Florida Senate - 2010 (NP) SR 2562 By Senator Ring 32-02198-10 20102562__ 1 Senate Resolution 2 A resolution recognizing May 2010 as “Amyotrophic 3 Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month” in Florida. 4 5 WHEREAS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), better known 6 as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative 7 disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, 8 and 9 WHEREAS, the early symptoms of ALS include weakness of the 10 skeletal muscles, especially involving the arms and legs, and 11 difficulty in swallowing, talking, and breathing, and 12 WHEREAS, ALS eventually causes muscles to atrophy, 13 resulting in functional quadriplegia, and 14 WHEREAS, ALS does not affect an individual’s mental 15 capacity, and he or she remains alert and aware of his or her 16 loss of motor functions and the inevitability of continued 17 deterioration and death, and 18 WHEREAS, on average, individuals diagnosed with ALS survive 19 only 3 to 5 years after their initial diagnosis, and 20 WHEREAS, research indicates that military veterans are at 21 least 50 percent more likely to develop ALS than those who have 22 not served in the military, and 23 WHEREAS, ALS has no known cause, means of prevention, or 24 cure, and 25 WHEREAS, the recognition of an “Amyotrophic Lateral 26 Sclerosis Awareness Month” increases awareness of the 27 circumstances of ALS patients and the impact of the disease on 28 the patient, his or her family members, and the larger 29 community, and supports the goals of ALS research, which are to 30 find the cause or causes of ALS, to understand the mechanisms 31 involved in the progression of the disease, and to develop 32 effective treatment, NOW, THEREFORE, 33 34 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 35 36 That May 2010 is recognized as “Amyotrophic Lateral 37 Sclerosis Awareness Month” in Florida.