1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to absent uniformed services and overseas |
3 | voters; amending s. 97.021, F.S.; defining the term |
4 | "absent uniformed services voter"; revising the definition |
5 | of the term "overseas voter"; amending s. 98.0981, F.S., |
6 | relating to statewide voter information; conforming a |
7 | cross-reference; amending s. 101.62, F.S.; requiring the |
8 | supervisor of elections to notify the absent uniformed |
9 | services voter and overseas voter of the free access |
10 | system for determining absentee ballot status; providing a |
11 | timeframe for an absentee ballot to be sent to each absent |
12 | uniformed services voter and overseas voter; providing |
13 | acceptable formats for requesting an absentee ballot; |
14 | modifying circumstances under which the department is |
15 | authorized to prescribe rules for a ballot to be sent to |
16 | absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters; |
17 | amending s. 101.694, F.S.; conforming timeframes for |
18 | sending an absentee ballot upon receipt of federal |
19 | postcard application to those prescribed in s. 101.62, |
20 | F.S.; deleting the requirement for a federal postcard |
21 | application request to be effective through two regularly |
22 | scheduled general elections pursuant to changes in federal |
23 | law; amending s. 101.6952, F.S.; revising responsibilities |
24 | of the supervisor of elections when an overseas voter's |
25 | request for an absentee ballot includes an e-mail address; |
26 | requiring the supervisor to record the e-mail address in |
27 | the absentee ballot record and, via e-mail, confirm that |
28 | the request was received, inform the voter of the |
29 | estimated date the absentee ballot will be sent, and |
30 | notify the voter when the voted absentee ballot is |
31 | received; amending s. 379.352, F.S., relating to |
32 | recreational licenses and permits; conforming cross- |
33 | references; providing effective dates. |
34 |
35 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
36 |
37 | Section 1. Subsections (2) through (43) of section 97.021, |
38 | Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (3) through |
39 | (44), respectively, a new subsection (2) is added to that |
40 | section, and present subsection (22) of that section is amended, |
41 | to read: |
42 | 97.021 Definitions.-For the purposes of this code, except |
43 | where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term: |
44 | (2) "Absent uniformed services voter" means: |
45 | (a) A member of a uniformed service on active duty who, by |
46 | reason of such active duty, is absent from the place of |
47 | residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote; |
48 | (b) A member of the merchant marine who, by reason of |
49 | service in the merchant marine, is absent from the place of |
50 | residence where the member is otherwise qualified to vote; or |
51 | (c) A spouse or dependent of a member referred to in |
52 | paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) who, by reason of the active duty |
53 | or service of the member, is absent from the place of residence |
54 | where the spouse or dependent is otherwise qualified to vote. |
55 | (23)(22) "Overseas voter" means: |
56 | (a) An absent uniformed services voter who, by reason of |
57 | active duty or service, is absent from the United States on the |
58 | date of the election involved Members of the uniformed services |
59 | while in the active service who are permanent residents of the |
60 | state and are temporarily residing outside the territorial |
61 | limits of the United States and the District of Columbia; |
62 | (b) A person who resides outside the United States and is |
63 | qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was |
64 | domiciled before leaving the United States Members of the |
65 | Merchant Marine of the United States who are permanent residents |
66 | of the state and are temporarily residing outside the |
67 | territorial limits of the United States and the District of |
68 | Columbia; or and |
69 | (c) A person who resides outside the United States and, |
70 | but for such residence, would be qualified to vote in the last |
71 | place in which the person was domiciled before leaving the |
72 | United States Other citizens of the United States who are |
73 | permanent residents of the state and are temporarily residing |
74 | outside the territorial limits of the United States and the |
75 | District of Columbia, |
76 |
77 | who are qualified and registered to vote as provided by law. |
78 | Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 98.0981, Florida |
79 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
80 | 98.0981 Reports; voting history; statewide voter |
81 | registration system information; precinct-level election |
82 | results; book closing statistics.- |
84 | of book closing but before the date of an election as defined in |
85 | s. 97.021(11)(10) to fill a national, state, county, or district |
86 | office, or to vote on a proposed constitutional amendment, the |
87 | department shall compile the following precinct-level |
88 | statistical data for each county: |
89 | (a) Precinct numbers. |
90 | (b) Total number of active registered voters by party for |
91 | each precinct. |
92 | Section 3. Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (1) of |
93 | section 101.62, Florida Statutes, and subsections (4) and (5) of |
94 | that section are amended to read: |
95 | 101.62 Request for absentee ballots.- |
96 | (1) |
97 | (c) Upon receiving a request for an absentee ballot from |
98 | an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter, the |
99 | supervisor of elections shall notify the voter of the free |
100 | access system that has been designated by the department for |
101 | determining the status of his or her absentee ballot. |
102 | (2) A request for an absentee ballot to be mailed to a |
103 | voter must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the sixth day |
104 | before the election by the supervisor of elections. The |
105 | supervisor of elections shall mail absentee ballots to voters |
106 | requesting ballots by such deadline no later than 4 days before |
107 | the election. |
108 | (4)(a) No later than 45 days before each election, the |
109 | supervisor of elections shall send an absentee ballot as |
110 | provided in subparagraph (b)2. to each absent uniformed services |
111 | voter and to each overseas voter who has requested an absentee |
112 | ballot. To each absent qualified elector overseas who has |
113 | requested an absentee ballot, the supervisor of elections |
