1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to the Department of Highway Safety and |
3 | Motor Vehicles; amending s. 316.008, F.S.; authorizing a |
4 | county or municipality to use traffic infraction detectors |
5 | to enforce specified provisions when a driver fails to |
6 | stop at a traffic control device; providing that a county |
7 | or municipality may install such detectors or authorize |
8 | installation of such detectors by contract or interlocal |
9 | agreement; restricting such installation and use by a |
10 | county to unincorporated areas of the county and |
11 | installation and use by a municipality to the incorporated |
12 | area of the municipality; providing for such installation |
13 | and use on state roads under the jurisdiction of the |
14 | Department of Transportation; providing for contingent |
15 | effect; amending s. 316.066, F.S.; revising provisions for |
16 | motor vehicle crash reports; providing for short-form |
17 | crash reports to be completed under certain circumstances |
18 | and maintained by the local law enforcement agency; |
19 | authorizing law enforcement agencies to request |
20 | supplemental reports from drivers and written reports from |
21 | witnesses under certain circumstances; amending s. 322.02, |
22 | F.S.; revising legislative intent relating to delivery of |
23 | driver's license services by tax collectors; providing |
24 | that it is the intent of the Legislature to transition all |
25 | driver license issuance services from the Department of |
26 | Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to tax collectors; |
27 | conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 322.135, F.S.; |
28 | requiring the department to authorize any or all of the |
29 | tax collectors in the several counties of the state to |
30 | serve as its agent for the provision of specified driver's |
31 | license services; removing an exemption from a fee charged |
32 | by such agents; directing the department, in conjunction |
33 | with the Florida Tax Collectors Association and the |
34 | Florida Association of Counties, to develop a plan to |
35 | transition all driver's license issuance services to |
36 | county tax collectors; requiring the plan to be submitted |
37 | to the Legislature; removing procedures for approval of |
38 | tax collectors as agents upon application by the tax |
39 | collector; amending s. 322.20, F.S.; providing for county |
40 | clerks of court and tax collectors to provide 3-year, 7- |
41 | year, or complete driver records to any person upon |
42 | collection of specified fees; requiring certain fees |
43 | collected to be remitted to the department within a |
44 | certain time period; amending ss. 322.2615, 324.051, |
45 | 921.0022, F.S.; conforming cross-references; providing an |
46 | effective date. |
47 |
48 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
49 |
50 | Section 1. If House Bill 325 or Senate Bill 2166, 2010 |
51 | Regular Session, is adopted in the same legislative session or |
52 | an extension thereof and becomes law, subsection (7) is added to |
53 | section 316.008, Florida Statutes, to read: |
54 | 316.008 Powers of local authorities.- |
55 | (7)(a) A county or municipality may use traffic infraction |
56 | detectors to enforce s. 316.074(1) or s. 316.075(1)(c)1. when a |
57 | driver fails to stop at a traffic signal on streets and highways |
58 | under its jurisdiction under s. 316.0083. Only a municipality |
59 | may install or authorize the installation of any such detectors |
60 | within the incorporated area of the municipality. Only a county |
61 | may install or authorize the installation of any such detectors |
62 | within the unincorporated area of the county. |
63 | (b) Pursuant to paragraph (a), a municipality may install |
64 | or, by contract or interlocal agreement, authorize the |
65 | installation of any such detectors only within the incorporated |
66 | area of the municipality, and a county may install or, by |
67 | contract or interlocal agreement, authorize the installation of |
68 | any such detectors only within the unincorporated area of the |
69 | county. A county may authorize installation of any such |
70 | detectors by interlocal agreement on roads under its |
71 | jurisdiction. |
72 | (c) Pursuant to s. 316.0083, a county or municipality may |
73 | use traffic infraction detectors to enforce a s. 316.074(1) or |
74 | s. 316.075(1)(c)1. when a driver fails to stop at a traffic |
75 | signal on state roads under the original jurisdiction of the |
76 | Department of Transportation when permitted by the Department of |
77 | Transportation. |
78 | Section 2. Section 316.066, Florida Statutes, is amended |
79 | to read: |
80 | 316.066 Written reports of crashes.- |
81 | (1) The driver of a vehicle which is in any manner |
82 | involved in a crash resulting in bodily injury to or death of |
83 | any person or damage to any vehicle or other property in an |
