Florida Senate - 2010 SB 2658 By Senator Bennett 21-01404-10 20102658__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to energy efficiency; requiring that 3 the Department of Management Services consider the 4 energy efficiency of all materials used in the 5 construction, alteration, repair, or rebuilding of a 6 building or facility owned or operated by a state 7 agency; requiring that the department lease a building 8 or facility that has high-efficiency lighting, when 9 feasible; requiring that the department adopt rules 10 requiring that all buildings and facilities owned by 11 state agencies use high-efficiency lamps when 12 replacing an existing lamp or installing a new lamp; 13 providing an effective date. 14 15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 16 17 Section 1. (1) The Department of Management Services shall 18 consider the energy efficiency of all materials used in the 19 construction, alteration, repair, or rebuilding of a building or 20 facility owned or operated by a state agency. Whenever feasible, 21 the department shall lease a building or facility that has high 22 efficiency lighting. 23 (2) The department shall adopt rules requiring that all 24 buildings and facilities owned by state agencies use high 25 efficiency lamps when replacing an existing lamp or installing a 26 new lamp. 27 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.