HB 13A

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the corporate income tax; providing
3legislative findings and intent; amending s. 220.03, F.S.;
4revising definitions; providing additional definitions;
5amending s. 220.13, F.S.; revising the definition of the
6term "adjusted federal income"; prohibiting certain
7deductibles for certain water's edge group members;
8providing an additional subtraction from adjusted federal
9income; creating s. 220.136, F.S.; defining the term
10"water's edge group reporting method"; requiring water's
11edge group members to use a certain group income reporting
12method; providing methodology requirements; providing
13return filing requirements; requiring domestic disclosure
14spreadsheet filing requirements; providing a definition;
15authorizing the Department of Revenue to adopt rules and
16forms; amending ss. 220.14, 220.15, 220.183, 220.1845,
17220.187, 220.19, 220.191, 220.192, 220.193, 220.51, and
18220.64, F.S.; replacing or deleting provisions relating to
19consolidated returns for affiliated groups to conform to
20water's edge group requirements; amending s. 376.30781,
21F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing for
22transitional rules; repealing s. 220.131, F.S., relating
23to consolidated returns for affiliated groups; providing
24appropriations; providing an effective date.
26Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
28     Section 1.  Legislative finding; intent.--The Legislature
29finds that a separate accounting system for corporations is
30sometimes inadequate to accurately measure the income of
31multinational and multistate corporations doing business in this
32state and this may create tax disadvantages for corporations in
33this state in competition with those multinational and
34multistate corporations. Corporate business is increasingly
35conducted through groups of commonly owned corporations, it is
36the intent of the Legislature to adopt a combined system of
37income tax reporting for corporations to more accurately measure
38the business activities of corporations.
39     Section 2.  Paragraphs (y) and (z) of subsection (1) of
40section 220.03, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraphs
41(gg) and (hh) are added to that subsection, to read:
42     220.03  Definitions.--
43     (1)  SPECIFIC TERMS.--When used in this code, and when not
44otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with
45the intent thereof, the following terms shall have the following
47     (y)  "Taxable year" or "tax year" means the calendar or
48fiscal year upon the basis of which net income is computed under
49this code, including, in the case of a return made for a
50fractional part of a year, the period for which such return is
52     (z)  "Taxpayer" means any corporation subject to the tax
53imposed by this code, and includes all corporations that are
54members of a water's edge group for which a consolidated return
55is filed under s. 220.131. However, "taxpayer" does not include
56a corporation having no individuals (including individuals
57employed by an affiliate) receiving compensation in this state
58as defined in s. 220.15 when the only property owned or leased
59by said corporation (including an affiliate) in this state is
60located at the premises of a printer with which it has
61contracted for printing, if such property consists of the final
62printed product, property which becomes a part of the final
63printed product, or property from which the printed product is
65     (gg)  "Tax haven" means a jurisdiction that, for a
66particular tax year in question, is identified by the
67Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development as a tax
68haven or as having a harmful preferential tax regime or a
69jurisdiction that has no, or a nominal, effective tax on
70relevant income and:
71     1.  Has laws or practices that prevent effective exchange
72of information for tax purposes with other governments regarding
73taxpayers subject to, or benefiting from, the tax regime;
74     2.  Lacks transparency. For purposes of this subparagraph,
75a tax regime lacks transparency if the details of legislative,
76legal, or administrative provisions are not open to public
77scrutiny and apparent, or are not consistently applied among
78similarly situated taxpayers;
79     3.  Facilitates the establishment of foreign-owned entities
80without the need for a local substantive presence or prohibits
81these entities from having any commercial impact on the local
83     4.  Explicitly or implicitly excludes the jurisdiction's
84resident taxpayers from taking advantage of the tax regime's
85benefits or prohibits enterprises that benefit from the regime
86from operating in the jurisdiction's domestic market; or
87     5.  Has created a tax regime which is favorable for tax
88avoidance, based upon an overall assessment of relevant factors,
89including, but not limited to, whether the jurisdiction has a
90significant untaxed offshore financial or other services sector
91relative to its overall economy.
93For purposes of this paragraph, the term "tax regime" means a
94set or system of rules, laws, regulations, or practices by which
95taxes are imposed on any person, corporation, or entity or on
96any income, property, incident, indicia, or activity pursuant to
97governmental authority.
98     (hh)  "Water's edge group" means a group of corporations
99related through common ownership the business activities of
100which are integrated with, dependent upon, or contribute to a
101flow of value among members of the group. When 50 percent or
102more of the outstanding voting stock of a corporation is under
103direct or indirect ownership or control of such a group, the
104corporation shall be considered to be part of a water's edge
105group. A corporation shall be considered unitary unless clearly
106shown by the facts and circumstances of the individual case to
107not be a member of a water's edge group. When direct or indirect
108ownership or control is less than 50 percent of the outstanding
109voting stock, all elements of the business activities shall be
110considered in determining whether a corporation qualifies as a
111member of a water's edge group. A water's edge group shall not
112include the income of any corporation which conducts business
113outside the United States if 80 percent or more of the
114corporation's property and payroll, as determined by the
115apportionment factors described in ss. 220.15 and 220.151, is
116assignable to locations outside the United States. In
117determining whether voting stock is owned indirectly, the
118attribution rules of s. 318 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1191986, as amended, shall be used. For purposes of this paragraph,
120the term "United States" is restricted to the states of the
121United States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of
122Puerto Rico. All income of a water's edge group is presumed to
123be apportionable business income. A taxpayer has the burden of
124proof regarding the issue of whether or not a corporation is a
125member of a water's edge group and whether or not such income is
126apportionable business income.
