A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Legislative Auditing Committee;
3requiring the committee to direct the Auditor General or
4the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
5Accountability to conduct a study of certain economic
6development projects; specifying study criteria; requiring
7a report to the Legislature by a time certain; providing
8an effective date.
10Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12     Section 1.  (1)  The Legislative Auditing Committee shall
13direct the Auditor General or the Office of Program Policy
14Analysis and Government Accountability to conduct a study of the
15application and approval process for any economic development
16project funded through the Quick Action Closing Fund under s.
17288.1088, Florida Statutes, that involves establishing and
18operating a digital production studio to create digital imagery
19for animated feature films, live actions films, and television
20commercials and create video games. At a minimum, the study
21shall determine whether:
22     (a)  All questions that were asked in the application to
23the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development or
24Enterprise Florida, Inc., were answered truthfully and
26     (b)  All financial information required by law to be
27provided by the applicant was in fact provided and truthful.
28     (c)  There was sufficient creditable information provided
29by the applicant to enable the Office of Tourism, Trade, and
30Economic Development or Enterprise Florida, Inc., to
31realistically conclude that projected job creation goals could
32be met by the project and whether the operating management of
33the applicant had exhibited a history of similar jobs creation
34in the past.
35     (d)  The business background of the operating management of
36the applicant was provided in a complete and truthful manner.
37     (e)  The applicant demonstrated a sufficiently strong
38balance sheet to ensure its continuation as a going concern.
39     (f)  The applicant was involved in any wrongful termination
40lawsuit and, if any, whether the lawsuit was properly examined
41and considered in judging the credibility of the applicant.
42     (2)  The study shall be completed, and a report of the
43results of the study shall be presented to the President of the
44Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, not
45later than the start of the 2010 Regular Session of the
47     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.