CS/HB 5503

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to transportation revenue; amending s.
3215.211, F.S.; removing provisions that eliminate
4imposition of a specified service charge on specified
5income of a revenue nature; reenacting s. 215.20(1), F.S.,
6relating to a service charge appropriated from income of a
7revenue nature deposited in trust funds to provide for
8imposition of the service charge pursuant to changes made
9by the act to s. 215.211, F.S.; amending s. 320.072, F.S.;
10revising the disposition of proceeds collected on the
11initial application for registration of specified motor
12vehicles; amending s. 339.135, F.S.; providing for effect
13of revised funding levels on department projects;
14providing an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Section 215.211, Florida Statutes, is amended
19to read:
20     215.211  Service charge; elimination or reduction for
21specified proceeds.-
22     (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 215.20(1) and
23(3), the service charge provided in s. 215.20(1) and (3), which
24is deducted from the proceeds of the taxes distributed under ss.
25206.606(1), 207.026, 212.0501(6), and 319.32(5), shall be
26eliminated beginning July 1, 2000.
27     (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 215.20(1) and
28(3), the service charge provided in s. 215.20(1) and (3), which
29is deducted from the proceeds of the taxes distributed under ss.
30206.608 and 320.072(4), shall be eliminated beginning July 1,
32     (1)(3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 215.20(1), the
33service charge provided in s. 215.20(1) may not be deducted from
34the proceeds of the local option fuel tax distributed under s.
36     (2)(4)  From the revenues derived from s. 336.025(1)(a), an
37amount equal to 7 percent of those revenues shall be deposited
38in the State Transportation Trust Fund and used to fund the
39County Incentive Grant Program and the Small County Outreach
40Program. Up to 20 percent of such funds shall be used for the
41purpose of implementing the Small County Outreach Program as
42provided in this act. Notwithstanding any other laws to the
43contrary, the requirements of ss. 339.135, 339.155, and 339.175
44shall not apply to these funds and programs.
45     Section 2.  For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
46made by this act to section 215.211, Florida Statutes,
47subsection (1) of section 215.20, Florida Statutes, is reenacted
48to read:
49     215.20  Certain income and certain trust funds to
50contribute to the General Revenue Fund.-
51     (1)  A service charge of 8 percent, representing the
52estimated pro rata share of the cost of general government paid
53from the General Revenue Fund, is hereby appropriated from all
54income of a revenue nature deposited in all trust funds except
55those enumerated in s. 215.22. Income of a revenue nature shall
56include all earnings received or credited by such trust funds,
57including the interest or benefit received from the investment
58of the principal of such trust funds as may be permitted by law.
59This provision shall be construed in favor of the General
60Revenue Fund in each instance. All such appropriations shall be
61deposited in the General Revenue Fund.
62     Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 320.072, Florida
63Statutes, is amended to read:
64     320.072  Additional fee imposed on certain motor vehicle
65registration transactions.-
66     (4)  A tax collector or other authorized agent of the
67department shall promptly remit 44.5 percent of all moneys
68collected pursuant to this section, less any refunds granted
69pursuant to subsection (3), to the department. The department
70shall deposit 34.5 percent of the funds to be deposited into the
71State Transportation Trust Fund and 10 percent into the Highway
72Safety Operating Trust Fund. The remaining 55.5 percent shall be
73deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
74     Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
75339.135, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 2009-271, Laws
76of Florida, is amended to read:
77     339.135  Work program; legislative budget request;
78definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.-
80     (a)1.  To assure that no district or county is penalized
81for local efforts to improve the State Highway System, the
82department shall, for the purpose of developing a tentative work
83program, allocate funds for new construction to the districts,
84except for the turnpike enterprise, based on equal parts of
85population and motor fuel tax collections. Funds for
86resurfacing, bridge repair and rehabilitation, bridge fender
87system construction or repair, public transit projects except
88public transit block grants as provided in s. 341.052, and other
89programs with quantitative needs assessments shall be allocated
90based on the results of these assessments. The department may
91not transfer any funds allocated to a district under this
92paragraph to any other district except as provided in subsection
93(7). Funds for public transit block grants shall be allocated to
94the districts pursuant to s. 341.052. Funds for the intercity
95bus program provided for under s. 5311(f) of the federal
96nonurbanized area formula program shall be administered and
97allocated directly to eligible bus carriers as defined in s.
98341.031(12) at the state level rather than the district. In
99order to provide state funding to support the intercity bus
100program provided for under provisions of the federal 5311(f)
101program, the department shall allocate an amount equal to the
102federal share of the 5311(f) program from amounts calculated
103pursuant to s. 206.46(3).
104     2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 1., the
105department shall allocate at least 50 percent of any new
106discretionary highway capacity funds to the Florida Strategic
107Intermodal System created pursuant to s. 339.61. Any remaining
108new discretionary highway capacity funds shall be allocated to
109the districts for new construction as provided in subparagraph
1101. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term "new
111discretionary highway capacity funds" means any funds available
112to the department above the prior year funding level for
113capacity improvements, which the department has the discretion
114to allocate to highway projects.
115     3.  Notwithstanding subparagraphs subparagraph 1. and 2.
116and ss. 201.15(1)(c)1.a.-d., 206.46(3), 206.608(2), 215.211(2),
117334.044(26), and 339.2819(3), and for the 2009-2010 fiscal years
1182010-2011 through 2014-2015 year only, the department shall
119reduce work program levels to balance the finance plan to the
120revised funding levels resulting from any reduction in the 2010-
1212011 2009-2010 General Appropriations Act and the reinstatement
122of the service charge under s. 215.20(1) which is deducted from
123the proceeds of the taxes distributed under ss. 206.606(1),
124206.608, 207.026, 212.0501(6), 319.32(5), and 320.072(4). This
125subparagraph expires July 1, 2010.
126     4.  For the 2009-2010 fiscal years 2010-2011 through 2014-
1272015 year only, prior to any project or phase thereof being
128deferred, the department's cash balances shall be as provided in
129paragraph (6)(b), and the reductions in subparagraph 3. shall be
130made to financial projects not programmed for contract letting
131as identified with a work program contract class code 8 and the
132box code RV. These reductions shall not negatively impact
133safety, or maintenance, financial projects for the purchase of
134the Central Florida Commuter Rail Corridor, or project
135contingency percentage levels as of July 1 April 21, 2009. This
136subparagraph expires July 1, 2010.
137     5.  Notwithstanding subparagraphs 1. and 2. and ss.
138206.46(3) and 334.044(26), and for fiscal years 2009-2010
139through 2013-2014 only, the department shall annually allocate
140up to $15 million of the first proceeds of the increased
141revenues estimated by the November 2009 Revenue Estimating
142Conference to be deposited into the State Transportation Trust
143Fund to provide for the portion of the transfer of funds
144included in s. 343.58(4)(a)1.a. or 2.a., whichever is
145applicable. The transfer of funds included in s. 343.58(4) shall
146not negatively impact projects included in fiscal years 2009-
1472010 through 2013-2014 of the work program as of July 1, 2009,
148as amended pursuant to subsection (7). This subparagraph expires
149July 1, 2014.
150     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.