84 | apparent amount of at least $500 shall, within 10 days after the |
85 | crash, forward a written report of such crash to the department |
86 | or traffic records center. However, when the investigating |
87 | officer has made a written report of the crash pursuant to |
88 | subsection (3), no written report need be forwarded to the |
89 | department or traffic records center by the driver. |
90 | (2) The receiving entity may require any driver of a |
91 | vehicle involved in a crash of which a written report must be |
92 | made as provided in this section to file supplemental written |
93 | reports whenever the original report is insufficient in the |
94 | opinion of the department and may require witnesses of crashes |
95 | to render reports to the department. |
96 | (1)(3)(a) A Florida Traffic Crash Report, Long Form is |
97 | required to be completed and submitted to the department within |
98 | 10 days after completing an investigation by every law |
99 | enforcement officer who in the regular course of duty |
100 | investigates a motor vehicle crash: |
101 | 1. That Which crash resulted in death or personal injury |
102 | shall, within 10 days after completing the investigation, |
103 | forward a written report of the crash to the department or |
104 | traffic records center. |
105 | 2. That Which crash involved a violation of s. 316.061(1) |
106 | or s. 316.193 shall, within 10 days after completing the |
107 | investigation, forward a written report of the crash to the |
108 | department or traffic records center. |
109 | 3. In which crash a vehicle was rendered inoperative to a |
110 | degree that which required a wrecker to remove it from traffic |
111 | may, within 10 days after completing the investigation, forward |
112 | a written report of the crash to the department or traffic |
113 | records center if such action is appropriate, in the officer's |
114 | discretion. |
115 | (b) In every crash for case in which a Florida Traffic |
116 | Crash Report, Long Form is not required by this section and a |
117 | written report to a law enforcement officer is not prepared, the |
118 | law enforcement officer may complete a short-form crash report |
119 | or provide a short-form crash report to be completed by shall |
120 | provide each party involved in the crash a short-form report, |
121 | prescribed by the state, to be completed by the party. The |
122 | short-form report must include: |
123 | 1. The date, time, and location of the crash.; |
124 | 2. A description of the vehicles involved.; |
125 | 3. The names and addresses of the parties involved.; |
126 | 4. The names and addresses of witnesses.; |
127 | 5. The name, badge number, and law enforcement agency of |
128 | the officer investigating the crash.; and |
129 | 6. The names of the insurance companies for the respective |
130 | parties involved in the crash. |
131 | (c) Each party to the crash shall provide the law |
132 | enforcement officer with proof of insurance to be included in |
133 | the crash report. If a law enforcement officer submits a report |
134 | on the accident, proof of insurance must be provided to the |
135 | officer by each party involved in the crash. Any party who fails |
136 | to provide the required information commits a noncriminal |
137 | traffic is guilty of an infraction, punishable as for a |
138 | nonmoving violation, punishable as provided in chapter 318, |
139 | unless the officer determines that due to injuries or other |
140 | special circumstances such insurance information cannot be |
141 | provided immediately. If the person provides the law enforcement |
142 | agency, within 24 hours after the crash, proof of insurance that |
143 | was valid at the time of the crash, the law enforcement agency |
144 | may void the citation. |
145 | (d) The driver of a vehicle that was in any manner |
146 | involved in a crash resulting in damage to any vehicle or other |
147 | property in an amount of $500 or more, which crash was not |
148 | investigated by a law enforcement agency, shall, within 10 days |
149 | after the crash, submit a written report of the crash to the |
150 | department or traffic records center. The entity receiving the |
151 | report may require witnesses of crashes to render reports and |
152 | may require any driver of a vehicle involved in a crash of which |
153 | a written report must be made as provided in this section to |
154 | file supplemental written reports whenever the original report |
155 | is deemed insufficient by the receiving entity. |
156 | (e) Short-form crash reports prepared by law enforcement |
157 | shall be maintained by the law enforcement officer's agency. |
158 | (2)(4)(a) One or more counties may enter into an agreement |
159 | with the appropriate state agency to be certified by the agency |
160 | to have a traffic records center for the purpose of tabulating |
161 | and analyzing countywide traffic crash reports. The agreement |
162 | must include: certification by the agency that the center has |
