1 | House Resolution |
2 | A resolution acknowledging the 30th anniversary of the |
3 | Florida Resident Access Grant. |
4 |
5 | WHEREAS, the 28 independent, nonprofit educational |
6 | institutions that comprise the Independent Colleges and |
7 | Universities of Florida (ICUF) have long provided educational, |
8 | cultural, scholarly, and scientific enrichment for Florida, and |
9 | WHEREAS, independent colleges and universities are an |
10 | integral component of the state's higher education system and |
11 | tens of thousands of residents annually choose this form of |
12 | education, and |
13 | WHEREAS, 30 years ago the Legislature created a tuition |
14 | equalization grant, renamed the Florida Resident Access Grant |
15 | (FRAG) in 1994, for Florida residents attending independent |
16 | institutions, and |
17 | WHEREAS, the FRAG has enabled hundreds of thousands of |
18 | Floridians to earn college degrees, with almost one-half of the |
19 | recipients of the FRAG being the first in their families to |
20 | attend college and more than one-third being from families with |
21 | incomes under $60,000 annually, and |
22 | WHEREAS, more than one-half of the current recipients of |
23 | the FRAG are pursuing degrees in nursing and allied health |
24 | fields, teacher education, engineering, computer science, and |
25 | biomedical professions, all critical needs for the Florida |
26 | workforce, and |
27 | WHEREAS, with an enrollment of over 50 percent minority |
28 | students in 7 of the 28 institutions and an enrollment of 43 |
29 | percent minority students systemwide, ICUF institutions are |
30 | expanding opportunity for generations of Florida residents, and |
31 | WHEREAS, a stable and significant FRAG is a primary |
32 | catalyst for the creation of additional student capacity in |
33 | independent colleges and universities, a critical component for |
34 | expanding opportunity for Florida residents, and |
35 | WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for Florida residents |
36 | to receive degrees at ICUF institutions, which produce one-third |
37 | of all baccalaureate and higher degrees awarded in the state, |
38 | thereby adding to the economic vitality of Florida, and |
39 | WHEREAS, a strong and viable independent educational system |
40 | reduces the tax burden on the citizens of the state and is vital |
41 | to the economic well-being of the state, and |
42 | WHEREAS, the FRAG has demonstrated a high-yield return on |
43 | the investment of state revenue, NOW, THEREFORE, |
44 |
45 | Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of |
46 | Florida: |
47 |
48 | That the House of Representatives recognizes the 30th |
49 | anniversary of the Florida Resident Access Grant and |
50 | wholeheartedly commends and supports the Independent Colleges |
51 | and Universities of Florida and its institutions for their |
52 | significant contributions to the State of Florida and its |
53 | citizens and economy. |