HB 7153

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to tobacco settlement agreements; amending
3s. 569.23, F.S.; providing definitions; providing a
4limitation on the amount of certain supersedeas bonds or
5other surety that may be ordered; requiring trial courts
6to stay the execution of certain judgments during
7appellate proceedings upon the posting of a supersedeas
8bond or other surety by signatories or parents,
9successors, or affiliates of signatories to a tobacco
10settlement agreement applicable to such judgments;
11providing limitations on the total cumulative value of all
12supersedeas bonds or other surety; providing that an
13appellee whose judgment is stayed shall be deemed a co-
14beneficiary of all security provided by the appellant;
15providing procedures for the refund of certain payments
16made by an appellant into the registry of the Clerk of the
17Supreme Court; providing that a claim may not be made
18against certain securities; specifying when a judgment
19becomes final; providing for the lifting of certain stays;
20providing for the distribution of securities; requiring
21the clerk to collect certain fees; providing for
22management and disposition of funds collected; requiring
23the Department of Revenue to provide a certain report to
24the clerk; requiring the Supreme Court to certify to the
25trial court the amount of security provided by certain
26subject appellants; permitting a court to order an
27increase to the surety when a defendant dissipates assets
28to avoid payment of a judgment; providing applicability;
29providing an effective date.
31Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33     Section 1.  Section 569.23, Florida Statutes, is amended to
35     569.23  Supersedeas bond requirements for tobacco
36settlement agreement signatories, successors, and affiliates.--
37     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
38     (a)  "Tobacco settlement agreement" means any settlement
39agreement, as amended, entered into by the state and one or more
40cigarette manufacturers in settlement of State of Florida v.
41American Tobacco Co., No. 95-1466AH (Fla. 15th Cir. Ct.).
42     (b)  "Appellant's proportionate share of liability" means:
43     1.  In cases in which there is a single defendant or
44appellant, the total liability for a judgment.
45     2.  In cases in which there are multiple defendants or
46appellants, any amount specifically allocated against a
47particular defendant or appellant in the judgment.
48     3.  In cases in which liability is not specifically
49allocated in whole or in part among multiple defendants or
50appellants, the amount of the unallocated portion of the
51judgment divided equally among the defendants or appellants.
52     (2)(1)  In any civil action involving a signatory or a
53successor, parent, or an affiliate of a signatory to the tobacco
54settlement agreement, as defined in s. 215.56005(1)(f), the
55supersedeas appeal bond or other surety to be furnished during
56the pendency of all appeals or discretionary appellate reviews,
57including reviews by the United States Supreme Court, of any
58judgment in such litigation shall be set pursuant to applicable
59laws or court rules, except that the total cumulative value of
60all supersedeas bonds or other surety required to stay the
61execution of the judgment bond for all defendants may not exceed
62$100 million for all appellants collectively, regardless of the
63total value of the judgment.
64     (3)(a)1.  In civil actions against a signatory or a
65successor, parent, or affiliate of a signatory to a tobacco
66settlement agreement brought by or on behalf of persons who
67claim or have been determined to be members of a former class
68action that was decertified in whole or in part, the trial
69courts shall automatically stay the execution of judgments in
70any such actions during the pendency of all appeals or
71discretionary appellate reviews, including reviews by the United
72States Supreme Court, upon provision of security required in
73this subsection. Security shall be provided through the posting
74with or payment into the registry of the Clerk of the Supreme
75Court, by each appellant individually, of supersedeas bonds,
76other surety, or cash in an amount based upon or equal to the
77appellant's proportionate share of liability in all cases
78pending appeal, plus twice the statutory rate of interest on
79judgments. However, an individual appellant shall not be
80required to provide total security for such purposes in excess
81of $100 million multiplied by the appellant's percentage share
82of all payments to the State of Florida in 2008 under the
83tobacco settlement agreement, or $5 million, whichever is
84greater. Regardless of the total value or number of the
85judgments, the total cumulative value of all security required
86of all appellants to stay the execution of all such judgments
87under this subsection may not exceed $105 million for all
88appellants collectively.
89     2.  Upon the provision by any individual appellant of the
90maximum security required by this paragraph, the trial courts
91shall stay the execution of judgments in all other cases covered
92by this paragraph during the pendency of all appeals or
93discretionary appellate reviews, including reviews by the United
94States Supreme Court, without requiring any additional
95supersedeas bonds or other surety except as may be provided in
96paragraph (c) and subsection (4).
