HB 1059

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to public records; amending s. 517.2015,
3F.S.; providing an exemption from public records
4requirements for examination techniques and procedures
5used by the Office of Financial Regulation of the
6Department of Financial Services pursuant to the Florida
7Securities and Investor Protection Act; providing for
8future review and repeal of the exemption; providing a
9statement of public necessity; providing an effective
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Subsection (4) is added to section 517.2015,
15Florida Statutes, to read:
16     517.2015  Confidentiality of information relating to
17investigations and examinations.-
18     (4)(a)  Examination techniques and procedures used by the
19office pursuant to this chapter are confidential and exempt from
20s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.
21Examination techniques and procedures are the methods,
22processes, and guidelines used to evaluate regulatory compliance
23and to collect and analyze data, documents, and testimony for
24the purpose of documenting violations of this chapter and the
25rules promulgated thereunder.
26     (b)  Paragraph (a) is subject to the Open Government Sunset
27Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed
28on October 2, 2015, unless reviewed and saved from repeal
29through reenactment by the Legislature.
30     Section 2.  (1)  It is the finding of the Legislature that
31it is a public necessity that examination techniques and
32procedures used by the Office of Financial Regulation of the
33Department of Financial Services pursuant to chapter 517,
34Florida Statutes, the Florida Securities and Investor Protection
35Act, be made confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s.
3624(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. This exemption is
37necessary to ensure the effective and efficient administration
38of the examination program administered by the Office of
39Financial Regulation under chapter 517, Florida Statutes, which
40would be significantly impaired without the exemption.
41     (2)  Examinations are an essential component of securities
42regulation. The mere existence of an examination program fosters
43regulatory compliance and deters fraud and abuse by industry
44participants. Examinations often detect violations in their
45early stages. This early detection allows corrective action to
46be taken before significant harm can be done to investors. Due
47to the importance of such examinations, state regulators devote
48extensive resources to devising effective examination techniques
49and procedures.
50     (3)  Revealing examination techniques or procedures would
51undermine the examination process and facilitate evasion of the
52law. Any advance notice of the areas of inquiry to be explored
53during an examination might prompt a person to conceal evidence
54of deficiencies or fabricate evidence of compliance. Without the
55exemption, the Office of Financial Regulation's ability to
56uncover misconduct and evaluate policies and procedures through
57the examination process would be significantly impaired.
58     (4)  Additionally, without such an exemption the Office of
59Financial Regulation's ability to participate in joint
60examinations with other securities regulators would be impaired
61as release of this information would compromise the integrity of
62such joint examinations. The office also would not be able to
63accept or use confidential examination techniques and procedures
64developed by other regulators. Thus, the absence of an exemption
65would create a situation that reduces the office's ability to
66leverage its limited resources.
67     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.