1 | Representative Rader offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Between lines 33 and 34, insert: |
5 | Section 1. Subsection (7) of section 443.036, Florida |
6 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
7 | 443.036 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term: |
8 | (7) "Base period" means the first four of the last five |
9 | completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the first day |
10 | of an individual's benefit year. Wages in a base period used to |
11 | establish a monetarily eligible benefit year may not be used to |
12 | establish monetary eligibility in a subsequent benefit year. |
13 | (a) If information regarding wages for the calendar |
14 | quarters immediately preceding the benefit year has not been |
15 | entered into the Agency for Workforce Innovation's mainframe |
16 | database from the regular quarterly reports of wage information |
17 | submitted under s. 443.163 or is otherwise unavailable, the |
18 | agency shall request the information from the employer by mail. |
19 | The employer must provide the requested information within 10 |
20 | days after the agency mails the request. An employer that fails |
21 | to provide the requested wage information within the required |
22 | time period is subject to the penalty for delinquent reports |
23 | under s. 443.141. |
24 | (b) For a benefit year commencing on or after January 1, |
25 | 2010, if an individual is not monetarily eligible in the base |
26 | period to qualify for benefits, the Agency for Workforce |
27 | Innovation must designate an alternative base period. As used in |
28 | this subsection, the term "alternative base period" means the |
29 | last four completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the |
30 | first day of an individual's benefit year. If the agency is |
31 | unable to access wage information through its mainframe database |
32 | for determining monetary eligibility for benefits based on the |
33 | individual's alternative base period, the agency may base the |
34 | determination on an affidavit submitted by the individual |
35 | attesting to his or her wages for those calendar quarters. The |
36 | individual must also furnish payroll information, if available, |
37 | in support of the affidavit. Benefits based on an alternative |
38 | base period must be adjusted if the quarterly report of wage |
39 | information received from the employer under s. 443.141 results |
40 | in a change in the monetary determination. |
41 |
42 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
43 | T I T L E A M E N D M E N T |
44 | Between lines 2 and 3, insert: |
45 | s. 443.036, F.S.; redefining the term "base period"; requiring |
46 | an employer to provide wage information to support an |
47 | individual's eligibility for benefits; providing for an |
48 | alternative base period after a certain date; defining the term |
49 | "alternative base period"; authorizing the Agency for Workforce |
50 | Innovation to accept an affidavit from the claimant to support |
51 | eligibility for benefits; amending |