Senator(s) Alexander moved the following LATE FILED amendment:
Section: 06 On Page: 345
Spec App: 2789
| EXPLANATION: Joint Legislative Auditing to contract for a study on best prison management practices including a comparison of public and private prisons.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Auditing Committee 11980000
In Section 06 On Page 345
2789 Lump Sum 093900
Auditing Committee IOEA
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2789, the Joint Legislative
Auditing Committee shall contract for the development of a policy paper
with a independent research entity that has the resources and skills to
identify best practices in the delivery of prison operations, both
private and public. In developing the policy paper, the selected
contractor shall:
(1) analyze prison management experiences in other states on economic,
legal and practical grounds;
(2) assemble and summarize the studies and best practices in corrections
management, both private and public;
(3) discuss the differences among the approaches to prison management
and between private and public prison management;
(4) analyze other benefits besides cost considerations in prison
(5) identify ways Florida can benefit from cost savings and best
practices by adopting best prison management methods for use in public
and private prisons;
(6) provide policy recommendations on ways Florida can benefit from cost
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savings and best practices in prison operations; and,
(7) identify the types of inmate bed, composition of inmate population,
and facility size best operated by the public and private sector.
The policy paper shall be submitted to the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and the President of the Senate no later than February
28, 2011.
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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