Florida Senate - 2010 SB 1682 By Senator Dean 3-00587-10 20101682__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to elections; amending s. 101.6952, 3 F.S.; revising responsibilities of the supervisor of 4 elections when an overseas voter’s request for an 5 absentee ballot includes an e-mail address; requiring 6 the supervisor to record the e-mail address in the 7 absentee ballot record and, via e-mail, confirm that 8 the request was received, inform the voter of the 9 estimated date the ballot will be sent, and notify the 10 voter when the absentee ballot is received; amending 11 s. 101.697, F.S.; providing that an overseas voter may 12 request an absentee ballot and transmit the voted 13 ballot by facsimile or electronic mail; providing that 14 an overseas voter may request an absentee ballot, 15 vote, and return the ballot by other secured 16 transmission when certain criteria are met; requiring 17 the Department of State to adopt rules establishing 18 the process for accepting voted absentee ballots via 19 facsimile, e-mail, or other secure electronic means; 20 establishing minimum criteria; deleting existing 21 provisions relating to electronic transmission of 22 election materials to conform; providing an effective 23 date. 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. Section 101.6952, Florida Statutes, is amended 28 to read: 29 101.6952 Absentee ballots for overseas voters.— 30 (1) If an overseas voter’s request for an absentee ballot 31 includes an e-mail address, the supervisor of elections shall: 32 (a) Record the voter’s e-mail address in the absentee 33 ballot record; 34 (b) Confirm via e-mail that the absentee ballot request was 35 received and include in that e-mail the estimated date the 36 ballot will be sent to the voter; 37 (c) Inform the voter of the names of candidates who will be 38 on the ballots via electronic transmission. The supervisor of 39 elections shall e-mail to the voter the list of candidates for 40 the primary and general election not later than 30 days before 41 each election; and 42 (d) E-mail the voter when the voted absentee ballot is 43 received by the supervisor of elections. 44 (2) For absentee ballots received from overseas voters, 45 there is a presumption that the envelope was mailed on the date 46 stated on the outside of the return envelope, regardless of the 47 absence of a postmark on the mailed envelope or the existence of 48 a postmark date that is later than the date of the election. 49 Section 2. Section 101.697, Florida Statutes, is amended to 50 read: 51 101.697 Electronic transmission of election materials.— 52 (1) An overseas voter may request an absentee ballot and 53 transmit a voted absentee ballot via facsimile or electronic 54 mail to a supervisor of elections. 55 (2) An overseas voter may request an absentee ballot, vote, 56 and return a voted absentee ballot by other secured 57 transmission, provided the voting system process has been 58 approved by the Department of State. The department shall adopt 59 rules for the submission and approval of the secured 60 transmission process. 61 (3) The department shall adopt rules that provide the 62 process for accepting the voted absentee ballot via facsimile, 63 e-mail, or other secure electronic means. The rules must provide 64 at a minimum, the process for verifying the voter, establishing 65 the security of the transmission of the voted absentee ballot, 66 and recording the voted absentee ballot once received.The67Department of State shall determine whether secure electronic68means can be established for receiving ballots from overseas69voters. If such security can be established, the department70shall adopt rules to authorize a supervisor of elections to71accept from an overseas voter a request for an absentee ballot72or a voted absentee ballot by secure facsimile machine73transmission or other secure electronic means. The rules must74provide that in order to accept a voted ballot, the verification75of the voter must be established, the security of the76transmission must be established, and each ballot received must77be recorded.78 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.