127     Section 3.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (f) of subsection
128(2) of section 220.13, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
129     220.13  "Adjusted federal income" defined.--
130     (1)  The term "adjusted federal income" means an amount
131equal to the taxpayer's taxable income as defined in subsection
132(2), or such taxable income of more than one taxpayer as
133provided in s. 220.136 220.131, for the taxable year, adjusted
134as follows:
135     (a)  Additions.--There shall be added to such taxable
137     1.  The amount of any tax upon or measured by income,
138excluding taxes based on gross receipts or revenues, paid or
139accrued as a liability to the District of Columbia or any state
140of the United States which is deductible from gross income in
141the computation of taxable income for the taxable year.
142     2.  The amount of interest which is excluded from taxable
143income under s. 103(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or any other
144federal law, less the associated expenses disallowed in the
145computation of taxable income under s. 265 of the Internal
146Revenue Code or any other law, excluding 60 percent of any
147amounts included in alternative minimum taxable income, as
148defined in s. 55(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, if the
149taxpayer pays tax under s. 220.11(3).
150     3.  In the case of a regulated investment company or real
151estate investment trust, an amount equal to the excess of the
152net long-term capital gain for the taxable year over the amount
153of the capital gain dividends attributable to the taxable year.
154     4.  That portion of the wages or salaries paid or incurred
155for the taxable year which is equal to the amount of the credit
156allowable for the taxable year under s. 220.181. This
157subparagraph shall expire on the date specified in s. 290.016
158for the expiration of the Florida Enterprise Zone Act.
159     5.  That portion of the ad valorem school taxes paid or
160incurred for the taxable year which is equal to the amount of
161the credit allowable for the taxable year under s. 220.182. This
162subparagraph shall expire on the date specified in s. 290.016
163for the expiration of the Florida Enterprise Zone Act.
164     6.  The amount of emergency excise tax paid or accrued as a
165liability to this state under chapter 221 which tax is
166deductible from gross income in the computation of taxable
167income for the taxable year.
168     7.  That portion of assessments to fund a guaranty
169association incurred for the taxable year which is equal to the
170amount of the credit allowable for the taxable year.
171     8.  In the case of a nonprofit corporation which holds a
172pari-mutuel permit and which is exempt from federal income tax
173as a farmers' cooperative, an amount equal to the excess of the
174gross income attributable to the pari-mutuel operations over the
175attributable expenses for the taxable year.
176     9.  The amount taken as a credit for the taxable year under
177s. 220.1895.
178     10.  Up to nine percent of the eligible basis of any
179designated project which is equal to the credit allowable for
180the taxable year under s. 220.185.
181     11.  The amount taken as a credit for the taxable year
182under s. 220.187.
183     12.  The amount taken as a credit for the taxable year
184under s. 220.192.
185     13.  The amount taken as a credit for the taxable year
186under s. 220.193.
187     14.  Any amount in excess of $25,000 allowable as a
188deduction for federal income tax purposes under s. 179 of the
189Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the taxable year.
190     15.  Any amount allowable as a deduction for federal income
191tax purposes under s. 167 or s. 168 of the Internal Revenue Code
192of 1986, as amended, for the taxable year to the extent that
193such amount includes bonus depreciation allowable as deduction
194under s. 168(k).
195     (b)  Subtractions.--
196     1.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income:
197     a.  The net operating loss deduction allowable for federal
198income tax purposes under s. 172 of the Internal Revenue Code
199for the taxable year,
200     b.  The net capital loss allowable for federal income tax
201purposes under s. 1212 of the Internal Revenue Code for the
202taxable year,
203     c.  The excess charitable contribution deduction allowable
204for federal income tax purposes under s. 170(d)(2) of the
205Internal Revenue Code for the taxable year, and
206     d.  The excess contributions deductions allowable for
207federal income tax purposes under s. 404 of the Internal Revenue
208Code for the taxable year.
210However, a net operating loss and a capital loss shall never be
211carried back as a deduction to a prior taxable year, but all
212deductions attributable to such losses shall be deemed net
213operating loss carryovers and capital loss carryovers,
214respectively, and treated in the same manner, to the same
215extent, and for the same time periods as are prescribed for such
216carryovers in ss. 172 and 1212, respectively, of the Internal
217Revenue Code. A deductible may not be allowed for net operating
218losses, net capital losses, or excess contribution deductions
219under ss. 170(d)(2), 172, 1212, and 404 of the Internal Revenue
220Code of 1986, as amended, for a member of a water's edge group
221that is not a United States member.
222     2.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income any
223amount to the extent included therein the following:
224     a.  Dividends treated as received from sources without the
225United States, as determined under s. 862 of the Internal
226Revenue Code.
227     b.  All amounts included in taxable income under s. 78 or
228s. 951 of the Internal Revenue Code.
