Florida Senate - 2010                                    SB 2220
       By Senator Wise
       5-01724-10                                            20102220__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to the Strategic Intermodal System
    3         Plan; amending s. 339.64, F.S.; removing provisions
    4         creating and providing duties of the Statewide
    5         Intermodal Transportation Advisory Council; providing
    6         an effective date.
    8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   10         Section 1. Subsections (1), (2), and (5) of section 339.64,
   11  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   12         339.64 Strategic Intermodal System Plan.—
   13         (1) The department shall develop, in cooperation with
   14  metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning councils,
   15  local governments, the Statewide Intermodal Transportation
   16  Advisory Council and other transportation providers, a Strategic
   17  Intermodal System Plan. The plan shall be consistent with the
   18  Florida Transportation Plan developed pursuant to s. 339.155 and
   19  shall be updated at least once every 5 years, subsequent to
   20  updates of the Florida Transportation Plan.
   21         (2) In association with the continued development of the
   22  Strategic Intermodal System Plan, the Florida Transportation
   23  Commission, as part of its work program review process, shall
   24  conduct an annual assessment of the progress that the department
   25  and its transportation partners have made in realizing the goals
   26  of economic development, improved mobility, and increased
   27  intermodal connectivity of the Strategic Intermodal System. The
   28  Florida Transportation Commission shall coordinate with the
   29  department, the Statewide Intermodal Transportation Advisory
   30  Council, and other appropriate entities when developing this
   31  assessment. The Florida Transportation Commission shall deliver
   32  a report to the Governor and Legislature no later than 14 days
   33  after the regular session begins, with recommendations as
   34  necessary to fully implement the Strategic Intermodal System.
   36         (a) The Statewide Intermodal Transportation Advisory
   37  Council is created to advise and make recommendations to the
   38  Legislature and the department on policies, planning, and
   39  funding of intermodal transportation projects. The council’s
   40  responsibilities shall include:
   41         1. Advising the department on the policies, planning, and
   42  implementation of strategies related to intermodal
   43  transportation.
   44         2. Providing advice and recommendations to the Legislature
   45  on funding for projects to move goods and people in the most
   46  efficient and effective manner for the State of Florida.
   47         (b) MEMBERSHIP.—Members of the Statewide Intermodal
   48  Transportation Advisory Council shall consist of the following:
   49         1. Six intermodal industry representatives selected by the
   50  Governor as follows:
   51         a. One representative from an airport involved in the
   52  movement of freight and people from their airport facility to
   53  another transportation mode.
   54         b. One individual representing a fixed-route, local
   55  government transit system.
   56         c. One representative from an intercity bus company
   57  providing regularly scheduled bus travel as determined by
   58  federal regulations.
   59         d. One representative from a spaceport.
   60         e. One representative from intermodal trucking companies.
   61         f. One representative having command responsibilities of a
   62  major military installation.
   63         2. Three intermodal industry representatives selected by
   64  the President of the Senate as follows:
   65         a. One representative from major-line railroads.
   66         b. One representative from seaports listed in s. 311.09(1)
   67  from the Atlantic Coast.
   68         c. One representative from an airport involved in the
   69  movement of freight and people from their airport facility to
   70  another transportation mode.
   71         3. Three intermodal industry representatives selected by
   72  the Speaker of the House of Representatives as follows:
   73         a. One representative from short-line railroads.
   74         b. One representative from seaports listed in s. 311.09(1)
   75  from the Gulf Coast.
   76         c. One representative from intermodal trucking companies.
   77  In no event may this representative be employed by the same
   78  company that employs the intermodal trucking company
   79  representative selected by the Governor.
   80         (c) Initial appointments to the council must be made no
   81  later than 30 days after the effective date of this section.
   82         1. The initial appointments made by the President of the
   83  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
   84  serve terms concurrent with those of the respective appointing
   85  officer. Beginning January 15, 2005, and for all subsequent
   86  appointments, council members appointed by the President of the
   87  Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
   88  serve 2-year terms, concurrent with the term of the respective
   89  appointing officer.
   90         2. The initial appointees, and all subsequent appointees,
   91  made by the Governor shall serve 2-year terms.
   92         3. Vacancies on the council shall be filled in the same
   93  manner as the initial appointments.
   94         (d) Each member of the council shall be allowed one vote.
   95  The council shall select a chair from among its membership.
   96  Meetings shall be held at the call of the chair, but not less
   97  frequently than quarterly. The members of the council shall be
   98  reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses as provided in s.
   99  112.061.
  100         (e) The department shall provide administrative staff
  101  support and shall ensure that council meetings are
  102  electronically recorded. Such recordings and all documents
  103  received, prepared for, or used by the council in conducting its
  104  business shall be preserved pursuant to chapters 119 and 257.
  105         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.