CS for SB 746                              First Engrossed (ntc)
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to direct-support organizations;
    3         creating s. 430.82, F.S.; authorizing the Department
    4         of Elderly Affairs to create a direct-support
    5         organization; providing definitions; providing for
    6         appointment of members to the board of directors;
    7         providing requirements for membership to the board of
    8         directors; requiring the direct-support organization
    9         to operate under a contract; providing contract
   10         requirements; authorizing the department to use its
   11         property, facilities, and personal services for the
   12         direct-support organization; requiring the Secretary
   13         of Elderly Affairs to approve of any transaction or
   14         agreement between the department’s direct-support
   15         organization and any other direct-support
   16         organization; requiring the direct-support
   17         organization to submit certain forms from the Internal
   18         Revenue Service to the department; requiring the
   19         direct-support organization to provide an annual
   20         financial audit; amending s. 272.135, F.S.; providing
   21         that the Capitol Curator may assist in raising funds
   22         and making expenditures for the Historic Capitol;
   23         creating s. 272.136, F.S.; authorizing the Legislative
   24         Research Center and Museum and the Capitol Curator to
   25         establish a direct-support organization; providing for
   26         the appointment of members of a board of directors;
   27         providing for board use of capitol property; requiring
   28         the organization to be not for profit; authorizing the
   29         center and curator to prescribe all conditions for the
   30         organization; providing for the reversion of the
   31         organization’s funds; providing an effective date.
   33  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   35         Section 1. Section 430.82, Florida Statutes, is created to
   36  read:
   37         430.82Direct-support organization.—
   39  of Elderly Affairs may establish a direct-support organization
   40  to provide assistance, funding, and support for the department
   41  in carrying out its mission. This section governs the creation,
   42  use, powers, and duties of the direct-support organization.
   43         (2)DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
   44         (a)“Department” means the Department of Elderly Affairs.
   45         (b)“Direct-support organization” means an organization
   46  that is:
   47         1.A Florida corporation, not for profit, incorporated
   48  under chapter 617, exempted from filing fees under s. 617.0122,
   49  and approved by the Department of State;
   50         2.Organized and operated exclusively to obtain funds; to
   51  request and receive grants, gifts, and bequests of moneys; to
   52  acquire, receive, hold, invest, and administer in its own name
   53  securities, funds, or property; and to make expenditures to or
   54  for the direct or indirect benefit of the department and persons
   55  in this state who are 60 years of age or older; and
   56         3.Determined by the department to be operating in a manner
   57  consistent with the goals of the department and in the best
   58  interest of the state.
   59         (c)“Personal services” means full-time or part-time
   60  personnel.
   61         (d)“Secretary” means the Secretary of Elderly Affairs.
   62         (3)BOARD OF DIRECTORS.—The direct-support organization
   63  shall be governed by a board of directors.
   64         (a)The board of directors shall consist of no fewer than
   65  five members appointed by the secretary. Networks and
   66  partnerships in this state involved in issues related to aging
   67  may recommend nominees to the secretary.
   68         (b)The term of office of the board members shall be 3
   69  years, except that the terms of the initial appointees shall be
   70  for 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years in order to achieve staggered
   71  terms. A member may be reappointed when his or her term expires.
   72  The secretary or his or her designee shall serve as an ex
   73  officio member of the board of directors.
   74         (c)Members must be current residents of this state. A
   75  majority of the members must be 60 years of age or older and
   76  highly knowledgeable about the department, its service delivery
   77  system, and its mission. The secretary may remove any member of
   78  the board for cause and with the approval of a majority of the
   79  members of the board of directors. The secretary shall appoint a
   80  replacement for any vacancy that occurs.
   81         (4)CONTRACT.—A direct-support organization shall operate
   82  under a written contract with the department. The written
   83  contract must provide for:
   84         (a)Certification by the department that the direct-support
   85  organization is complying with the terms of the contract and is
   86  doing so consistent with the goals and purposes of the
   87  department and in the best interests of the state. This
   88  certification must be made annually and reported in the official
   89  minutes of a meeting of the direct-support organization.
   90         (b)The reversion of moneys and property held by the
   91  direct-support organization:
   92         1.To the department if the direct-support organization is
   93  no longer approved to operate for the department;
   94         2.To the department if the direct-support organization
   95  ceases to exist; or
   96         3.To the state if the department ceases to exist.
   97         (c)The disclosure of the material provisions of the
   98  contract and the distinction between the department and the
   99  direct-support organization to donors of gifts, contributions,
  100  or bequests, including such disclosure on all promotional and
  101  fundraising publications.
  102         (5)USE OF PROPERTY.—
  103         (a)The department may permit the use of property,
  104  facilities, and personal services of the department by the
  105  direct-support organization, subject to this section.
