HB 381

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to community redevelopment; amending s.
3163.340, F.S.; expanding the definition of the term
4"blighted area" to include land previously used as a
5military facility; providing an effective date.
7Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9     Section 1.  Subsection (8) of section 163.340, Florida
10Statutes, is amended to read:
11     163.340  Definitions.-The following terms, wherever used or
12referred to in this part, have the following meanings:
13     (8)  "Blighted area" means an area in which there are a
14substantial number of deteriorated, or deteriorating structures,
15in which conditions, as indicated by government-maintained
16statistics or other studies, are leading to economic distress or
17endanger life or property, and in which two or more of the
18following factors are present:
19     (a)  Predominance of defective or inadequate street layout,
20parking facilities, roadways, bridges, or public transportation
22     (b)  Aggregate assessed values of real property in the area
23for ad valorem tax purposes have failed to show any appreciable
24increase over the 5 years prior to the finding of such
26     (c)  Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy,
27accessibility, or usefulness;
28     (d)  Unsanitary or unsafe conditions;
29     (e)  Deterioration of site or other improvements;
30     (f)  Inadequate and outdated building density patterns;
31     (g)  Falling lease rates per square foot of office,
32commercial, or industrial space compared to the remainder of the
33county or municipality;
34     (h)  Tax or special assessment delinquency exceeding the
35fair value of the land;
36     (i)  Residential and commercial vacancy rates higher in the
37area than in the remainder of the county or municipality;
38     (j)  Incidence of crime in the area higher than in the
39remainder of the county or municipality;
40     (k)  Fire and emergency medical service calls to the area
41proportionately higher than in the remainder of the county or
43     (l)  A greater number of violations of the Florida Building
44Code in the area than the number of violations recorded in the
45remainder of the county or municipality;
46     (m)  Diversity of ownership or defective or unusual
47conditions of title which prevent the free alienability of land
48within the deteriorated or hazardous area; or
49     (n)  Governmentally owned property with adverse
50environmental conditions caused by a public or private entity.
52However, the term "blighted area" also means any area in which
53at least one of the factors identified in paragraphs (a) through
54(n) is are present and all taxing authorities subject to s.
55163.387(2)(a) agree, either by interlocal agreement or
56agreements with the agency or by resolution, that the area is
57blighted. Such agreement or resolution shall only determine only
58that the area is blighted. The term also includes an area that
59was previously used as a military facility, is undeveloped, and
60consists of land that the Federal Government declared surplus
61within the preceding 20 years. For purposes of qualifying for
62the tax credits authorized in chapter 220, "blighted area" means
63an area as defined in this subsection.
64     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.