230However, as to any amount subtracted under this subparagraph,
231there shall be added to such taxable income all expenses
232deducted on the taxpayer's return for the taxable year which are
233attributable, directly or indirectly, to such subtracted amount.
234Further, no amount shall be subtracted with respect to dividends
235paid or deemed paid by a Domestic International Sales
237     3.  In computing "adjusted federal income" for taxable
238years beginning after December 31, 1976, there shall be allowed
239as a deduction the amount of wages and salaries paid or incurred
240within this state for the taxable year for which no deduction is
241allowed pursuant to s. 280C(a) of the Internal Revenue Code
242(relating to credit for employment of certain new employees).
243     4.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income any
244amount of nonbusiness income included therein.
245     5.  There shall be subtracted any amount of taxes of
246foreign countries allowable as credits for taxable years
247beginning on or after September 1, 1985, under s. 901 of the
248Internal Revenue Code to any corporation which derived less than
24920 percent of its gross income or loss for its taxable year
250ended in 1984 from sources within the United States, as
251described in s. 861(a)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code, not
252including credits allowed under ss. 902 and 960 of the Internal
253Revenue Code, withholding taxes on dividends within the meaning
254of sub-subparagraph 2.a., and withholding taxes on royalties,
255interest, technical service fees, and capital gains.
256     6.  There shall be subtracted from such taxable income, to
257the extent included in such taxable income, amounts received by
258a member of a water's edge group that was a dividend paid by
259another member of the same water's edge group.
260     7.6.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this code,
261except with respect to amounts subtracted pursuant to
262subparagraphs 1. and 3., any increment of any apportionment
263factor which is directly related to an increment of gross
264receipts or income which is deducted, subtracted, or otherwise
265excluded in determining adjusted federal income shall be
266excluded from both the numerator and denominator of such
267apportionment factor. Further, all valuations made for
268apportionment factor purposes shall be made on a basis
269consistent with the taxpayer's method of accounting for federal
270income tax purposes.
271     (c)  Installment sales occurring after October 19, 1980.--
272     1.  In the case of any disposition made after October 19,
2731980, the income from an installment sale shall be taken into
274account for the purposes of this code in the same manner that
275such income is taken into account for federal income tax
277     2.  Any taxpayer who regularly sells or otherwise disposes
278of personal property on the installment plan and reports the
279income therefrom on the installment method for federal income
280tax purposes under s. 453(a) of the Internal Revenue Code shall
281report such income in the same manner under this code.
282     (d)  Nonallowable deductions.--A deduction for net
283operating losses, net capital losses, or excess contributions
284deductions under ss. 170(d)(2), 172, 1212, and 404 of the
285Internal Revenue Code which has been allowed in a prior taxable
286year for Florida tax purposes shall not be allowed for Florida
287tax purposes, notwithstanding the fact that such deduction has
288not been fully utilized for federal tax purposes.
289     (2)  For purposes of this section, a taxpayer's taxable
290income for the taxable year means taxable income as defined in
291s. 63 of the Internal Revenue Code and properly reportable for
292federal income tax purposes for the taxable year, but subject to
293the limitations set forth in paragraph (1)(b) with respect to
294the deductions provided by ss. 172 (relating to net operating
295losses), 170(d)(2) (relating to excess charitable
296contributions), 404(a)(1)(D) (relating to excess pension trust
297contributions), 404(a)(3)(A) and (B) (to the extent relating to
298excess stock bonus and profit-sharing trust contributions), and
2991212 (relating to capital losses) of the Internal Revenue Code,
300except that, subject to the same limitations, the term:
301     (f)  "Taxable income," in the case of a corporation which
302is a member of an affiliated group of corporations filing a
303consolidated income tax return for the taxable year for federal
304income tax purposes, means taxable income of such corporation
305for federal income tax purposes as if such corporation had filed
306a separate federal income tax return for the taxable year and
307each preceding taxable year for which it was a member of an
308affiliated group, unless a consolidated return for the taxpayer
309and others is required or elected under s. 220.131;
310     Section 4.  Section 220.136, Florida Statutes, is created
311to read:
312     220.136  Water's edge groups; special reporting
314     (1)  For purposes of this section, the term "water's edge
315group reporting method" means the determination of taxable
316business profits for a group of entities conducting a unitary
317business by adding combined net income and the additions and
318deductions provided in s. 220.13 for members of the group and
319apportioning the results as provided in ss. 220.15 and 220.151.
320     (2)  All members of a water's edge group shall use the
321water's edge group reporting method. Under the water's edge
322group reporting method:
323     (a)  Adjusted federal income for purposes of s. 220.12
324means the sum of adjusted federal income for all members of the
325group determined for a concurrent taxable year.
326     (b)  The denominators of the apportionment factors shall be
327calculated for all members of the water's edge group combined.
328     (c)  The statutory apportionment formula shall be used for
329all members of the water's edge group, unless an alternate
330method is determined to be more appropriate by the department.
331     (d)  Intercompany sales transactions made between members
332of the water's edge group shall be eliminated in the computation
333of the sales factor pursuant to ss. 220.15 and 220.151. As used
334in this subsection, the term "sales" includes, but is not
335limited to, loans, payments for the use of intangibles,
336dividends, and management fees.
