Florida Senate - 2010                                    SB 1684
       By Senator Garcia
       40-01050-10                                           20101684__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to corporations; amending s. 289.021,
    3         F.S.; deleting an obsolete reference to taxes;
    4         correcting a cross-reference; amending s. 607.1622,
    5         F.S.; deleting a provision authorizing a corporation
    6         to contribute to the Election Campaign Financing Trust
    7         Fund when filing an annual report; amending s.
    8         617.01301, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference;
    9         amending s. 617.0606, F.S.; permitting members of a
   10         corporation to resign at any time, unless otherwise
   11         restricted by the articles of incorporation or bylaws;
   12         amending s. 620.8503, F.S.; correcting a cross
   13         reference; amending s. 865.09, F.S.; making a
   14         technical change; providing an effective date.
   16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   18         Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 289.021, Florida
   19  Statutes, is amended to read:
   20         289.021 Industrial Development Corporation; incorporation.—
   21         (2) The Department of State may shall not approve articles
   22  of incorporation for a corporation organized under this act
   23  until a total of at least 15 national banks, state banks,
   24  savings banks, industrial savings banks, federal savings and
   25  loan associations, domestic building and loan associations, or
   26  insurance companies authorized to do business within this state,
   27  or any combination thereof, have agreed in writing to become
   28  members of said corporation. The written agreement shall be
   29  filed with the Department of State with the articles of
   30  incorporation and the filing of same shall be a condition
   31  precedent to the approval of the articles of incorporation by
   32  the Department of State. Whenever the articles of incorporation
   33  shall have been filed in the Department of State and approved by
   34  it, and all filing fees and taxes prescribed by s. 607.0122
   35  chapter 608, have been paid, the subscribers, their successors
   36  and assigns shall constitute a corporation, and said corporation
   37  shall then be authorized to commence business, and stock thereof
   38  to the extent herein or hereafter duly authorized may from time
   39  to time be issued.
   40         Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 607.1622, Florida
   41  Statutes, is amended to read:
   42         607.1622 Annual report for Department of State.—
   43         (1) Each domestic corporation and each foreign corporation
   44  authorized to transact business in this state shall deliver to
   45  the Department of State for filing a sworn annual report on such
   46  forms as the Department of State prescribes that sets forth:
   47         (a) The name of the corporation and the state or country
   48  under the law of which it is incorporated;
   49         (b) The date of incorporation or, if a foreign corporation,
   50  the date on which it was admitted to do business in this state;
   51         (c) The address of its principal office and the mailing
   52  address of the corporation;
   53         (d) The corporation’s federal employer identification
   54  number, if any, or, if none, whether one has been applied for;
   55         (e) The names and business street addresses of its
   56  directors and principal officers;
   57         (f) The street address of its registered office and the
   58  name of its registered agent at that office in this state;
   59         (g)Language permitting a voluntary contribution of $5 per
   60  taxpayer, which contribution shall be transferred into the
   61  Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. A statement providing an
   62  explanation of the purpose of the trust fund shall also be
   63  included; and
   64         (g)(h) Such additional information as may be necessary or
   65  appropriate to enable the Department of State to carry out the
   66  provisions of this act.
   67         Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 617.01301, Florida
   68  Statutes, is amended to read:
   69         617.01301 Powers of Department of State.—
   70         (3) The Department of State may, based upon its findings
   71  hereunder or as provided in s. 213.053(15) s. 213.053(13), bring
   72  an action in circuit court to collect any penalties, fees, or
   73  taxes determined to be due and owing the state and to compel any
   74  filing, qualification, or registration required by law. In
   75  connection with such proceeding the department may, without
   76  prior approval by the court, file a lis pendens against any
   77  property owned by the corporation and may further certify any
   78  findings to the Department of Legal Affairs for the initiation
   79  of any action permitted pursuant to s. 617.0503 which the
   80  Department of Legal Affairs may deem appropriate.
   81         Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 617.0606, Florida
   82  Statutes, is amended to read:
   83         617.0606 Resignation of members.—
   84         (1) Except as may be provided in the articles of
   85  incorporation or bylaws of a corporation, a member may resign at
   86  any time of a mutual benefit corporation may not transfer a
   87  membership or any right arising from membership.
   88         Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 620.8503, Florida
   89  Statutes, is amended to read:
   90         620.8503 Transfer of partner’s transferable interest.—
   91         (2) A transferee of a partner’s transferable interest in
   92  the partnership has a right:
   93         (a) To receive, in accordance with the transfer,
   94  distributions to which the transferor would otherwise be
   95  entitled;
   96         (b) To receive upon the dissolution and winding up of the
   97  partnership business, in accordance with the transfer, the net
   98  amount otherwise distributable to the transferor; and
   99         (c) To seek, under s. 620.8801(6) s. 620.839(6), a judicial
  100  determination that it is equitable to wind up the partnership
  101  business.
  102         Section 6. Subsection (11) of section 865.09, Florida
  103  Statutes, is amended to read:
  104         865.09 Fictitious name registration.—
  105         (11) FORMS.—Registration, cancellation, and renewal shall
  106  be made on forms prescribed by the Department of State, which
  107  may include the uniform business report, pursuant to s. 606.06,
  108  as a means of satisfying the requirement of this chapter part.
  109         Section 7. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.