163 | adequate auditing and monitoring mechanisms in place to ensure |
164 | the quality and accuracy of the data; the time period in which |
165 | the traffic records center must report crash data to the agency; |
166 | and the medium in which the traffic records must be submitted to |
167 | the agency. |
168 | (b) In the case of a county or multicounty area that has a |
169 | certified central traffic records center, a law enforcement |
170 | agency or driver must submit to the center within the time limit |
171 | prescribed in this section a written report of the crash. A |
172 | driver who is required to file a crash report must be notified |
173 | of the proper place to submit the completed report. |
174 | (c) Fees for copies of public records provided by a |
175 | certified traffic records center shall be charged and collected |
176 | as follows: |
177 |
178 | For a crash report $10 per copy. |
179 | For a homicide report $25 per copy. |
180 | For a uniform traffic citation $0.50 per copy. |
181 |
182 | The fees collected for copies of the public records provided by |
183 | a certified traffic records center shall be used to fund the |
184 | center or otherwise as designated by the county or counties |
185 | participating in the center. |
186 | (3)(5)(a) Crash reports that reveal the identity, home or |
187 | employment telephone number or home or employment address of, or |
188 | other personal information concerning the parties involved in |
189 | the crash and that are held by any agency that regularly |
190 | receives or prepares information from or concerning the parties |
191 | to motor vehicle crashes are confidential and exempt from s. |
192 | 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution for a |
193 | period of 60 days after the date the report is filed. |
194 | (b) Crash reports held by an agency under paragraph (a) |
195 | may be made immediately available to the parties involved in the |
196 | crash, their legal representatives, their licensed insurance |
197 | agents, their insurers or insurers to which they have applied |
198 | for coverage, persons under contract with such insurers to |
199 | provide claims or underwriting information, prosecutorial |
200 | authorities, victim services programs, radio and television |
201 | stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, |
202 | newspapers qualified to publish legal notices under ss. 50.011 |
203 | and 50.031, and free newspapers of general circulation, |
204 | published once a week or more often, available and of interest |
205 | to the public generally for the dissemination of news. For the |
206 | purposes of this section, the following products or publications |
207 | are not newspapers as referred to in this section: those |
208 | intended primarily for members of a particular profession or |
209 | occupational group; those with the primary purpose of |
210 | distributing advertising; and those with the primary purpose of |
211 | publishing names and other personal identifying information |
212 | concerning parties to motor vehicle crashes. |
213 | (c) Any local, state, or federal agency that is authorized |
214 | to have access to crash reports by any provision of law shall be |
215 | granted such access in the furtherance of the agency's statutory |
216 | duties. |
217 | (d) As a condition precedent to accessing a crash report |
218 | within 60 days after the date the report is filed, a person must |
219 | present a valid driver's license or other photographic |
220 | identification, proof of status, or identification that |
221 | demonstrates his or her qualifications to access that |
222 | information, and file a written sworn statement with the state |
223 | or local agency in possession of the information stating that |
224 | information from a crash report made confidential and exempt by |
225 | this section will not be used for any commercial solicitation of |
226 | accident victims, or knowingly disclosed to any third party for |
227 | the purpose of such solicitation, during the period of time that |
228 | the information remains confidential and exempt. In lieu of |
229 | requiring the written sworn statement, an agency may provide |
230 | crash reports by electronic means to third-party vendors under |
231 | contract with one or more insurers, but only when such contract |
232 | states that information from a crash report made confidential |
233 | and exempt by this section will not be used for any commercial |
234 | solicitation of accident victims by the vendors, or knowingly |
235 | disclosed by the vendors to any third party for the purpose of |
236 | such solicitation, during the period of time that the |
237 | information remains confidential and exempt, and only when a |
238 | copy of such contract is furnished to the agency as proof of the |
239 | vendor's claimed status. |
240 | (e) This subsection does not prevent the dissemination or |