337     (e)  Each taxpayer shall apportion adjusted federal income
338under s. 220.15 as a member of a water's edge group that files a
339water's edge group return under this section based upon the
340apportionment factors described in s. 220.15. For purposes of
341this subsection, each special industry member included in a
342water's edge group filing a water's edge group return under this
343section, which would otherwise be permitted to use a special
344method of apportionment under s. 220.151, shall construct the
345numerator of its sales, property, and payroll factors,
346respectively, by multiplying the denominator of each such factor
347by the premiums or revenue miles factor ratio otherwise
348applicable pursuant to s. 220.151 in the manner prescribed by
349the department by rule.
350     (f)  For purposes of this subsection, each special industry
351member included in a water's edge group return, which member
352would otherwise be permitted to use a special method of
353apportionment under s. 220.151, shall construct the numerator of
354its sales, property, and payroll factors, respectively, by
355multiplying the denominator of each such factor by the premiums
356or revenue miles factor ratio otherwise applicable pursuant to
357s. 220.151 in the manner prescribed by the department by rule.
358     (g)  The income attributable to the activities in this
359state of a corporation exempt from taxation because of Pub. L.
360No. 86-272 is excluded from the sales factor numerator on a
361water's edge group filing a combined water's edge group return
362even though an affiliated corporation may have nexus with this
363state and is subject to tax in this state.
364     (3)(a)  The single water's edge group return must be filed
365in the name and with the federal employer identification number
366of the parent corporation if the parent is a member of a water's
367edge group and has nexus with this state. If there is no parent
368corporation, if the parent is not a water's edge group member,
369or if the parent does not have nexus with this state, the
370members of the water's edge group shall choose a Florida
371taxpayer member to file the return. After such a filing member
372has been selected, such member must remain the same in
373subsequent years unless an ownership change occurs or the filing
374member no longer has nexus with this state. The return must be
375signed by a responsible officer of the filing member as the
376agent of all members of the water's edge group subject to tax by
377this state.
378     (b)  If the taxable years of the members of the water's
379edge group differ, the filing member's taxable year must be used
380to determine the net income for this state of the water's edge
381group. If the precise amount of a water's edge group member's
382income can be readily determined from the books for the months
383involved in the filing member's taxable year, those actual
384amounts shall be used. In the absence of such a precise
385determination, the income of a water's edge group member must be
386converted to conform to the taxable year of the filing member on
387the basis of the number of months falling within the applicable
388taxable year. This method may be used only if the return can be
389timely filed after the member's taxable year ends. As an
390alternative, the water's edge group may include in its taxable
391income all of the taxable income of a group member whose taxable
392year ends within the taxable year of the water's edge group.
393Once one of these methods is used for a water's edge group
394member, that member must continue to use that method for
395succeeding years for as long as the corporation remains a member
396of the water's edge group. After the combined taxable income of
397the water's edge group is determined based upon the filing
398member's taxable year, the apportionment factor must be computed
399on the basis of the same taxable year.
400     (4)  A water's edge group shall file a domestic disclosure
401spreadsheet in the manner and form prescribed by rule by the
402department. The term "domestic disclosure spreadsheet" means a
403spreadsheet that fully discloses the income reported to each
404state, the state tax liability, the method used for apportioning
405or allocating income to the various states, and other
406information provided for by rule as may be necessary to
407determine the proper amount of tax due to each state and to
408identify the water's edge group.
409     (5)  The department may adopt rules and forms by rule as
410may be necessary or appropriate to administer and implement this
411section. It is the intent of the Legislature, by this section,
412to grant the department extensive authority to adopt rules and
413forms describing and defining principles for determining the
414existence of a water's edge group business, definitions of
415common control, and methods of reporting and related forms,
416principles, and definitions.
417     Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 220.14, Florida
418Statutes, is amended to read:
419     220.14  Exemption.--
420     (3)  Only one exemption shall be allowed to taxpayers
421filing a combined water's edge group consolidated return under
422this code.
423     Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of section
424220.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
425     220.15  Apportionment of adjusted federal income.--
426     (5)  The sales factor is a fraction the numerator of which
427is the total sales of the taxpayer in this state during the
428taxable year or period and the denominator of which is the total
429sales of the taxpayer everywhere during the taxable year or
431     (c)  Sales of a financial organization, including, but not
432limited to, banking and savings institutions, investment
433companies, real estate investment trusts, and brokerage
434companies, occur in this state if derived from:
435     1.  Fees, commissions, or other compensation for financial
436services rendered within this state;
437     2.  Gross profits from trading in stocks, bonds, or other
438securities managed within this state;
439     3.  Interest received within this state, other than
440interest from loans secured by mortgages, deeds of trust, or
441other liens upon real or tangible personal property located
442without this state, and dividends received within this state;
443     4.  Interest charged to customers at places of business
444maintained within this state for carrying debit balances of
445margin accounts, without deduction of any costs incurred in
446carrying such accounts;
447     5.  Interest, fees, commissions, or other charges or gains
448from loans secured by mortgages, deeds of trust, or other liens
449upon real or tangible personal property located in this state or
450from installment sale agreements originally executed by a
451taxpayer or the taxpayer's agent to sell real or tangible
452personal property located in this state;
453     6.  Rents from real or tangible personal property located
454in this state; or
455     7.  Any other gross income, including other interest,
456resulting from the operation as a financial organization within
457this state.
