Florida Senate - 2010                            (NP)    SR 2768
       By Senator Oelrich
       14-02405-10                                           20102768__
    1                          Senate Resolution                        
    2         A resolution recognizing April 2010 as “Donate Life
    3         Month” in Florida.
    5         WHEREAS, organ donation is one of the most meaningful gifts
    6  that a human being can bestow upon another, and
    7         WHEREAS, each year, about 26,000 persons nationwide receive
    8  a lifesaving organ transplant, and
    9         WHEREAS, a new patient is added to the national patient
   10  wait list for an organ transplant every 11 minutes, and
   11         WHEREAS, more than 105,000 men, women, and children
   12  nationwide currently are on the national wait list for organ
   13  transplantation, with more than 3,800 of them Floridians, and
   14         WHEREAS, an average of 18 people die every day awaiting an
   15  organ transplant that does not come in time, and thousands more
   16  could benefit from life-improving tissue transplants each year,
   17  and
   18         WHEREAS, each of us is a potential organ, eye, and tissue
   19  donor and can register our wish to save lives through organ and
   20  tissue donation at the DonateLifeFlorida.org website or on our
   21  driver’s license, and
   22         WHEREAS, the State of Florida supports Donate Life
   23  Florida’s lifesaving mission, and
   24         WHEREAS, in 1983, Congress declared that, each year, a week
   25  in April shall be recognized as “National Organ and Tissue Donor
   26  Awareness Week,” and
   27         WHEREAS, in 2003, then-Secretary of the United States
   28  Department Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson recognized
   29  April as “National Donate Life Month,” NOW, THEREFORE,
   31  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
   33         That April 2010 is recognized as “Donate Life Month” in
   34  Florida.