241 | publication of news to the general public by any legitimate |
242 | media entitled to access confidential and exempt information |
243 | pursuant to this section. |
244 | (4)(6)(a) Any driver failing to file the written report |
245 | required under subsection (1) or subsection (2) commits a |
246 | noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving |
247 | violation as provided in chapter 318. |
248 | (b) Any employee of a state or local agency in possession |
249 | of information made confidential and exempt by this section who |
250 | knowingly discloses such confidential and exempt information to |
251 | a person not entitled to access such information under this |
252 | section is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as |
253 | provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. |
254 | (c) Any person, knowing that he or she is not entitled to |
255 | obtain information made confidential and exempt by this section, |
256 | who obtains or attempts to obtain such information commits is |
257 | guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided |
258 | in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. |
259 | (d) Any person who knowingly uses confidential and exempt |
260 | information in violation of a filed written sworn statement or |
261 | contractual agreement required by this section commits a felony |
262 | of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. |
263 | 775.083, or s. 775.084. |
264 | (5)(7) Except as specified in this subsection, each crash |
265 | report made by a person involved in a crash and any statement |
266 | made by such person to a law enforcement officer for the purpose |
267 | of completing a crash report required by this section shall be |
268 | without prejudice to the individual so reporting. No such report |
269 | or statement shall be used as evidence in any trial, civil or |
270 | criminal. However, subject to the applicable rules of evidence, |
271 | a law enforcement officer at a criminal trial may testify as to |
272 | any statement made to the officer by the person involved in the |
273 | crash if that person's privilege against self-incrimination is |
274 | not violated. The results of breath, urine, and blood tests |
275 | administered as provided in s. 316.1932 or s. 316.1933 are not |
276 | confidential and shall be admissible into evidence in accordance |
277 | with the provisions of s. 316.1934(2). Crash reports made by |
278 | persons involved in crashes shall not be used for commercial |
279 | solicitation purposes; however, the use of a crash report for |
280 | purposes of publication in a newspaper or other news periodical |
281 | or a radio or television broadcast shall not be construed as |
282 | "commercial purpose." |
283 | (6)(8) A law enforcement officer, as defined in s. |
284 | 943.10(1), may enforce this section. |
285 | Section 3. Subsections (1) and (5) of section 322.02, |
286 | Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
287 | 322.02 Legislative intent; administration.- |
288 | (1) The Legislature finds that over the past several years |
289 | the department and individual county tax collectors have entered |
290 | into contracts for the delivery of full and limited driver |
291 | license services where such contractual relationships best |
292 | served the public interest through state administration and |
293 | enforcement and local government implementation. It is the |
294 | intent of the Legislature that the complete transition of all |
295 | driver license issuance services to tax collectors who are |
296 | constitutional officers under s. 1(d), Art. VIII of the State |
297 | Constitution be completed no later than June 30, 2015. The |
298 | transition of services to appointed charter county tax |
299 | collectors may occur on a limited basis as directed by the |
300 | department future interests and processes for developing and |
301 | expanding the department's relationship with tax collectors |
302 | through contractual relationships for the delivery of driver |
303 | license services be achieved through the provisions of this |
304 | chapter, thereby serving best the public interest considering |
305 | accountability, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, responsiveness, |
306 | and high-quality service to the drivers in Florida. |
307 | (5) The tax collector in and for his or her county may be |
308 | designated the exclusive agent of the department to implement |
309 | and administer the provisions of this chapter as provided by s. |
310 | 322.135(5). |
311 | Section 4. Section 322.135, Florida Statutes, is amended |
312 | to read: |
313 | 322.135 Driver's license agents.- |
314 | (1) The department shall may, upon application, authorize |
315 | any or all of the tax collectors in the several counties of the |
316 | state, subject to the requirements of law, in accordance with |
317 | rules of the department, to serve as its agent for the provision |