459In computing the amounts under this paragraph, any amount
460received by a member of an affiliated group (determined under s.
4611504(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, but without reference to
462whether any such corporation is an "includable corporation"
463under s. 1504(b) of the Internal Revenue Code) from another
464member of such group shall be included only to the extent such
465amount exceeds expenses of the recipient directly related
467     Section 7.  Paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of subsection (1)
468of section 220.183, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
469     220.183  Community contribution tax credit.--
473     (f)  A taxpayer who files a Florida consolidated return as
474a member of an affiliated group pursuant to s. 220.131(1) may be
475allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis.
476     (f)(g)  A taxpayer who is eligible to receive the credit
477provided for in s. 624.5105 is not eligible to receive the
478credit provided by this section.
479     (g)(h)  Notwithstanding paragraph (c), and for the 2008-
4802009 fiscal year only, the total amount of tax credit which may
481be granted for all programs approved under this section, s.
482212.08(5)(p), and s. 624.5105 is $13 million annually for
483projects that provide homeownership opportunities for low-income
484or very-low-income households as defined in s. 420.9071(19) and
485(28) and $3.5 million annually for all other projects. This
486paragraph expires June 30, 2009.
487     Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 220.1845, Florida
488Statutes, is amended to read:
489     220.1845  Contaminated site rehabilitation tax credit.--
491     (a)  A credit in the amount of 50 percent of the costs of
492voluntary cleanup activity that is integral to site
493rehabilitation at the following sites is available against any
494tax due for a taxable year under this chapter:
495     1.  A drycleaning-solvent-contaminated site eligible for
496state-funded site rehabilitation under s. 376.3078(3);
497     2.  A drycleaning-solvent-contaminated site at which site
498rehabilitation is undertaken by the real property owner pursuant
499to s. 376.3078(11), if the real property owner is not also, and
500has never been, the owner or operator of the drycleaning
501facility where the contamination exists; or
502     3.  A brownfield site in a designated brownfield area under
503s. 376.80.
504     (b)  A tax credit applicant, or multiple tax credit
505applicants working jointly to clean up a single site, may not be
506granted more than $500,000 per year in tax credits for each site
507voluntarily rehabilitated. Multiple tax credit applicants shall
508be granted tax credits in the same proportion as their
509contribution to payment of cleanup costs. Subject to the same
510conditions and limitations as provided in this section, a
511municipality, county, or other tax credit applicant which
512voluntarily rehabilitates a site may receive not more than
513$500,000 per year in tax credits which it can subsequently
514transfer subject to the provisions in paragraph (f) (g).
515     (c)  If the credit granted under this section is not fully
516used in any one year because of insufficient tax liability on
517the part of the corporation, the unused amount may be carried
518forward for up to 5 years. The carryover credit may be used in a
519subsequent year if the tax imposed by this chapter for that year
520exceeds the credit for which the corporation is eligible in that
521year after applying the other credits and unused carryovers in
522the order provided by s. 220.02(8). If during the 5-year period
523the credit is transferred, in whole or in part, pursuant to
524paragraph (f) (g), each transferee has 5 years after the date of
525transfer to use its credit.
526     (d)  A taxpayer that files a consolidated return in this
527state as a member of an affiliated group under s. 220.131(1) may
528be allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis up to the
529amount of tax imposed upon the consolidated group.
530     (d)(e)  A tax credit applicant that receives state-funded
531site rehabilitation under s. 376.3078(3) for rehabilitation of a
532drycleaning-solvent-contaminated site is ineligible to receive
533credit under this section for costs incurred by the tax credit
534applicant in conjunction with the rehabilitation of that site
535during the same time period that state-administered site
536rehabilitation was underway.
537     (e)(f)  The total amount of the tax credits which may be
538granted under this section is $2 million annually.
539     (f)(g)1.  Tax credits that may be available under this
540section to an entity eligible under s. 376.30781 may be
541transferred after a merger or acquisition to the surviving or
542acquiring entity and used in the same manner and with the same
544     2.  The entity or its surviving or acquiring entity as
545described in subparagraph 1., may transfer any unused credit in
546whole or in units of at least 25 percent of the remaining
547credit. The entity acquiring such credit may use it in the same
548manner and with the same limitation as described in this
549section. Such transferred credits may not be transferred again
550although they may succeed to a surviving or acquiring entity
551subject to the same conditions and limitations as described in
552this section.
553     3.  If the credit is reduced due to a determination by the
554Department of Environmental Protection or an examination or
555audit by the Department of Revenue, the tax deficiency shall be
556recovered from the first entity, or the surviving or acquiring
557entity that claimed the credit up to the amount of credit taken.
558Any subsequent deficiencies shall be assessed against the entity
559acquiring and claiming the credit, or in the case of multiple
560succeeding entities in the order of credit succession.
