the personal information to persons who are
  145  authorized to receive such information. Prior to the
  146  department's disclosure of personal information, such
  147  individual, firm, corporation, or similar business entity must
  148  first enter into a contract with the department regarding the
  149  care, custody, and control of the personal information to ensure
  150  compliance with the federal Driver's Privacy Protection Act of
  151  1994 and applicable state laws.
  152         2. An authorized recipient of personal information
  153  contained in a motor vehicle record, except a recipient under
  154  subparagraph (b)12., may contract with the Department of Highway
  155  Safety and Motor Vehicles to resell or redisclose the
  156  information for any use permitted under this section. However,
  157  only authorized recipients of personal information under
  158  subparagraph (b)12. may resell or redisclose personal
  159  information pursuant to subparagraph (b)12.
  160         3. Any authorized recipient who resells or rediscloses
  161  personal information shall maintain, for a period of 5 years,
  162  records identifying each person or entity that receives the
  163  personal information and the permitted purpose for which it will
  164  be used. Such records shall be made available for inspection
  165  upon request by the department.
  166         (f) The department may adopt rules to carry out the
  167  purposes of this subsection and the federal Driver's Privacy
  168  Protection Act of 1994, 18 U.S.C. ss. 2721 et seq. Rules adopted
  169  by the department may provide for the payment of applicable fees
  170  and, prior to the disclosure of personal information pursuant to
  171  this subsection, may require the meeting of conditions by the
  172  requesting person for the purposes of obtaining reasonable
  173  assurance concerning the identity of such requesting person,
  174  and, to the extent required, assurance that the use will be only
  175  as authorized or that the consent of the person who is the
  176  subject of the personal information has been obtained. Such
  177  conditions may include, but need not be limited to, the making
  178  and filing of a written application in such form and containing
  179  such information and certification requirements as the
  180  department requires.
  181         Section 2. Section 2 of chapter 2004-62, Laws of Florida,
  182  is repealed.
  183         Section 3. This act shall take effect October 1, 2009.