318 | of specified driver's license services. |
319 | (a) These services shall be limited to the issuance of |
320 | driver's licenses and identification cards as authorized by this |
321 | chapter. |
322 | (b) Each tax collector who is authorized by the department |
323 | to provide driver's license services shall bear all costs |
324 | associated with providing those services. |
325 | (c) A service fee of $6.25 shall be charged, in addition |
326 | to the fees set forth in this chapter, for providing all |
327 | services pursuant to this chapter. The service fee may not be |
328 | charged: |
329 | 1. More than once per customer during a single visit to a |
330 | tax collector's office. |
331 | 2. For a reexamination requested by the Medical Advisory |
332 | Board or required pursuant to s. 322.221. |
333 | 3. For a voter registration transaction. |
334 | 4. For changes in an organ donation registration. |
335 | 4.5. In violation of any federal or state law. |
336 | (2) Each tax collector is required to give a good and |
337 | sufficient surety bond, payable to the department, conditioned |
338 | upon his or her faithfully and truly performing the duties |
339 | imposed upon him or her according to the requirements of law and |
340 | the rules of the department and upon his or her accounting for |
341 | all materials, records, and other property and money that come |
342 | into his or her possession or control by reason of performing |
343 | these duties. |
344 | (a) The amount of the bond must be determined by the |
345 | department as an amount not less than 10 percent above the |
346 | average of the daily deposits of each tax collector. |
347 | (b) If a tax collector is also an agent of the department |
348 | for purposes of s. 320.03, the amount of the bond must be at |
349 | least 10 percent above the average of the total daily deposits |
350 | of all funds received by the tax collector on behalf of the |
351 | department. |
352 | (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 320.03, only one |
353 | bond is required in order for a tax collector to serve as an |
354 | agent of the department under chapters 320 and 322. |
355 | (3) Each tax collector shall keep a full and complete |
356 | record of all materials, records, and other properties received |
357 | by him or her from the department, or from any other source, and |
358 | shall make prompt remittance of moneys collected by him or her |
359 | at such times and in such manner as prescribed by law, in |
360 | accordance with departmental rules. |
361 | (4) A tax collector may not issue or renew a driver's |
362 | license if he or she has any reason to believe that the licensee |
363 | or prospective licensee is physically or mentally unqualified to |
364 | operate a motor vehicle. The tax collector may direct any such |
365 | licensee to the department for examination or reexamination |
366 | under s. 322.221. |
367 | (5) The department, in conjunction with the Florida Tax |
368 | Collectors Association and the Florida Association of Counties, |
369 | shall develop a plan to transition all driver's license issuance |
370 | services to the county tax collectors who are constitutional |
371 | officers under s. 1(d), Art. VIII of the State Constitution. The |
372 | transition plan must be submitted to the President of the Senate |
373 | and the Speaker of the House of Representatives on or before |
374 | February 1, 2011. The transition plan must include a timeline to |
375 | complete the full transition of all driver's license issuance |
376 | services no later than June 30, 2015, and may include, but is |
377 | not limited to, recommendations on the use of regional service |
378 | centers, interlocal agreements, and equipment. The county tax |
379 | collector at his or her option may apply to the department for |
380 | approval by the executive director to be the exclusive agent of |
381 | the department for his or her county to administer driver |
382 | license services as provided and authorized in this chapter. |
383 | (a) The application by the county tax collector shall be |
384 | in writing to the executive director of the department. The |
385 | application must be submitted by September 1 to be effective for |
386 | the state's subsequent fiscal year beginning July 1. |
387 | (b) The department shall provide a form for such |
388 | application, which shall include the following information: |
389 | 1. Locations within the county where offices and branch |
390 | offices for driver license services are proposed. |
391 | 2. The designation by the tax collector of the driver |
392 | license functions to be performed by the tax collector in the |
393 | county. |
394 | 3. Any anticipated capital acquisition or construction |
395 | costs. |
396 | 4. A projection of equipment available or to be provided |
397 | by the department. |
398 | 5. All anticipated operating costs, including facilities, |
