Senator(s) Alexander moved the following LATE FILED amendment:
Section: 04 On Page: 116
Spec App: 629
| EXPLANATION: The amendment restores funding to the Department of Corrections for costs associated with not privatizing 1,350 correctional facility beds. The amendment, however maintains the reduction in the Department of Corrections budget of $1,400,125 and requires the Department to reduce costs of operations by that amount including by privatization of beds, if necessary. The amendment also requires the department to provide a plan of action to further reduce the costs of inmate care for higher cost facilities by five percent and requires the plan to be provided to the chairs of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees no later than November 1, 2010.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Program: Security And Institutional
Adult Male Custody Operations 70031100
In Section 04 On Page 116
629 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 8,544 9,183
1000 From General Revenue Fund 433,375,099 439,015,947
CA 5,640,848 FSI1 5,640,848
DELETE existing proviso which begins on page 115 and ends on page 116
which reads:
Specific Appropriations 603 through 781 include a reduction of
$24,251,652 in recurring general revenue to close an existing
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institution(s) in order to open 2,224 adult male correctional facility
beds at Blackwater River Correctional Institution on November 1, 2010.
Specific Appropriations 603 through 781 also include $14,006,142 in
recurring general revenue reductions to be achieved through privatizing
1,350 beds at an existing Department of Corrections operated
institution(s). Conversion from state operated to privately operated
shall take place no later than January 1, 2010.
The department may not close or privatize any dormitories other than
those associated with closing or privatizing an entire institution to
acheive the reductions provided above.
The Department of Corrections shall provide a transition plan to the
chairs of the Full Appropriations Council on General Government & Health
Care and the Senate Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means no
later than July 1, 2010, which includes the list of the institution(s)
to be closed to populate Blackwater River Correctional Institution and
the institution(s) to be privatized. To expedite the contracting
process, all information pertinent to developing contracts shall be
provided to the Department of Financial Services no later than July 1,
2010. The department shall submit any amendment necessary to facilitate
the transfer of funding from the Adult Male Private Prison Operations
category to another private prison operations category if a different
type institution is determined.
Through the provisions of s. 287.057(11), F.S., and from the list of
vendors approved through the Florida Vendor Bid System, the Department
of Financial Services shall, upon receipt of Department of Corrections
data pertinent to determining type of facility, number and type of
inmate, medical and psychological grade populations, and FY 2008-09
operating costs, immediately procure contracts for the 1,350 privately
operated prison beds. The institution(s) average daily population
(ADP), as well as medical and psychological grade population
percentages, shall remain substantially unchanged from the ADP
calculated/published for FY 2008-09. For each facility contracted, at
least a ten percent savings over DOC FY 2008-09 operating costs for the
operated prison beds. The institution(s) average daily population
(ADP), as well as medical and psychological grade population
percentages, shall remain substantially unchanged from the ADP
calculated/published for FY 2008-09. For each facility contracted, at
least a ten percent savings over DOC FY 2008-09 operating costs for the
facility to be privatized shall be achieved. The institution(s) shall
continue to operate at capacities set forth in s. 944.023, F.S.
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Any funds received at the converted institution(s) from canteens,
subsistence payments, or any other participation accounts shall continue
to be remitted to the General Revenue Fund.
and INSERT the following new proviso in its place:
From the funds in Specific Appropriations 603 through 781 the department
shall identify 1,350 adult male custody beds that are medical grades 1
and 2, and also, psychological grades 1 and 2 with an average daily
per-diem of $45.06 and implement cost efficiencies that will reduce the
average daily per-diem to $42. The department may achieve these cost
efficiencies by matching the types of inmates to the lowest cost of
incarceration, i.e. prisons, work camps, or work release facilities.
The department must contract for the operation of these 1,350 beds if
necessary to reach the per-diem rate of $42.
From the funds in Specific Appropriations 603 through 781 the department
shall develop a plan to reduce the operating costs of an additional
6,400 beds by 5%. This plan may use Department of Corrections beds or
privatized beds. The department shall provide this plan to the
Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives by November 1, 2010.
631 Expenses 040000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 27,907,302 29,649,440
CA 1,742,138 FSI1 1,742,138
In Section 04 On Page 117
633 Food Products 070000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 29,813,041 30,525,185
CA 712,144 FSI1 712,144
634 Special Categories 100777
Contracted Services IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 5,568,965 5,689,667
CA 120,702 FSI1 120,702
635 Special Categories 102025
Food Service And Production IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 3,152,295 3,200,576
CA 48,281 FSI1 48,281
639 Special Categories 105235
Private Prison Operations IOEA
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1000 From General Revenue Fund 123,437,173 110,831,156
CA -12,606,017 FSI1 -12,606,017
DELETE the proviso on page 117, following Specific Appropriation 639
which reads:
Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 639 include $12,606,017 for the
operation of 1,350 beds at an institution(s) to be determined by the
Department of Corrections. Conversion of the existing institution(s)
from state operated to privately operated shall take place no later than
January 1, 2010.
The Department of Corrections shall provide a transition plan to the
chairs of the Full Appropriations Council on General Government & Health
Care and the Senate Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means no
later than July 1, 2010, which includes the institution(s) to be closed
to populate Blackwater River Correctional Institution and the
institution(s) to be privatized. The department shall submit any
amendment necessary to facilitate the transfer of funding from the Adult
Male Private Prison Operations category to another private prison
operations category if a different type institution is determined.
Through the provisions of s. 287.057(11), F.S., and from the list of
vendors approved through the Florida Vendor Bid System, the Department
of Financial Services shall, upon receipt of Department of Corrections
data pertinent to determining type of facility, number and type of
inmate, medical and psychological grade populations, and FY 2008-09
operating costs, immediately procure contracts for the 1,350 privately
operated prison beds. The institution(s) average daily population
(ADP), as well as medical and psychological grade population
percentages, shall remain substantially unchanged from the ADP
calculated/published for FY 2008-09. For each facility contracted, at
least a ten percent savings over DOC FY 2008-09 operating costs for the
facility to be privatized shall be achieved. The institution(s) shall
continue to operate at capacities set forth in s. 944.023, F.S.
Any funds received at the converted institution(s) from canteens,
subsistence payments, or any other inmate participation accounts shall
continue to be remitted to the General Revenue Fund.
Program: Health Services
Inmate Health Services 70251000
In Section 04 On Page 128
748 Other Personal Services 030000 IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 19,095,933 19,320,163
CA 224,230 FSI1 224,230
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In Section 04 On Page 129
751 Special Categories 100777
Contracted Services IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 753,447 765,678
CA 12,231 FSI1 12,231
753 Special Categories 104017
Inmate Health Services IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 120,680,220 123,758,283
CA 3,078,063 FSI1 3,078,063
754 Special Categories 104530
Treatment Of Inmates - General Drugs IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 25,319,289 25,718,826
CA 399,537 FSI1 399,537
755 Special Categories 104540
Treatment Of Inmates - Psychotropic Drugs IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 12,781,828 12,977,519
CA 195,691 FSI1 195,691
Treatment Of Inmates With Infectious
Diseases 70252000
762 Special Categories 104550
Treatment Of Inmates - Infectious Disease
Drugs IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 29,256,496 29,688,648
CA 432,152 FSI1 432,152
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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