561     (g)(h)  In order to encourage completion of site
562rehabilitation at contaminated sites being voluntarily cleaned
563up and eligible for a tax credit under this section, the tax
564credit applicant may claim an additional 25 percent of the total
565cleanup costs, not to exceed $500,000, in the final year of
566cleanup as evidenced by the Department of Environmental
567Protection issuing a "No Further Action" order for that site.
568     (h)(i)  In order to encourage the construction of housing
569that meets the definition of affordable provided in s. 420.0004,
570an applicant for the tax credit may claim an additional 25
571percent of the total site rehabilitation costs that are eligible
572for tax credits under this section, not to exceed $500,000. In
573order to receive this additional tax credit, the applicant must
574provide a certification letter from the Florida Housing Finance
575Corporation, the local housing authority, or other governmental
576agency that is a party to the use agreement indicating that the
577construction on the brownfield site has received a certificate
578of occupancy and the brownfield site has a properly recorded
579instrument that limits the use of the property to housing that
580meets the definition of affordable provided in s. 420.0004.
581     (i)(j)  In order to encourage the redevelopment of a
582brownfield site, as defined in the brownfield site
583rehabilitation agreement, that is hindered by the presence of
584solid waste, as defined in s. 403.703, a tax credit applicant,
585or multiple tax credit applicants working jointly to clean up a
586single brownfield site, may also claim costs required to address
587solid waste removal as defined in this paragraph in accordance
588with rules of the Department of Environmental Protection.
589Multiple tax credit applicants shall be granted tax credits in
590the same proportion as each applicant's contribution to payment
591of solid waste removal costs. These costs are eligible for a tax
592credit provided the applicant submits an affidavit stating that,
593after consultation with appropriate local government officials
594and the Department of Environmental Protection, to the best of
595the applicant's knowledge according to such consultation and
596available historical records, the brownfield site was never
597operated as a permitted solid waste disposal area or was never
598operated for monetary compensation and the applicant submits all
599other documentation and certifications required by this section.
600Under this section, wherever reference is made to "site
601rehabilitation," the Department of Environmental Protection
602shall instead consider whether or not the costs claimed are for
603solid waste removal. Tax credit applications claiming costs
604pursuant to this paragraph shall not be subject to the calendar-
605year limitation and January 31 annual application deadline, and
606the Department of Environmental Protection shall accept a one-
607time application filed subsequent to the completion by the tax
608credit applicant of the applicable requirements listed in this
609section. A tax credit applicant may claim 50 percent of the cost
610for solid waste removal, not to exceed $500,000, after the
611applicant has determined solid waste removal is completed for
612the brownfield site. A solid waste removal tax credit
613application may be filed only once per brownfield site. For the
614purposes of this section, the term:
615     1.  "Solid waste disposal area" means a landfill, dump, or
616other area where solid waste has been disposed of.
617     2.  "Monetary compensation" means the fees that were
618charged or the assessments that were levied for the disposal of
619solid waste at a solid waste disposal area.
620     3.  "Solid waste removal" means removal of solid waste from
621the land surface or excavation of solid waste from below the
622land surface and removal of the solid waste from the brownfield
623site. The term also includes:
624     a.  Transportation of solid waste to a licensed or exempt
625solid waste management facility or to a temporary storage area.
626     b.  Sorting or screening of solid waste prior to removal
627from the site.
628     c.  Deposition of solid waste at a permitted or exempt
629solid waste management facility, whether the solid waste is
630disposed of or recycled.
631     (j)(k)  In order to encourage the construction and
632operation of a new health care facility as defined in s. 408.032
633or s. 408.07, or a health care provider as defined in s. 408.07
634or s. 408.7056, on a brownfield site, an applicant for a tax
635credit may claim an additional 25 percent of the total site
636rehabilitation costs, not to exceed $500,000, if the applicant
637meets the requirements of this paragraph. In order to receive
638this additional tax credit, the applicant must provide
639documentation indicating that the construction of the health
640care facility or health care provider by the applicant on the
641brownfield site has received a certificate of occupancy or a
642license or certificate has been issued for the operation of the
643health care facility or health care provider.
644     Section 9.  Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (5) of
645section 220.187, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
646     220.187  Credits for contributions to nonprofit
647scholarship-funding organizations.--
650     (c)  A taxpayer who files a Florida consolidated return as
651a member of an affiliated group pursuant to s. 220.131(1) may be
652allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis; however, the
653total credit taken by the affiliated group is subject to the
654limitation established under paragraph (a).
655     (c)(d)  Effective for tax years beginning January 1, 2006,
656a taxpayer may rescind all or part of its allocated tax credit
657under this section. The amount rescinded shall become available
658for purposes of the cap for that state fiscal year under this
659section to an eligible taxpayer as approved by the department if
660the taxpayer receives notice from the department that the
661rescindment has been accepted by the department and the taxpayer
662has not previously rescinded any or all of its tax credit
663allocation under this section more than once in the previous 3
664tax years. Any amount rescinded under this paragraph shall
665become available to an eligible taxpayer on a first-come, first-
666served basis based on tax credit applications received after the
667date the rescindment is accepted by the department.
