HR 9143

House Resolution
2A resolution celebrating Cinco de Mayo on May 5, 2009.
4     WHEREAS, Cinco de Mayo celebrates the triumph of the
5Mexican army, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, over the French
6army of Napoleon III at the Battalla de Puebla on May 5, 1862,
7in the Mexican city of Puebla, and
8     WHEREAS, the triumph of Mexican forces at the Battle of
9Puebla prevented France from installing a European monarch, the
10Austrian Archduke, Maximilian, and
11     WHEREAS, enduring French occupation until 1867, the
12citizens of Mexico first celebrated Cinco de Mayo under French
13rule and subsequently renamed the city where the French were
14defeated to Puebla de Zaragoza, and
15     WHEREAS, Cinco de Mayo celebrates freedom and liberty, two
16ideals that Mexicans and Americans have fought shoulder to
17shoulder to protect ever since May 5, 1862, and
18     WHEREAS, Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday in Mexico,
19which is celebrated with speeches and parades, and is also
20celebrated in many communities and cities throughout the United
21States, where it has become an opportunity to celebrate Hispanic
22culture, and
23     WHEREAS, Cinco de Mayo has become a celebration for both
24Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike that educates people about
25Mexican history and celebrates Hispanic culture, NOW, THEREFORE,
27Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
30     That the House of Representatives joins all Floridians in
31commemorating the Battle of Puebla, congratulating the Mexican
32people on their historic victory and patriotism, and encouraging
33the celebration of Mexican and Hispanic culture and history in
34Florida by celebrating Cinco de Mayo on May 5, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.