399 | equipment, and personnel to administer driver license services. |
400 | (c) The department shall review applications on or before |
401 | September 1 of each year. The department shall compare the costs |
402 | included in the information submitted in the application with |
403 | the related costs incurred by the department to accomplish the |
404 | same level of services. The department shall approve or deny an |
405 | application within 60 calendar days after the application is |
406 | received unless the department and the applicant agree mutually |
407 | to a specific alternative date. |
408 | (d) The department may provide technical assistance to an |
409 | applicant upon request. |
410 | (6) Administration of driver license services by a county |
411 | tax collector as the exclusive agent of the department must be |
412 | revenue neutral with no adverse state fiscal impact and with no |
413 | adverse unfunded mandate to the tax collector. |
414 | (7) Upon approval by the department for a tax collector to |
415 | provide exclusive driver license services in a county, the |
416 | department and the applicable tax collector shall develop a |
417 | transition plan for the orderly transfer of service |
418 | responsibilities to the tax collector. This plan shall include, |
419 | but is not limited to: |
420 | (a) The specifics of any possible use of any state-owned |
421 | or leased facilities giving consideration to lease expiration |
422 | date, cancellation provisions, and possibilities for sublease of |
423 | such facilities. |
424 | (b) Consideration of staffing needs of the tax collector, |
425 | either the assumption by the collector or departmental |
426 | relocation of employees adversely affected. |
427 | (c) The execution of a standard agreement between the |
428 | department and the tax collector for providing driver license |
429 | services. |
430 | (8) The county tax collector, as the exclusive agent of |
431 | the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, shall be |
432 | paid fees for driver license services. |
433 | (6)(9) Notwithstanding chapter 116, each county officer |
434 | within this state who is authorized to collect funds provided |
435 | for in this chapter shall pay all sums officially received by |
436 | the officer into the State Treasury no later than 5 working days |
437 | after the close of the business day in which the officer |
438 | received the funds. Payment by county officers to the state |
439 | shall be made by means of electronic funds transfers. |
440 | Section 5. Subsection (11) of section 322.20, Florida |
441 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
442 | 322.20 Records of the department; fees; destruction of |
443 | records.- |
444 | (11)(a) The department may charge the following fees for |
445 | the following services and documents: |
446 | 1. For providing a transcript of any one individual's |
447 | driver history record or any portion thereof for the past 3 |
448 | years or for searching for such record when no record is found |
449 | on file $8 |
450 | 2. For providing a transcript of any one individual's |
451 | driver history record or any portion thereof for the past 7 |
452 | years or for searching for such record when no record is found |
453 | on file $10 |
454 | 3. For providing a certified copy of a transcript of the |
455 | driver history record or any portion thereof for any one |
456 | individual $10 |
457 | 4. For providing a certified photographic copy of a |
458 | document, per page $1 |
459 | 5. For providing an exemplified record $15 |
460 | 6. For providing photocopies of documents, papers, |
461 | letters, clearances, or license or insurance status reports, per |
462 | page $0.50 |
463 | 7. For assisting persons in searching any one individual's |
464 | driver record at a terminal located at the department's general |
465 | headquarters in Tallahassee $2 |
466 | 8. For searching for any one individual's driver history |
467 | record when no record is found on file $2 |
468 | 9. For electronically searching for any one individual's |
469 | driver history record to determine if the record meets requested |
470 | criteria $0.01 |
471 | (b) The department shall furnish such information without |
472 | charge to any local, state, or federal law enforcement agency or |
473 | court upon proof satisfactory to the department as to the |
474 | purpose of the investigation. |
475 | (c) The clerks of court and tax collectors authorized |
476 | under s. 322.135, may provide 3-year, 7-year, or complete driver |
477 | records to any person requesting such records upon payment of |
478 | the appropriate fees. In addition to the fees authorized under |
479 | paragraph (a), clerks of court and tax collectors may assess the |
480 | fee listed in s. 322.135(1)(c) for this service. The applicable |
481 | record fees listed in paragraph (a) must be remitted to the |
482 | department no later than 5 days after payment is received, |
