CS/HB 1281

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to loan origination; amending s.
3494.00255, F.S.; reenacting a reference to certain federal
4laws for purposes of incorporating rules adopted under
5such laws; specifying application of disciplinary
6procedures to principal loan originators for actions of
7loan originators; amending s. 494.00331, F.S.; specifying
8nonapplication of certain limitations to licensed loan
9originators operating solely as loan processors; providing
10a definition; prohibiting acting as a loan processor
11unless licensed as a loan originator; requiring a
12declaration of intent to engage solely in loan processing;
13authorizing withdrawal of a declaration of intent;
14authorizing payment of a loan processor's fee without
15violating certain restrictions; amending s. 494.0038,
16F.S.; revising requirements relating to a good faith
17estimate by a loan originator; requiring a disclosure
18document to be signed and dated by the borrower; amending
19s. 494.0067, F.S.; deleting a requirement for licensure
20application prior to certain purchases or acquisitions
21under certain conditions; providing an effective date.
23Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25     Section 1.  Paragraph (m) of subsection (1) of section
26494.00255, Florida Statutes, is reenacted, and subsection (5) of
27that section is amended, to read:
28     494.00255  Administrative penalties and fines; license
30     (1)  Each of the following acts constitutes a ground for
31which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2) may
32be taken against a person licensed or required to be licensed
33under part II or part III of this chapter:
34     (m)  In any mortgage transaction, violating any provision
35of the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, as
36amended, 12 U.S.C. ss. 2601 et seq.; the federal Truth in
37Lending Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. ss. 1601 et seq.; or any
38regulations adopted under such acts.
39     (5)  A principal loan originator of a mortgage lender is
40subject to the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2)
41for violations of subsection (1) by a loan originator an
42associate of a mortgage lender if there is a pattern of repeated
43violations by the loan originator associate or if the principal
44loan originator has knowledge of the violations.
45     Section 2.  Section 494.00331, Florida Statutes, as amended
46by chapter 2009-241, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
47     494.00331  Loan originator employment.-
48     (1)  An individual may not act as a loan originator unless
49he or she is an employee of, or an independent contractor for, a
50mortgage broker or a mortgage lender, and may not be employed by
51or contract with more than one mortgage broker or mortgage
52lender, or either simultaneously. However, this provision does
53not apply to any licensed loan originator who acts solely as a
54loan processor and contracts with more than one mortgage broker
55or mortgage lender, or either simultaneously.
56     (2)  For purposes of this section, the term "loan
57processor" means an individual who is licensed as a loan
58originator who engages only in:
59     (a)  The receipt, collection, distribution, and analysis of
60information common for the processing or underwriting of a
61residential mortgage loan; or
62     (b)  Communication with consumers to obtain the information
63necessary for the processing or underwriting of a loan, to the
64extent that such communication does not include offering or
65negotiating loan rates or terms or does not include counseling
66consumers about residential mortgage loan rates or terms.
67     (3)  A person may not act as a loan processor unless the
68person is licensed as a loan originator under this chapter and
69has on file with the office a declaration of intent to engage
70solely in loan processing. The declaration of intent must be on
71such form as prescribed by the commission by rule.
72     (4)  A loan originator that currently has a declaration of
73intent to engage solely in loan processing on file with the
74office may withdraw his or her declaration of intent to engage
75solely in loan processing. The withdrawal of declaration of
76intent must on such form as prescribed by commission rule.
77     (5)  A declaration of intent or a withdrawal of declaration
78of intent is effective upon receipt by the office.
79     (6)  The fee earned by a loan processor may be paid to the
80company that employs the loan processor without violating the
81restriction in s. 494.0025(7) requiring fees or commissions to
82be paid to a licensed mortgage broker or mortgage lender or a
83person exempt from licensure under this chapter.
84     Section 3.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
85494.0038, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 2009-241, Laws
86of Florida, is amended to read:
87     494.0038  Loan origination and mortgage broker fees and
89     (3)  At the time a written mortgage broker agreement is
90signed by the borrower or forwarded to the borrower for
91signature, or at the time the mortgage broker business accepts
92an application fee, credit report fee, property appraisal fee,
93or any other third-party fee, but at least 3 business days
94before execution of the closing or settlement statement, the
95mortgage broker shall disclose in writing to any applicant for a
96mortgage loan the following information:
97     (c)  A good faith estimate, signed and dated by the
98borrower, which discloses the total amount of each of the fees
99the borrower may reasonably expect to pay if the loan is closed,
100including, but not limited to, fees earned by the mortgage
101broker, lender fees, third-party fees, and official fees,
102together with the terms and conditions for obtaining a refund of
103such fees, if any.
104     1.  Any amount collected in excess of the actual cost shall
105be returned within 60 days after rejection, withdrawal, or
107     2.  At the time a The good faith estimate is provided to
108the borrower, the loan originator must identify in writing the
109recipient of all payments charged the borrower, which and,
110except for all fees to be received by the mortgage broker, may
111be disclosed in generic terms, such as, but not limited to, paid
112to lender, appraiser, officials, title company, or any other
113third-party service provider. This requirement does not supplant
114or is not a substitute for the written mortgage broker agreement
115described in subsection (1). The disclosure required under this
116subparagraph must be signed and dated by the borrower.
117     Section 4.  Subsection (4) of section 494.0067, Florida
118Statutes, as amended by chapter 2009-241, Laws of Florida, is
119amended to read:
120     494.0067  Requirements of mortgage lenders.-
121     (4)  A mortgage lender shall report any changes in the
122principal loan originator, any addition or subtraction of a
123control person, or any change in the form of business
124organization by written amendment in such form and at such time
125that the commission specifies by rule.
126     (a)  In any case in which a person or a group of persons,
127directly or indirectly or acting by or through one or more
128persons, proposes to purchase or acquire a controlling interest
129in a licensee, such person or group must submit an initial
130application for licensure as a mortgage lender before such
131purchase or acquisition and at the time and in the form
132prescribed by the commission by rule.
133     (b)  Any addition of a control person who has not
134previously filed a Uniform Mortgage Biographical Statement &
135Consent Form, MU2, or has not previously complied with the
136fingerprinting and credit report requirements of s. 494.00611 is
137subject to the provisions of this section. If, after the
138addition of a control person, the office determines that the
139licensee does not continue to meet licensure requirements, the
140office may bring administrative action in accordance with s.
141494.00255 to enforce this section.
142     Section 5.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.