114 | mail an absentee ballot not less than 35 days before the |
115 | election and not less than 45 days before the general |
116 | (b) The supervisor shall provide an absentee ballot to |
117 | each elector by whom a request for that ballot has been made by |
118 | one of the following means: |
119 | 1. By nonforwardable, return-if-undeliverable mail to the |
120 | elector's current mailing address on file with the supervisor, |
121 | unless the elector specifies in the request that: |
122 | a. The elector is absent from the county and does not plan |
123 | to return before the day of the election; |
124 | b. The elector is temporarily unable to occupy the |
125 | residence because of hurricane, tornado, flood, fire, or other |
126 | emergency or natural disaster; or |
127 | c. The elector is in a hospital, assisted living facility, |
128 | nursing home, short-term medical or rehabilitation facility, or |
129 | correctional facility, |
130 |
131 | in which case the supervisor shall mail the ballot by |
132 | nonforwardable, return-if-undeliverable mail to any other |
133 | address the elector specifies in the request. |
134 | 2. By forwardable mail, e-mail, or facsimile machine |
135 | transmission to absent uniformed services voters and overseas |
136 | voters who are entitled to vote by absentee ballot under the |
137 | Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. The absent |
138 | uniformed services voter or overseas voter may designate in the |
139 | absentee ballot request the preferred method of transmission. If |
140 | the voter does not designate the method of transmission, the |
141 | absentee ballot shall be mailed. |
142 | 3. By personal delivery before 7 p.m. on election day to |
143 | the elector, upon presentation of the identification required in |
144 | s. 101.043. |
145 | 4. By delivery to a designee on election day or up to 5 |
146 | days prior to the day of an election. Any elector may designate |
147 | in writing a person to pick up the ballot for the elector; |
148 | however, the person designated may not pick up more than two |
149 | absentee ballots per election, other than the designee's own |
150 | ballot, except that additional ballots may be picked up for |
151 | members of the designee's immediate family. For purposes of this |
152 | section, "immediate family" means the designee's spouse or the |
153 | parent, child, grandparent, or sibling of the designee or of the |
154 | designee's spouse. The designee shall provide to the supervisor |
155 | the written authorization by the elector and a picture |
156 | identification of the designee and must complete an affidavit. |
157 | The designee shall state in the affidavit that the designee is |
158 | authorized by the elector to pick up that ballot and shall |
159 | indicate if the elector is a member of the designee's immediate |
160 | family and, if so, the relationship. The department shall |
161 | prescribe the form of the affidavit. If the supervisor is |
162 | satisfied that the designee is authorized to pick up the ballot |
163 | and that the signature of the elector on the written |
164 | authorization matches the signature of the elector on file, the |
165 | supervisor shall give the ballot to that designee for delivery |
166 | to the elector. |
167 | (5) In the event that the department Elections Canvassing |
168 | Commission is unable to certify candidates for the results of an |
169 | election for a state office in time to comply |
170 | (4)(a) subsection (4), the Department of State is authorized to |
171 | prescribe rules for a ballot to be sent to absent uniformed |
172 | services voters and electors overseas voters. |
173 | Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 101.694, Florida |
174 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
175 | 101.694 Mailing of ballots upon receipt of federal |
176 | postcard application.- |
177 | (1) Upon receipt of a federal postcard application for an |
178 | absentee ballot executed by a person whose registration is in |
179 | order or whose application is sufficient to register or update |
180 | the registration of that person, the supervisor shall send the |
181 | ballot in accordance with s. 101.62(4) mail to the applicant a |
182 | ballot, if the ballots are available for mailing. The federal |
183 | postcard application request for an absentee ballot shall be |
184 | effective for all elections through the next two regularly |
185 | scheduled general elections. |
186 | Section 5. Effective July 1, 2010, section 101.6952, |
187 | Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
188 | 101.6952 Absentee ballots for overseas voters.- |
189 | (1) If an overseas voter's request for an absentee ballot |
190 | includes an e-mail address, the supervisor of elections shall: |
191 | (a) Record the voter's e-mail address in the absentee |
192 | ballot record; |
193 | (b) Confirm by e-mail that the absentee ballot request was |
194 | received and include in that e-mail the estimated date the |
195 | absentee ballot will be sent to the voter; |
196 | (c) Inform the voter of the names of candidates who will |
197 | be on the ballots via electronic transmission. The supervisor of |
198 | elections shall e-mail to the voter the list of candidates for |
199 | the primary and general election not later than 30 days before |
200 | each election; and |
201 | (d) Notify the voter by e-mail when the voted absentee |
202 | ballot is received by the supervisor of elections. |
203 | (2) For absentee ballots received from overseas voters, |
204 | there is a presumption that the envelope was mailed on the date |
205 | stated on the outside of the return envelope, regardless of the |
206 | absence of a postmark on the mailed envelope or the existence of |
207 | a postmark date that is later than the date of the election. |
208 | Section 6. Subsection (11) of section 379.352, Florida |
209 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
210 | 379.352 Recreational licenses, permits, and authorization |
211 | numbers to take wild animal life, freshwater aquatic life, and |
212 | marine life; issuance; costs; reporting.- |
213 | (11) When acting in its official capacity pursuant to this |
214 | section, neither the commission nor a subagent is deemed a |
215 | third-party registration organization, as defined in s. |
216 | 97.021(37)(36), or a voter registration agency, as defined in s. |
217 | 97.021(41)(40), and is not authorized to solicit, accept, or |
218 | collect voter registration applications or provide voter |
219 | registration services. |
220 | Section 7. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this |
221 | act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law. |