GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL SB2700 Senator(s) Haridopolos moved the following LATE FILED amendment:
Section: 07
On Page: 374

Spec App: 3208

This amendment provides $200,000 from the State
Courts Revenue Trust Fund to form an Innocence
Commission in the state Supreme Court. The amendment
reduces funding for contracted services within the
circuit courts by $200,000 in the State Courts
Revenue Trust Fund.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds Recurring - 0 0 0 Non-Recurring - 0 0 0 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts DELETE INSERT STATE COURT SYSTEM Program: Supreme Court Court Operations - Supreme Court 22010100 In Section 07 On Page 374 3208 Special Categories 100777 Contracted Services IOEA 2057 From State Courts Revenue Trust 464,679 664,679 Fund CA 200,000 FSI1 200,000 Immediately following Specific Appropriation 3208, INSERT: From the funds in specific appropriation 3208, $200,000 is provided for the creation of an Innocence Commission within the Supreme Court to study the causes of wrongful conviction and subsequent incarceration. Program: Trial Courts Court Operations - Circuit Courts 22300100 In Section 07 On Page 378 3245 Special Categories 100777 Contracted Services IOEA 995094 Log:0029 RCH/RCH 03/30/10 10:48:32 PM Senate Page: 1
2057 From State Courts Revenue Trust 3,811,756 3,611,756 Fund CA -200,000 FSI1 -200,000
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment.
995094 Log:0029 RCH/RCH 03/30/10 10:48:32 PM Senate Page: 2