  106         (b)The department may prescribe by contract any condition
  107  with which the direct-support organization must comply in order
  108  to use property, facilities, or personal services of the
  109  department.
  110         (c)The department may not permit the use of its property,
  111  facilities, or personal services by any direct-support
  112  organization organized under this section which does not provide
  113  equal employment opportunities to all persons regardless of
  114  race, color, national origin, gender, age, or religion.
  115         (6)ACTIVITIES; RESTRICTIONS.—Any transaction or agreement
  116  between the direct-support organization organized under this
  117  section and another direct-support organization or other entity
  118  must be approved by the secretary.
  120         (a)The fiscal year of the direct-support organization
  121  shall begin on July 1 of each year and end on June 30 of the
  122  following year.
  123         (b)The direct-support organization shall submit to the
  124  department its federal Internal Revenue Service Application for
  125  Recognition of Exemption form and its federal Internal Revenue
  126  Service Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax form.
  127         (8)ANNUAL AUDIT.—The direct-support organization shall
  128  provide for an annual financial audit in accordance with s.
  129  215.981.
  130         Section 2. Subsection (3) is added to section 272.135,
  131  Florida Statutes, to read:
  132         272.135 Florida Historic Capitol Curator.—
  133         (3)In conjunction with the Legislative Research Center and
  134  Museum at the Historic Capitol, the Capitol Curator may assist
  135  the Florida Historic Capitol in the performance of its mission
  136  by:
  137         (a)Raising money;
  138         (b)Submitting requests for and receiving grants;
  139         (c)Receiving, holding, investing, and administering in the
  140  name of the Historic Capitol and the Legislative Research Center
  141  and Museum securities, funds, objects of value, or other real
  142  and personal property;
  143         (d)Receiving gifts and donations for the direct or
  144  indirect benefit of the Historic Capitol; and
  145         (e)Making expenditures to or for the direct or indirect
  146  benefit of the Historic Capitol.
  147         Section 3. Section 272.136, Florida Statutes, is created to
  148  read:
  149         272.136Direct-support organization.—The Legislative
  150  Research Center and Museum at the Historic Capitol and the
  151  Capitol Curator may establish a direct-support organization to
  152  provide assistance and promotional support through fundraising
  153  for the Florida Historic Capitol and the Legislative Research
  154  Center and Museum, including, but not limited to, their
  155  educational programs and initiatives.
  156         (1)The direct-support organization shall be governed by a
  157  board of directors who have demonstrated a capacity for
  158  supporting the mission of the Historic Capitol.
  159         (a)Initial appointments to the board shall be made by the
  160  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
  161  Representatives at the recommendation of the center and the
  162  curator. Appointments to the board shall thereafter be made by
  163  the board.
  164         (b)The initial board shall consist of nine members who
  165  shall be appointed to 3-year terms, except that the terms of the
  166  initial appointees shall be accomplished so that three members
  167  are appointed for 1 year, three members are appointed for 2
  168  years, and three members are appointed for 3 years, in order to
  169  achieve staggered terms, as determined by the presiding
  170  officers.
  171         (c)The board may add up to two additional members.
  172         (d)The board members shall serve without compensation,
  173  except that they are entitled to receive reimbursement for per
  174  diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061.
  175         (e)The board may use the fixed property and facilities of
  176  the Historic Capitol, subject to the provisions of this
  177  subsection. Such use must be directly in keeping with the
  178  approved purposes of the direct-support organization and may not
  179  be made at times or places that would unreasonably interfere
  180  with the normal operations of the Historic Capitol.
  181         (2)The direct-support organization must be a Florida
  182  corporation, not for profit, incorporated under chapter 617, and
  183  approved by the Department of State.
  184         (3)The curator and center may prescribe any condition with
  185  which the direct-support organization must comply.
  186         (4)The curator and the center may not permit the use of
  187  any fixed property or facilities by the direct-support
  188  organization if the organization does not provide equal
  189  membership and employment opportunities to all persons
  190  regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, or national
  191  origin.
  192         (5)The direct-support organization shall provide for an
  193  annual financial audit in accordance with s. 215.981.
  194         (6)If the direct-support organization is no longer
  195  authorized by this section, fails to comply with the
  196  requirements of this section, fails to maintain its tax-exempt
  197  status pursuant to s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
  198  ceases to exist, all funds obtained through grants, gifts, and
  199  donations in the direct-support organization account shall
  200  revert to the state and be deposited into an account designated
  201  by the Legislature for the support of the Historic Capitol,
  202  provided that donations made for specific purposes in an
  203  original donor agreement shall be applied only to those
  204  purposes.
  205         Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.