483 | unless a shorter remittance period is required by law. |
484 | Section 6. Subsection (2) of section 322.2615, Florida |
485 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
486 | 322.2615 Suspension of license; right to review.- |
487 | (2) Except as provided in paragraph (1)(a), the law |
488 | enforcement officer shall forward to the department, within 5 |
489 | days after issuing the notice of suspension, the driver's |
490 | license; an affidavit stating the officer's grounds for belief |
491 | that the person was driving or in actual physical control of a |
492 | motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages |
493 | or chemical or controlled substances; the results of any breath |
494 | or blood test or an affidavit stating that a breath, blood, or |
495 | urine test was requested by a law enforcement officer or |
496 | correctional officer and that the person refused to submit; the |
497 | officer's description of the person's field sobriety test, if |
498 | any; the notice of suspension; and a copy of the crash report, |
499 | if any. The failure of the officer to submit materials within |
500 | the 5-day period specified in this subsection and in subsection |
501 | (1) does not affect the department's ability to consider any |
502 | evidence submitted at or prior to the hearing. The officer may |
503 | also submit a copy of a videotape of the field sobriety test or |
504 | the attempt to administer such test. Materials submitted to the |
505 | department by a law enforcement agency or correctional agency |
506 | shall be considered self-authenticating and shall be in the |
507 | record for consideration by the hearing officer. Notwithstanding |
508 | s. 316.066(5)(7), the crash report shall be considered by the |
509 | hearing officer. |
510 | Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section |
511 | 324.051, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
512 | 324.051 Reports of crashes; suspensions of licenses and |
513 | registrations.- |
514 | (1)(a) Every law enforcement officer who, in the regular |
515 | course of duty either at the time of and at the scene of the |
516 | crash or thereafter by interviewing participants or witnesses, |
517 | investigates a motor vehicle crash which he or she is required |
518 | to report pursuant to s. 316.066(1)(3) shall forward a written |
519 | report of the crash to the department within 10 days of |
520 | completing the investigation. However, when the investigation of |
521 | a crash will take more than 10 days to complete, a preliminary |
522 | copy of the crash report shall be forwarded to the department |
523 | within 10 days after of the occurrence of the crash, to be |
524 | followed by a final report within 10 days after completion of |
525 | the investigation. The report shall be on a form and contain |
526 | information consistent with the requirements of s. 316.068. |
527 | Section 8. Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section |
528 | 921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
529 | 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity |
530 | ranking chart.- |
532 | (c) LEVEL 3 |
533 |
| FloridaStatute | FelonyDegree | Description |
534 |
| 119.10(2)(b) | 3rd | Unlawful use of confidential information from police reports. |
535 |
| 316.066(4)(6)(b)-(d) | 3rd | Unlawfully obtaining or using confidential crash reports. |
536 |
| 316.193(2)(b) | 3rd | Felony DUI, 3rd conviction. |
537 |
| 316.1935(2) | 3rd | Fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer in patrol vehicle with siren and lights activated. |
538 |
| 319.30(4) | 3rd | Possession by junkyard of motor vehicle with identification number plate removed. |
539 |
| 319.33(1)(a) | 3rd | Alter or forge any certificate of title to a motor vehicle or mobile home. |
540 |
| 319.33(1)(c) | 3rd | Procure or pass title on stolen vehicle. |
541 |
| 319.33(4) | 3rd | With intent to defraud, possess, sell, etc., a blank, forged, or unlawfully obtained title or registration. |
542 |
| 327.35(2)(b) | 3rd | Felony BUI. |
543 |
| 328.05(2) | 3rd | Possess, sell, or counterfeit fictitious, stolen, or fraudulent titles or bills of sale of vessels. |
544 |
| 328.07(4) | 3rd | Manufacture, exchange, or possess vessel with counterfeit or wrong ID number. |
545 |
| 376.302(5) | 3rd | Fraud related to reimbursement for cleanup expenses under the Inland Protection Trust Fund. |
546 |
| 379.2431(1)(e)5. | 3rd | Taking, disturbing, mutilating, destroying, causing to be destroyed, transferring, selling, offering to sell, molesting, or harassing marine turtles, marine turtle eggs, or marine turtle nests in violation of the Marine Turtle Protection Act. |
547 |
| 379.2431(1)(e)6. | 3rd | Soliciting to commit or conspiring to commit a violation of the Marine Turtle Protection Act. |
548 |
| 400.9935(4) | 3rd | Operating a clinic without a license or filing false license application or other required information. |
549 |
