CS/HB 7023

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the repeal of obsolete insurance
3provisions; amending s. 215.5595, F.S.; deleting an
4obsolete requirement for the State Board of Administration
5to transfer to the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
6certain funds of the Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive
7Program; amending s. 627.311, F.S.; deleting an obsolete
8presuit notice requirement for the Florida Automobile
9Joint Underwriting Association; amending s. 627.351, F.S.;
10deleting an obsolete Citizens Property Insurance
11Corporation reporting requirement; amending s. 627.706,
12F.S.; deleting an obsolete form filing deadline for
13sinkhole coverage; amending s. 627.7065, F.S.; deleting an
14obsolete reporting requirement for activities relating to
15the sinkhole database; repealing s. 627.7077, F.S.,
16relating to a feasibility and cost-benefit study of a
17Florida Sinkhole Insurance Facility and other matters
18related to affordability and availability of sinkhole
19insurance; amending s. 627.712, F.S.; deleting an obsolete
20effective date for the exclusion of windstorm and contents
21coverage; providing an effective date.
23Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25     Section 1.  Subsection (11) of section 215.5595, Florida
26Statutes, is amended to read:
27     215.5595  Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive Program.-
28     (11)  On January 15, 2009, the State Board of
29Administration shall transfer to Citizens Property Insurance
30Corporation any funds that have not been committed or reserved
31for insurers approved to receive such funds under the program,
32from the funds that were transferred from Citizens Property
33Insurance Corporation in 2008-2009 for such purposes.
34     Section 2.  Paragraph (k) of subsection (3) of section
35627.311, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
36     627.311  Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public
37records and public meetings exemptions.-
38     (3)  The office may, after consultation with insurers
39licensed to write automobile insurance in this state, approve a
40joint underwriting plan for purposes of equitable apportionment
41or sharing among insurers of automobile liability insurance and
42other motor vehicle insurance, as an alternate to the plan
43required in s. 627.351(1). All insurers authorized to write
44automobile insurance in this state shall subscribe to the plan
45and participate therein. The plan shall be subject to continuous
46review by the office which may at any time disapprove the entire
47plan or any part thereof if it determines that conditions have
48changed since prior approval and that in view of the purposes of
49the plan changes are warranted. Any disapproval by the office
50shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 120. The Florida
51Automobile Joint Underwriting Association is created under the
52plan. The plan and the association:
53     (k)1.  Shall have no liability, and no cause of action of
54any nature shall arise against any member insurer or its agents
55or employees, agents or employees of the association, members of
56the board of governors of the association, the Chief Financial
57Officer, or the office or its representatives for any action
58taken by them in the performance of their duties or
59responsibilities under this subsection. Such immunity does not
60apply to actions for or arising out of breach of any contract or
61agreement pertaining to insurance, or any willful tort.
62     2.  Notwithstanding the requirements of s. 624.155(3)(a),
63as a condition precedent to bringing an action against the plan
64under s. 624.155, the department and the plan must have been
65given 90 days' written notice of the violation. If the
66department returns a notice for lack of specificity, the 90-day
67time period shall not begin until a proper notice is filed. This
68notice must comply with the information requirements of s.
69624.155(3)(b). Effective October 1, 2007, this subparagraph
70shall expire unless reenacted by the Legislature prior to that
72     Section 3.  Paragraphs (dd), (ee), and (ff) of subsection
73(6) of section 627.351, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
74paragraphs (cc), (dd), and (ee), respectively, and present
75paragraph (cc) of that subsection is amended to read:
76     627.351  Insurance risk apportionment plans.-
78     (cc)  By February 1, 2007, the corporation shall submit a
79report to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House
80of Representatives, the minority party leaders of the Senate and
81the House of Representatives, and the chairs of the standing
82committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives having
83jurisdiction over matters relating to property and casualty
84insurance. In preparing the report, the corporation shall
85consult with the Office of Insurance Regulation, the Department
86of Financial Services, and any other party the corporation
87determines appropriate. The report must include all findings and
88recommendations on the feasibility of requiring authorized
89insurers that issue and service personal and commercial
90residential policies and commercial nonresidential policies that
91provide coverage for basic property perils except for the peril
92of wind to issue and service for a fee personal and commercial
93residential policies and commercial nonresidential policies
94providing coverage for the peril of wind issued by the
95corporation. The report must include:
96     1.  The expense savings to the corporation of issuing and
97servicing such policies as determined by a cost-benefit
99     2.  The expenses and liability to authorized insurers
100associated with issuing and servicing such policies.
101     3.  The effect on service to policyholders of the
102corporation relating to issuing and servicing such policies.
103     4.  The effect on the producing agent of the corporation of
104issuing and servicing such policies.
105     5.  Recommendations as to the amount of the fee which
106should be paid to authorized insurers for issuing and servicing
107such policies.
108     6.  The effect that issuing and servicing such policies
109will have on the corporation's number of policies, total insured
110value, and probable maximum loss.
111     Section 4.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section 627.706,
112Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (3) and (4),
113respectively, and present subsection (3) of that section is
114amended to read:
115     627.706  Sinkhole insurance; catastrophic ground cover
116collapse; definitions.-
117     (3)  On or before June 1, 2007, every insurer authorized to
118transact property insurance in this state shall make a proper
119filing with the office for the purpose of extending the
120appropriate forms of property insurance to include coverage for
121catastrophic ground cover collapse or for sinkhole losses.
122Coverage for catastrophic ground cover collapse may not go into
123effect until the effective date provided for in the filing
124approved by the office.
125     Section 5.  Subsection (6) of section 627.7065, Florida
126Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (5), and present
127subsection (5) of that section is amended to read:
128     627.7065  Database of information relating to sinkholes;
129the Department of Financial Services and the Department of
130Environmental Protection.-
131     (5)  The Department of Environmental Protection, in
132consultation with the Department of Financial Services, shall
133present a report of activities relating to the sinkhole
134database, including recommendations regarding the database and
135similar matters, to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of
136Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the Chief
137Financial Officer by December 31, 2005. The report may consider
138the need for the Legislature to create an entity to study the
139increase in sinkhole activity in the state and other similar
140issues relating to sinkhole damage, including recommendations
141and costs for staffing the entity. The report may include other
142information, as appropriate.
143     Section 6.  Section 627.7077, Florida Statutes, is
145     Section 7.  Subsection (7) of section 627.712, Florida
146Statutes, is amended to read:
147     627.712  Residential windstorm coverage required;
148availability of exclusions for windstorm or contents.-
149     (7)  This section is effective July 1, 2007, but the office
150may delay application of this section until a date no later than
151October 1, 2007, upon approval by the Financial Services
153     Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.