HB 1437

A bill to be entitled
2An act for the relief of Daniel and Amara Estrada;
3providing for the compensation of Daniel and Amara
4Estrada, parents and guardians of Caleb Estrada, for the
5wrongful birth of Caleb Estrada and for damages sustained
6by Daniel and Amara Estrada as a result of negligence by
7employees of the University of South Florida Board of
8Trustees; providing for such compensation to be paid from
9specified insurance proceeds; providing a limitation on
10the payment of fees and costs; providing an effective
13     WHEREAS, Amara and Daniel Estrada's first child, Aiden
14Estrada, was born on June 28, 2002, at Tampa General Hospital,
16     WHEREAS, Aiden Estrada was born with numerous birth defects
17including 2-3 syndactyly, hypospadias, cryptorchidism, small for
18gestational age, cleft palate, simian creases in both hands,
19ears low set and rotated, micropenis, micronathia, intrauterine
20growth retardation, microcephaly, and dysmorphic face, and
21     WHEREAS, these defects and conditions should have caused a
22geneticist to suspect and then confirm the diagnosis of Smith-
23Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and
24     WHEREAS, on June 28, 2002, the newborn nursery of Tampa
25General Hospital called for a genetic consultation concerning
26Aiden Estrada by Boris Kousseff, M.D., Director of Medical
27Genetics of the University of South Florida College of Medicine,
29     WHEREAS, Dr. Kousseff examined Aiden Estrada in St.
30Joseph's Hospital on July 1, 2002, but failed to suspect or
31diagnose Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and
32     WHEREAS, Dr. Kousseff followed the condition of Aiden
33Estrada as his treating geneticist and made an appointment for
34the Estradas to bring Aiden Estrada to his office at the
35University of South Florida Genetics Clinic on August 29, 2002,
37     WHEREAS, at the time of such appointment, Dr. Kousseff
38failed once again to suspect or diagnose Smith-Lemli-Opitz
39syndrome, and
40     WHEREAS, Dr. Kousseff next saw Aiden Estrada and his
41parents at the University of South Florida Genetics Clinic on
42September 15, 2003, at which time it was apparent that Aiden was
43severely developmentally delayed, had severe psychomotor
44retardation, and was unable to take nutrition or hydration by
45mouth, requiring Aiden Estrada to depend on a gastrostomy tube
46that was surgically implanted through the abdominal and stomach
47wall in order to deliver nutrition and hydration, and
48     WHEREAS, Dr. Kousseff again failed to suspect or diagnose
49Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and
50     WHEREAS, Dr. Kousseff told Daniel and Amara Estrada that he
51believed Aiden Estrada's problems did not indicate any genetic
52disorder and they could expect pregnancies with "normal"
53children, and
54     WHEREAS, the standard of care calls for a geneticist under
55this situation, when he or she does not know the diagnosis, to
56advise parents that there is at least a 25 percent chance of
57recurrence of the defects in the next child, and
58     WHEREAS, if the Estradas been told the truth of the
59possibility of recurrence of the birth defects in a subsequent
60child, the Estradas would have chosen not to conceive again but
61to adopt, and
62     WHEREAS, instead, the parents relied on Dr. Kousseff's
63advice and, after following all of the recommendations of Dr.
64Kousseff, conceived a second child, and
65     WHEREAS, Amara Estrada gave birth to Caleb Estrada on
66November 18, 2004, at Shands Teaching Hospital of the University
67of Florida, and
68     WHEREAS, Caleb had the same or similar symptoms as his
69older brother, Aiden Estrada, and
70     WHEREAS, within an hour after his birth, the geneticist at
71the University of Florida diagnosed Caleb Estrada as having
72Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and
73     WHEREAS, on the next day, November 19, 2004, Daniel and
74Amara Estrada brought Aiden Estrada to Shands Hospital to meet
75with the geneticist who diagnosed Aiden as having Smith-Lemli-
76Opitz syndrome, and
77     WHEREAS, the parents now had a second child who is severely
78impaired and who also would be totally reliant on a gastrostomy
79tube for nutrition and hydration and who would also require 24-
80hour care and supervision, and
81     WHEREAS, the physical, emotional, and financial resources
82of Daniel and Amara Estrada have been exhausted in trying to
83care for the severely impaired Aiden, who has needed 24-hour
84care and supervision and could not survive without a gastrostomy
85tube, and
86     WHEREAS, the testimony of witnesses, testifying on behalf
87of the Estradas, as well as the witnesses testifying on behalf
88the University of South Florida, agreed that the care provided
89by Boris Kousseff, M.D., was completely below any acceptable
90standard in his failure to recognize and diagnose Smith-Lemli-
91Opitz syndrome from Aiden Estrada's many symptoms, and
92     WHEREAS, Robert Steiner, M.D., a leading geneticist in
93Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, testified that he could not
94comprehend how Dr. Kousseff could possibly tell the parents on
95September 15, 2003, that their chances of having a normal child
96were the same as anybody else's, and
97     WHEREAS, Dr. Steiner testified that the conduct of Dr.
98Kousseff was egregious, and
99     WHEREAS, the rehabilitation experts testifying on behalf of
100the Estradas and the rehabilitation experts testifying on behalf
101of the University of South Florida agreed that Caleb Estrada
102needs one-on-one care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and
103     WHEREAS, after a trial, the jury returned a verdict in
104favor of Daniel and Amara Estrada, as parents and guardians of
105Caleb Estrada, in the amount of $23,553,000, for the cost of
106care for Caleb Estrada, and
107     WHEREAS, the jury assigned the University of South Florida
10890 percent liability for the wrongful birth of Caleb Estrada,
110WHEREAS, the University of South Florida has a self-
111insurance fund of $3,000,000 through Health Science Insurance
112Company, which funds have been paid into a plan or into premiums
113by the University of South Florida and can never be returned to
114the University of South Florida or to the State of Florida, and
115WHEREAS, the University of South Florida procured insurance
116in the form of reinsurance from Lloyds of London in the amount
117of $15,000,000, and
118WHEREAS, Health Science Insurance Plan provides that it
119will pay all costs taxed against the University of South Florida
120in the amount of $26,994.87, and all interest on the entire
121judgment up to the time at which the University of South Florida
122tenders its payment of $200,000 under the limits of liability
123set forth in s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, in the amount of
124$3,798,518.05, NOW, THEREFORE,
126Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
128     Section 1.  The facts stated in the preamble to this act
129are found and declared to be true.
130     Section 2.  The sum of $25,023,212.92 is to be paid by the
131University of South Florida for the relief of Daniel and Amara
132Estrada, parents and natural guardians of Caleb Estrada,
133provided that the claim is to be paid exclusively, or at least
134to the maximum extent possible, out of insurance proceeds,
135including any bad faith claim that may exist against Lloyds of
136London under Florida law, as compensation for the wrongful birth
137of Caleb Estrada.
138     Section 3.  The amount awarded under this act is intended
139to provide the sole compensation for all present and future
140claims arising out of the factual situation described in this
141act which resulted in the wrongful birth of Caleb Estrada. The
142total amount paid for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, and
143other similar expenses relating to this claim may not exceed 25
144percent of the total amount awarded under this act.
145     Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.