HR 9077

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing Ted M. Hires, Sr., for his
3valuable contributions to the residents of the City
4Jacksonville and the State of Florida as an advocate of
5victim's rights.
7     WHEREAS, Ted M. Hires, Sr., was born in Jesup, Georgia,
8where he grew to be both ambitious and hardworking, and moved to
9Jacksonville, Florida, almost four decades ago, where he became
10a successful businessman who not only worked in a variety of
11positions for the corporate offices of the Sonny's Real Pit
12Barbecue franchise but also owned four Sonny's restaurants in
13the Jacksonville area, and
14     WHEREAS, in July 1995, following a robbery at one of his
15Jacksonville restaurants in which he and his employees were held
16at gunpoint, Ted M. Hires, Sr., founded the Justice Coalition,
18     WHEREAS, with advocacy for innocent victims of violent
19crimes as his prime objective, and primarily using his own
20funds, Ted M. Hires, Sr., built the Justice Coalition as an
21organization intent on helping to improve the criminal justice
22system's service to the community, and
23     WHEREAS, the Justice Coalition has made remarkable strides,
24not only in bringing criminal justice to the forefront of public
25awareness, but also in offering and participating in solutions
26to the many problems afflicting the criminal justice system, and
27     WHEREAS, in 1996, Ted M. Hires, Sr., began publication of a
28monthly newspaper entitled the Victims' Advocate to inform the
29general public regarding issues concerning criminal justice and
30the incredible toll crime takes on its victims and their
31families, to draw attention to the need for change in the
32criminal laws and policies of this state, and to recognize and
33support efforts to reduce crime and increase public safety by
34members of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and other concerned
35citizens, and
36     WHEREAS, never asking for any compensation for himself, and
37refusing to seek government grants for the Justice Coalition's
38work, Ted M. Hires, Sr., was a shining example of how one person
39can make a significant difference in the lives of others, and
40     WHEREAS, the passing of Ted M. Hires, Sr., on Wednesday,
41December 17, 2008, leaves a void in the hearts of his family and
42friends and a community grateful for his many contributions,
45Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
48     That Ted M. Hires, Sr., is recognized for his valuable
49contributions to the residents of the City Jacksonville and the
50State of Florida and is remembered and honored for his service
51to his community and his advocacy of victim's rights.
52     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
53presented to the family of Ted M. Hires, Sr., as a tangible
54token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.