1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to a review under the Open Government |
3 | Sunset Review Act; amending s. 97.0585, F.S., which |
4 | provides an exemption from public records requirements for |
5 | certain information regarding voters and voter |
6 | registration and which provides an exemption from the |
7 | copying requirements for signatures of voters and voter |
8 | registrants; making clarifying changes; repealing s. 3, |
9 | ch. 2005-279, Laws of Florida, which provides for repeal |
10 | of the exemption; providing an effective date. |
11 |
12 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
13 |
14 | Section 1. Section 97.0585, Florida Statutes, is amended |
15 | to read: |
16 | 97.0585 Public records exemption; information regarding |
17 | voters and voter registration; confidentiality.- |
18 | (1) The following information concerning voters and voter |
19 | registration held by an agency as defined in s. 119.011 is |
20 | confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I |
21 | of the State Constitution and may be used only for purposes of |
22 | voter registration: |
23 | (a) All declinations to register to vote made pursuant to |
24 | ss. 97.057 and 97.058. |
25 | (b) Information relating to the place where a person |
26 | registered to vote or where a person updated a voter |
27 | registration. |
28 | (c) The social security number, driver's license number, |
29 | and Florida identification number of a voter registration |
30 | applicant or voter. |
31 | (2) The signature of a voter registration applicant or a |
32 | voter is exempt from the copying requirements may not be copied |
33 | and is exempt for that purpose from the provisions of s. |
34 | 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. |
35 | (3) This section applies to information held by an agency |
36 | before, on, or after the effective date of this exemption. |
37 | Section 2. Section 3 of chapter 2005-279, Laws of Florida, |
38 | is repealed. |
39 | Section 3. This act shall take effect October 1, 2010. |