| 440.1051(3) | 3rd | False report of workers' compensation fraud or retaliation for making such a report. |
550 |
| 501.001(2)(b) | 2nd | Tampers with a consumer product or the container using materially false/misleading information. |
551 |
| 624.401(4)(a) | 3rd | Transacting insurance without a certificate of authority. |
552 |
| 624.401(4)(b)1. | 3rd | Transacting insurance without a certificate of authority; premium collected less than $20,000. |
553 |
| 626.902(1)(a) & (b) | 3rd | Representing an unauthorized insurer. |
554 |
| 697.08 | 3rd | Equity skimming. |
555 |
| 790.15(3) | 3rd | Person directs another to discharge firearm from a vehicle. |
556 |
| 796.05(1) | 3rd | Live on earnings of a prostitute. |
557 |
| 806.10(1) | 3rd | Maliciously injure, destroy, or interfere with vehicles or equipment used in firefighting. |
558 |
| 806.10(2) | 3rd | Interferes with or assaults firefighter in performance of duty. |
559 |
| 810.09(2)(c) | 3rd | Trespass on property other than structure or conveyance armed with firearm or dangerous weapon. |
560 |
| 812.014(2)(c)2. | 3rd | Grand theft; $5,000 or more but less than $10,000. |
561 |
| 812.0145(2)(c) | 3rd | Theft from person 65 years of age or older; $300 or more but less than $10,000. |
562 |
| 815.04(4)(b) | 2nd | Computer offense devised to defraud or obtain property. |
563 |
| 817.034(4)(a)3. | 3rd | Engages in scheme to defraud (Florida Communications Fraud Act), property valued at less than $20,000. |
564 |
| 817.233 | 3rd | Burning to defraud insurer. |
565 |
| 817.234(8)(b)-(c) | 3rd | Unlawful solicitation of persons involved in motor vehicle accidents. |
566 |
| 817.234(11)(a) | 3rd | Insurance fraud; property value less than $20,000. |
567 |
| 817.236 | 3rd | Filing a false motor vehicle insurance application. |
568 |
| 817.2361 | 3rd | Creating, marketing, or presenting a false or fraudulent motor vehicle insurance card. |
569 |
| 817.413(2) | 3rd | Sale of used goods as new. |
570 |
| 817.505(4) | 3rd | Patient brokering. |
571 |
| 828.12(2) | 3rd | Tortures any animal with intent to inflict intense pain, serious physical injury, or death. |
572 |
| 831.28(2)(a) | 3rd | Counterfeiting a payment instrument with intent to defraud or possessing a counterfeit payment instrument. |
573 |
| 831.29 | 2nd | Possession of instruments for counterfeiting drivers' licenses or identification cards. |
574 |
| 838.021(3)(b) | 3rd | Threatens unlawful harm to public servant. |
575 |
| 843.19 | 3rd | Injure, disable, or kill police dog or horse. |
576 |
| 860.15(3) | 3rd | Overcharging for repairs and parts. |
577 |
| 870.01(2) | 3rd | Riot; inciting or encouraging. |
578 |
| 893.13(1)(a)2. | 3rd | Sell, manufacture, or deliver cannabis (or other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs). |
579 |
| 893.13(1)(d)2. | 2nd | Sell, manufacture, or deliver s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs within 1,000 feet of university. |
580 |
| 893.13(1)(f)2. | 2nd | Sell, manufacture, or deliver s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c)1., (2)(c)2., (2)(c)3., (2)(c)5., (2)(c)6., (2)(c)7., (2)(c)8., (2)(c)9., (3), or (4) drugs within 1,000 feet of public housing facility. |
581 |
| 893.13(6)(a) | 3rd | Possession of any controlled substance other than felony possession of cannabis. |
582 |
| 893.13(7)(a)8. | 3rd | Withhold information from practitioner regarding previous receipt of or prescription for a controlled substance. |
583 |
| 893.13(7)(a)9. | 3rd | Obtain or attempt to obtain controlled substance by fraud, forgery, misrepresentation, etc. |
584 |
| 893.13(7)(a)10. | 3rd | Affix false or forged label to package of controlled substance. |
585 |
| 893.13(7)(a)11. | 3rd | Furnish false or fraudulent material information on any document or record required by chapter 893. |
586 |
| 893.13(8)(a)1. | 3rd | Knowingly assist a patient, other person, or owner of an animal in obtaining a controlled substance through deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practitioner's practice. |
587 |
| 893.13(8)(a)2. | 3rd | Employ a trick or scheme in the practitioner's practice to assist a patient, other person, or owner of an animal in obtaining a controlled substance. |
588 |
| 893.13(8)(a)3. | 3rd | Knowingly write a prescription for a controlled substance for a fictitious person. |
589 |
| 893.13(8)(a)4. | 3rd | Write a prescription for a controlled substance for a patient, other person, or an animal if the sole purpose of writing the prescription is a monetary benefit for the practitioner. |
590 |
| 918.13(1)(a) | 3rd | Alter, destroy, or conceal investigation evidence. |
591 |
| 944.47(1)(a)1.-2. | 3rd | Introduce contraband to correctional facility. |
592 |
| 944.47(1)(c) | 2nd | Possess contraband while upon the grounds of a correctional institution. |
593 |
| 985.721 | 3rd | Escapes from a juvenile facility (secure detention or residential commitment facility). |
594 |
595 | Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010. |