HM 1349

House Memorial
2A memorial to the Congress of the United States, urging
3Congress to support the opportunity to provide increased
4access to community-based services for individuals with
5developmental disabilities.
7     WHEREAS, federal and state financial assistance is provided
8for services under the Medicaid program for individuals with
9developmental disabilities, and
10     WHEREAS, community-based services are a valuable cost-
11effective alternative to institutional care because such
12services benefit both the individual receiving the services and
13the federal and state programs that fund the services, and
14     WHEREAS, a study by the National Conference of State
15Legislatures and other studies document that individuals with
16developmental disabilities who receive services in their homes
17or other community settings experience improved outcomes,
18quality of care, and quality of life in contrast to individuals
19with developmental disabilities who receive care in
20institutional settings, and
21     WHEREAS, publicly funded programs that cover community-
22based services for individuals with developmental disabilities
23are limited, and
24     WHEREAS, federal and state programs provide limited support
25for community-based services that serve as an alternative to
26institutional care for individuals with developmental
27disabilities, and
28     WHEREAS, the years after a student with a developmental
29disability leaves the educational system are critical for
30learning and transition, and
31     WHEREAS, the need to allow the opportunity to provide
32increased access to community-based services at the discretion
33of the developmentally disabled individual's family is
34recognized, and
35     WHEREAS, access to community-based services, regardless of
36a family's income, insurance coverage, or Medicaid eligibility,
37is recognized as essential in improving the quality of life for
38individuals with developmental disabilities, NOW, THEREFORE,
40Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
42     That the Congress of the United States is urged to:
43     (1)  Support the "Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of
442009" or the "ABLE Act of 2009," as reflected in H.R. 1205 and
45S. 493; and
46     (2)  Support ABLE accounts for individuals with
47developmental disabilities to assist them in paying certain
48expenses, including expenses for education, housing,
49transportation, employment support, medical care, and certain
50life necessities.
51     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
52dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
53President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
54United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
55the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.