Florida Senate - 2010                             CS for SB 1644
       By the Committee on Transportation and Economic Development
       Appropriations; and Senator Fasano
       606-02447-10                                          20101644c1
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to trust funds; terminating specified
    3         trust funds within the Department of State; providing
    4         for the disposition of balances in and revenues of
    5         such trust funds; prescribing procedures for the
    6         termination of such trust funds; amending s. 265.284,
    7         F.S.; redesignating the Florida Fine Arts Trust Fund
    8         within the Division of Cultural Affairs as the Grants
    9         and Donations Trust Fund; providing an effective date.
   11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   13         Section 1. (1) The following trust funds within the
   14  Department of State are terminated:
   15         (a) The Library Services Trust Fund, FLAIR number 45-2-450;
   16  and
   17         (b) The Fine Arts Trust Fund, FLAIR number 45-2-279.
   18         (2) All current balances remaining in the trust funds on
   19  the date of termination shall be transferred to the Grants and
   20  Donations Trust Fund within the Department of State.
   21         (3) The Department of State shall pay any outstanding debts
   22  and obligations of the terminated funds as soon as practicable,
   23  and the Chief Financial Officer shall close out and remove the
   24  terminated funds from various state accounting systems using
   25  generally accepted accounting principles concerning warrants
   26  outstanding, assets, and liabilities.
   27         Section 2. Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) and subsection
   28  (4) of section 265.284, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   29         265.284 Chief cultural officer; director of division;
   30  powers and duties.—
   31         (3) The division shall directly administer and oversee all
   32  of the programs authorized by this act. In furtherance thereof,
   33  the division shall:
   34         (e) Accept on behalf of the state donations of money,
   35  property, art objects, and antiquities. Such donations of money
   36  and any cash income may be received from the disposal of any
   37  donations of property, art objects, or antiquities, which shall
   38  be deposited into the Grants and Donations Florida Fine Arts
   39  Trust Fund and are hereby appropriated for use by the division
   40  for the purposes authorized in this act.
   41         (4) There is created the Florida Fine Arts Trust Fund to be
   42  administered by the department and which shall consist of moneys
   43  appropriated by the Legislature or contributed from any other
   44  source.
   45         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011.