HB 1249

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Lee County Sheriff's Office;
3amending chapter 74-522, Laws of Florida, as amended;
4providing that the sheriff has the burden of proving just
5cause in an appeal of disciplinary action; providing that
6certain retirement health insurance benefits shall not be
7available to employees commencing employment after a
8specified date; providing an effective date.
10Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12     Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 13 and subsections
13(5) and (6) of section 15 of chapter 74-522, Laws of Florida, as
14amended by chapters 2007-320 and 2008-276, Laws of Florida, are
15amended to read:
16     Section 13.  Discipline; suspensions; dismissal; appeals.-
17     (2)  At the hearing, the sheriff employee has the burden of
18proving that the Sheriff lacked just cause supported by
19competent and substantial evidence for the disciplinary action
20under appeal.
21     Section 15.  Funding of civil service board and retirement
22health insurance benefits.-
23     (5)  Retirement health insurance benefits for employees
24with 15 or more years of service; employer premium payments.-
25Effective October 1, 1986, and thereafter, it is the duty of the
26Sheriff of Lee County to provide annually in his or her budget a
27sufficient sum of money to pay a portion of the cost of the
28health and hospitalization insurance premiums for employees of
29the Lee County Sheriff's Office who retire after having
30accumulated at least 15 or more years of full-time, active
31service with the office. Employer premiums payable under this
32provision are limited to major medical and hospitalization
33insurance and do not include premiums for dental or vision
34insurance. Retirees may purchase, at their expense, individual
35or family group dental insurance or vision insurance, or both.
36The benefits payable under this subsection shall not be
37available to any individual commencing employment with the Lee
38County Sheriff's Office on or after October 1, 2010.
39     (6)  Benefits payable under subsection (5).-Benefits
40payable under subsection (5) are only available to employees
41commencing employment on or after October 1, 1986, and prior to
42October 1, 2010, who retire from the Florida Retirement System
43and terminate employment after 15 or more years of service with
44the Lee County Sheriff's Office. A member of the Florida
45Retirement System employed prior to October 1, 2009, who has
46been a full-time member of the Lee County Sheriff's Office for
47the 10 years immediately preceding his or her retirement may
48claim up to 5 years of previous service with another Florida
49Retirement System employer subject to verification by the
50Division of Retirement of the Department of Management Services
51to meet the 15-year requirement as provided for in subsection
52(5). Persons hired by the Lee County Sheriff's Office on or
53after October 1, 2009, are not eligible to claim additional
54years of service from previous Florida Retirement System
55employers to qualify for employer-paid health and
56hospitalization insurance benefits as provided for in subsection
58     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.