668     Section 10.  Paragraphs (g) and (h) of subsection (1) of
669section 220.19, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
670     220.19  Child care tax credits.--
672     (g)  A taxpayer that files a consolidated return in this
673state as a member of an affiliated group under s. 220.131(1) may
674be allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis.
675     (g)(h)  A taxpayer that is eligible to receive credit under
676s. 624.5107 is ineligible to receive credit under this section.
677     Section 11.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
678220.191, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
679     220.191  Capital investment tax credit.--
680     (3)
681     (c)  The credit granted under this subsection may be used
682in whole or in part by the qualifying business or any
683corporation that is either a member of that qualifying
684business's affiliated group of corporations, is a related entity
685taxable as a cooperative under subchapter T of the Internal
686Revenue Code, or, if the qualifying business is an entity
687taxable as a cooperative under subchapter T of the Internal
688Revenue Code, is related to the qualifying business. Any entity
689related to the qualifying business may continue to file as a
690member of a Florida-nexus consolidated group pursuant to a prior
691election made under s. 220.131(1), Florida Statutes (1985), even
692if the parent of the group changes due to a direct or indirect
693acquisition of the former common parent of the group. Any credit
694can be used by any of the affiliated companies or related
695entities referenced in this paragraph to the same extent as it
696could have been used by the qualifying business. However, any
697such use shall not operate to increase the amount of the credit
698or extend the period within which the credit must be used.
699     Section 12.  Subsection (2) of section 220.192, Florida
700Statutes, is amended to read:
701     220.192  Renewable energy technologies investment tax
703     (2)  TAX CREDIT.--For tax years beginning on or after
704January 1, 2007, a credit against the tax imposed by this
705chapter shall be granted in an amount equal to the eligible
706costs. Credits may be used in tax years beginning January 1,
7072007, and ending December 31, 2010, after which the credit shall
708expire. If the credit is not fully used in any one tax year
709because of insufficient tax liability on the part of the
710corporation, the unused amount may be carried forward and used
711in tax years beginning January 1, 2007, and ending December 31,
7122012, after which the credit carryover expires and may not be
713used. A taxpayer that files a consolidated return in this state
714as a member of an affiliated group under s. 220.131(1) may be
715allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis up to the
716amount of tax imposed upon the consolidated group. Any eligible
717cost for which a credit is claimed and which is deducted or
718otherwise reduces federal taxable income shall be added back in
719computing adjusted federal income under s. 220.13.
720     Section 13.  Paragraphs (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), and
721(k) of subsection (3) of section 220.193, Florida Statutes, are
722amended to read:
723     220.193  Florida renewable energy production credit.--
724     (3)  An annual credit against the tax imposed by this
725section shall be allowed to a taxpayer, based on the taxpayer's
726production and sale of electricity from a new or expanded
727Florida renewable energy facility. For a new facility, the
728credit shall be based on the taxpayer's sale of the facility's
729entire electrical production. For an expanded facility, the
730credit shall be based on the increases in the facility's
731electrical production that are achieved after May 1, 2006.
732     (e)  A taxpayer that files a consolidated return in this
733state as a member of an affiliated group under s. 220.131(1) may
734be allowed the credit on a consolidated return basis up to the
735amount of tax imposed upon the consolidated group.
736     (e)(f)1.  Tax credits that may be available under this
737section to an entity eligible under this section may be
738transferred after a merger or acquisition to the surviving or
739acquiring entity and used in the same manner with the same
741     2.  The entity or its surviving or acquiring entity as
742described in subparagraph 1. may transfer any unused credit in
743whole or in units of no less than 25 percent of the remaining
744credit. The entity acquiring such credit may use it in the same
745manner and with the same limitations under this section. Such
746transferred credits may not be transferred again although they
747may succeed to a surviving or acquiring entity subject to the
748same conditions and limitations as described in this section.
749     3.  In the event the credit provided for under this section
750is reduced as a result of an examination or audit by the
751department, such tax deficiency shall be recovered from the
752first entity or the surviving or acquiring entity to have
753claimed such credit up to the amount of credit taken. Any
754subsequent deficiencies shall be assessed against any entity
755acquiring and claiming such credit, or in the case of multiple
756succeeding entities in the order of credit succession.
757     (f)(g)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
758section, credits for the production and sale of electricity from
759a new or expanded Florida renewable energy facility may be
760earned between January 1, 2007, and June 30, 2010. The combined
761total amount of tax credits which may be granted for all
762taxpayers under this section is limited to $5 million per state
763fiscal year.
764     (g)(h)  A taxpayer claiming a credit under this section
765shall be required to add back to net income that portion of its
766business deductions claimed on its federal return paid or
767incurred for the taxable year which is equal to the amount of
768the credit allowable for the taxable year under this section.
769     (h)(i)  A taxpayer claiming credit under this section may
770not claim a credit under s. 220.192. A taxpayer claiming credit
771under s. 220.192 may not claim a credit under this section.
772     (i)(j)  When an entity treated as a partnership or a
773disregarded entity under this chapter produces and sells
774electricity from a new or expanded renewable energy facility,
775the credit earned by such entity shall pass through in the same
776manner as items of income and expense pass through for federal
777income tax purposes. When an entity applies for the credit and
778the entity has received the credit by a pass-through, the
779application must identify the taxpayer that passed the credit
780through, all taxpayers that received the credit, and the
781percentage of the credit that passes through to each recipient
782and must provide other information that the department requires.
