HR 1613

House Resolution
2A resolution supporting Taiwan's meaningful participation
3in organizations and conventions of the United Nations and
4other international entities.
6     WHEREAS, April 10, 2010, will mark the 31st anniversary of
7the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act, and
8     WHEREAS, the Taiwan Relations Act continues to be
9instrumental in maintaining peace, security, and stability in
10the Taiwan Strait since its enactment in 1979, and
11     WHEREAS, Florida maintains a vested interest in relations
12between the United States and Taiwan as a sister state of the
13Province of Taiwan, and
14     WHEREAS, Taiwan is an active member in the international
15community with a long-standing commitment to international
16health and humanitarian aid, and
17     WHEREAS, Taiwan is a key air transport hub that connects
18Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, serves more than 1.3 million
19flights, and carries over 35 million passengers every year, and
20     WHEREAS, as an island state in the Pacific Ocean, Taiwan
21faces the serious problem of rising sea levels and the ravages
22of extreme weather such as cyclones and has unique contributions
23to make in the discussion on climate change, NOW, THEREFORE,
25Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
28     That the House of Representatives supports Taiwan's
29meaningful participation in organizations and conventions of the
30United Nations and other international entities, such as the
31World Health Organization, the International Civil Aviation
32Organization, and the United Nations Framework Convention on
33Climate Change.
34     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
35presented to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami as
36a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.