97     3.  By operation of law, each appellee whose judgment
98against an appellant is stayed by operation of this paragraph
99shall be deemed a co-beneficiary of all security provided by
100that appellant under this subsection in the same proportion as
101the appellee's judgment has to the total amount of judgments
102against such appellant that are stayed under this paragraph.
103     (b)  An appellant that has made payments into the registry
104of the Clerk of the Supreme Court pursuant to this subsection
105may petition the circuit court in any case still pending or the
106Supreme Court for an order directing the Clerk of the Supreme
107Court to refund any amount so deposited that exceeds the total
108of the appellant's proportionate share of liability of all
109unsatisfied judgments then affected by this subsection. Such
110refund shall be ordered upon a showing that the security
111provided under this subsection by such appellant is no longer
112necessary to pay outstanding judgments against the appellant.
113Prior to acting on such petition, the court petitioned may
114require proof of service of such petition to all affected
115parties. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall make any refund so
116ordered within 60 days after such order.
117     (c)  Any security provided by an appellant under this
118subsection is intended to secure the collection of judgments
119against that appellant in cases covered by this subsection. No
120claim may be made against such security unless an appellant does
121not pay a judgment in a case covered by this subsection within
12230 days after the judgment becomes final. For purposes of this
123paragraph, a judgment is final following the completion of all
124appeals or discretionary appellate reviews, including reviews by
125the United States Supreme Court. In the event that an appellant
126does not pay a judgment within such time period, any stay of
127execution required in favor of such appellant under this
128subsection shall be immediately lifted by operation of law,
129unless a stay is provided pursuant to some other provision of
130law, rule of court, or judicial order, and any judgment creditor
131against whom a stay of execution of a judgment against the
132appellant was in effect pursuant to this subsection may petition
133the trial court or the Supreme Court for an order directing the
134Clerk of the Supreme Court to equitably distribute any cash
135security provided under this subsection by such appellant, and
136for an order with respect to any bond or other surety, making
137equitable division of the proceeds of such bond or surety. At
138any time, the Clerk of the Supreme Court may interplead any cash
139security provided by an appellant under this subsection in any
140circuit court in which a case affected by this subsection is
141then pending. Such court shall make equitable distribution of
142such security to appellees whose judgments against such
143appellant are secured by operation of this subsection.
144     (d)  The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall collect fees for
145receipt of deposits under paragraph (a) as authorized by ss.
14628.231 and 28.24(10)(a). In addition, for as long as any cash
147remains on deposit with the clerk pursuant to this subsection,
148the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be entitled to regularly
149receive as an additional fee the net investment income earned
150thereon. The clerk shall utilize the services of the Chief
151Financial Officer, as needed, for the custody and management of
152all bonds, other surety, or cash posted or deposited with the
153clerk. All fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be
154deposited in the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund for use as
155specified by law.
156     (e)  On or before October 1, 2009, the Department of
157Revenue shall provide to the Clerk of the Supreme Court a report
158showing the total tobacco settlement payments received by the
159state in 2008 and the percentage of that total received on
160behalf of each settling manufacturer. Upon request of any
161judicial officer administering any case affected by this
162subsection or of any appellant that has provided security under
163this subsection, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall certify to
164the trial court the amount of security provided by a subject
165appellant and shall certify whether such amount equals the
166maximum amount required under paragraph (a) determined in
167reliance upon the report of the Department of Revenue. Any trial
168court may make such further inquiry as may be necessary to
169determine the existence of a stay in a particular case. In
170addition, other evidence of the security provided under this
171subsection through the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be
172provided to the clerks of the circuit court in such form as may
173be directed by the Supreme Court acting in its administrative
175     (4)(2)  Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) subsection
176(1), if, after notice and hearing, a plaintiff proves by a
177preponderance of the evidence that a defendant who posted a
178supersedeas such bond or other equivalent surety or who made
179cash payments into the registry of the Clerk of the Supreme
180Court pursuant to paragraph (3)(a) is purposefully dissipating
181assets outside the ordinary course of business to avoid payment
182of the judgment, the court may enter necessary orders as to that
183defendant to protect the plaintiff, including an order that the
184bond or equivalent surety be posted in an amount up to the full
185amount of the judgment against that defendant.
186     (5)(3)  This section does not apply to any past, present,
187or future action brought by the State of Florida against one or
188more signatories to the settlement agreement.
189     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law
190and shall apply to judgments rendered on or after that date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.