HB 371

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to enterprise zones; authorizing certain
3county governing bodies to apply to the Office of Tourism,
4Trade, and Economic Development to amend the boundary of
5certain enterprise zones; providing a limitation;
6authorizing the office to approve the amendment
7application subject to certain requirements; requiring the
8office to establish the effective date of the amendment;
9creating s. 290.00726, F.S.; authorizing Martin County to
10apply to the office for designation of an enterprise zone;
11providing application requirements; authorizing the office
12to designate an enterprise zone in Martin County;
13providing responsibilities of the office; providing an
14effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  (1)  The governing body of a county in which an
19enterprise zone has been designated, which zone includes a
20portion of a rural area of critical economic concern designated
21as provided in s. 288.0656(7), Florida Statutes, may apply to
22the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to amend
23the boundary of the enterprise zone to expand the area of the
24enterprise zone by not more than 3 square miles.
25     (2)  Notwithstanding the area limitations specified in s.
26290.0055(4), Florida Statutes, the Office of Tourism, Trade, and
27Economic Development may approve the boundary amendment request
28if the area continues to satisfy the remaining requirements of
29s. 290.0055, Florida Statutes.
30     (3)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development
31shall establish the effective date of the boundary amendment
32approved under this section.
33     Section 2.  Section 290.00726, Florida Statutes, is created
34to read:
35     290.00726  Enterprise zone designation for Martin County.-
36Martin County may apply to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and
37Economic Development for designation of one enterprise zone for
38an area within Martin County, which zone shall encompass an area
39up to 10 square miles consisting of land within the primary
40urban services boundary and focusing on Indiantown, but
41excluding property owned by Florida Power and Light to the west,
42two areas to the north designated as estate residential, and the
43county-owned Timer Powers Recreational Area. Within the
44designated enterprise zone, Martin County shall exempt
45residential condominiums from benefiting from state enterprise
46zone incentives, unless prohibited by law. The application must
47be submitted by December 31, 2010, and must comply with the
48requirements of s. 290.0055. Notwithstanding s. 290.0065
49limiting the total number of enterprise zones designated and the
50number of enterprise zones within a population category, the
51Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development may designate
52one enterprise zone under this section. The Office of Tourism,
53Trade, and Economic Development shall establish the initial
54effective date of the enterprise zone designated pursuant to
55this section.
56     Section 3.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2011.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.