783     (j)(k)  A taxpayer's use of the credit granted pursuant to
784this section does not reduce the amount of any credit available
785to such taxpayer under s. 220.186.
786     Section 14.  Section 220.51, Florida Statutes, is amended
787to read:
788     220.51  Promulgation of rules and regulations.--In
789accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 120,
790the department is authorized to make, promulgate, and enforce
791such reasonable rules and regulations, and to prescribe such
792forms relating to the administration and enforcement of the
793provisions of this code, as it may deem appropriate, including:
794     (1)  Rules for initial implementation of this code and for
795taxpayers' transitional taxable years commencing before and
796ending after January 1, 1972.;
797     (2)  Rules or regulations to clarify whether certain
798groups, organizations, or associations formed under the laws of
799this state or any other state, country, or jurisdiction shall be
800deemed "taxpayers" for the purposes of this code, in accordance
801with the legislative declarations of intent in s. 220.02.; and
802     (3)  Regulations relating to consolidated reporting for
803affiliated groups of corporations, in order to provide for an
804equitable and just administration of this code with respect to
805multicorporate taxpayers.
806     Section 15.  Section 220.64, Florida Statutes, is amended
807to read:
808     220.64  Other provisions applicable to franchise tax.--To
809the extent that they are not manifestly incompatible with the
810provisions of this part, parts I, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, and
811X of this code and ss. 220.12, 220.13, 220.136, 220.15, and
812220.16 apply to the franchise tax imposed by this part. Under
813rules prescribed in s. 220.131, a consolidated return may be
814filed by any affiliated group of corporations composed of one or
815more banks or savings associations, its or their Florida parent
816corporation, and any nonbank or nonsavings subsidiaries of such
817parent corporation.
818     Section 16.  Subsections (9) and (10) of section 376.30781,
819Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
820     376.30781  Tax credits for rehabilitation of drycleaning-
821solvent-contaminated sites and brownfield sites in designated
822brownfield areas; application process; rulemaking authority;
823revocation authority.--
824     (9)  On or before May 1, the Department of Environmental
825Protection shall inform each tax credit applicant that is
826subject to the January 31 annual application deadline of the
827applicant's eligibility status and the amount of any tax credit
828due. The department shall provide each eligible tax credit
829applicant with a tax credit certificate that must be submitted
830with its tax return to the Department of Revenue to claim the
831tax credit or be transferred pursuant to s. 220.1845(1)(f)(g).
832The May 1 deadline for annual site rehabilitation tax credit
833certificate awards shall not apply to any tax credit application
834for which the department has issued a notice of deficiency
835pursuant to subsection (8). The department shall respond within
83690 days after receiving a response from the tax credit applicant
837to such a notice of deficiency. Credits may not result in the
838payment of refunds if total credits exceed the amount of tax
840     (10)  For solid waste removal, new health care facility or
841health care provider, and affordable housing tax credit
842applications, the Department of Environmental Protection shall
843inform the applicant of the department's determination within 90
844days after the application is deemed complete. Each eligible tax
845credit applicant shall be informed of the amount of its tax
846credit and provided with a tax credit certificate that must be
847submitted with its tax return to the Department of Revenue to
848claim the tax credit or be transferred pursuant to s.
849220.1845(1)(f)(g). Credits may not result in the payment of
850refunds if total credits exceed the amount of tax owed.
851     Section 17.  Transition rules.--
852     (1)  For the first taxable year beginning on or after
853January 1, 2010, a taxpayer that filed a Florida return for the
854preceding taxable year and is a member of a water's edge group
855shall compute its income together with all members of the
856water's edge group and file a separate corporate income tax
857return or may elect to combine its tax return with all members
858of the water's edge group.
859     (2)  An affiliated group of corporations that filed a
860Florida consolidated return pursuant to an election provided in
861former s. 220.131, Florida Statutes, shall cease filing a
862Florida consolidated return for taxable years beginning on or
863after January 1, 2010, and shall file water's edge group returns
864or may elect to file a combined water's edge group return.
865     (3)  An affiliated group of corporations that filed a
866Florida consolidated return pursuant to the election provided in
867s. 220.131(1), Florida Statutes (1985), that allowed the
868affiliated group to make an election with 90 days after December
86920, 1984, or upon filing the taxpayer's first return after
870December 20, 1984, whichever occurred later, shall cease filing
871a Florida consolidated return using that method for taxable
872years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, and shall file
873water's edge group returns or may elect to file a combined
874water's edge group return.
875     Section 18.  Section 220.131, Florida Statutes, is
877     Section 19.  Of the funds recaptured by this act, the sum
878of $50 million is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
879the State University System for workforce education, to be
880allocated by the Board of Governors; the sum of $50 million is
881appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to community colleges
882for workforce education, to be allocated by the State Board of
883Education; and the remainder of such funds, as determined by the
884Revenue Estimating Conference, shall be appropriated from the
885General Revenue Fund to the various school districts to reduce
886the required local effort, to be allocated as provided in the
887General Appropriations Act.
888     Section 20.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.