Florida Senate - 2010
The Committee on Ways and Means (Altman) recommended the following
Section: 03 On Page: 058
Spec App: 191
| EXPLANATION: Redistributes Low Income Pool funding by increasing $1,923,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $3,077,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund for Plantation Hospital in the funds distributed for Medicaid low-income pool payments to hospitals serving as a safety net in providing emergency, specialized pediatric trauma services and inpatient hospital care to low-income individuals. The amendment reduces $1,923,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $3,077,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund from the funds distributed for Medicaid low-income pool payments to hospital provider access systems.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Program: Health Care Services
Medicaid Services To Individuals 68501400
In Section 03 On Page 058
191 Special Categories 101584
Low Income Pool IOEA
DELETE the proviso following Specific Appropriation 191:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, $306,648,996 from the
Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $490,670,288 from the Medical Care
Trust Fund are provided for Medicaid low-income pool payments to
hospitals provider access systems. The funding shall be distributed in a
two-step allocation process. The first phase of the allocation process
shall distribute payments to qualified hospitals based on the amount of
local government funding provided for the uninsured and underinsured.
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Payments to qualified hospitals shall be capped at 114.6 percent of the
amount of local government funding it would have received for the
uninsured and underinsured without the Low Income Pool program. The
second phase of the allocation process is to distribute the remaining
funds based on a ratio of a hospital's Medicaid days, charity care days,
and 50 percent of bad debt days to the total Medicaid days, charity care
days, and 50 percent of bad debt days of all qualifying hospitals. To
receive funds in this distribution, the hospital's Medicaid days,
charity care days and 50 percent of bad debt days divided by the
hospital's total days must equal or exceed 10 percent. Of the funds
allocated in the second phase, $2,419,573 shall be allocated to the
rural hospitals and the remaining funds shall be allocated to the
remaining hospitals that qualify for a distribution. All hospitals with
accepted 2008 Financial Hospital Uniform Reporting System (FHURS) data
are eligible for the second phase of the allocation process.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, $700,000 from the
General Revenue Fund, $27,832,494 from the Grants and Donations Trust
Fund and $45,254,931 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to
make Medicaid low-income pool payments to hospitals that serve as a
safety net in providing emergency, specialized pediatric trauma services
and inpatient hospital care to low-income individuals. These amounts
shall be paid to the following:
Jackson Memorial Hospital................................... 2,335,932
Shands Jacksonville Hospital................................ 32,039,960
All Children's Hospital..................................... 4,835,455
Shands Teaching Hospital.................................... 4,690,372
Tampa General Hospital...................................... 12,702,939
Orlando Regional Medical Center............................. 4,067,456
Lee Memorial Hospital/CMS................................... 867,236
St. Mary's Hospital......................................... 191,461
Miami Children's Hospital................................... 3,924,100
Broward General Medical Center.............................. 141,686
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare............................. 40,075
St. Joseph's Hospital....................................... 15,501
Florida Hospital............................................ 40,568
Baptist Hospital of Pensacola............................... 314,758
Mt. Sinai Medical Center.................................... 6,682,827
Bayfront Medical Center..................................... 142,367
Sacred Heart Hospital....................................... 320,573
Naples Community Hospital................................... 184,159
Baptist Medical Center - Jacksonville....................... 250,000
Insert proviso following Specific Appropriation 191:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, $304,725,996 from the
Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $487,593,288 from the Medical Care
Trust Fund are provided for Medicaid low-income pool payments to
hospitals provider access systems. The funding shall be distributed in a
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two-step allocation process. The first phase of the allocation process
shall distribute payments to qualified hospitals based on the amount of
local government funding provided for the uninsured and underinsured.
Payments to qualified hospitals shall be capped at 114.6 percent of the
amount of local government funding it would have received for the
uninsured and underinsured without the Low Income Pool program. The
second phase of the allocation process is to distribute the remaining
funds based on a ratio of a hospital's Medicaid days, charity care days,
and 50 percent of bad debt days to the total Medicaid days, charity care
days, and 50 percent of bad debt days of all qualifying hospitals. To
receive funds in this distribution, the hospital's Medicaid days,
charity care days and 50 percent of bad debt days divided by the
hospital's total days must equal or exceed 10 percent. Of the funds
allocated in the second phase, $2,419,573 shall be allocated to the
rural hospitals and the remaining funds shall be allocated to the
remaining hospitals that qualify for a distribution. All hospitals with
accepted 2008 Financial Hospital Uniform Reporting System (FHURS) data
are eligible for the second phase of the allocation process.
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, $700,000 from the
General Revenue Fund, $29,755,494 from the Grants and Donations Trust
Fund and $48,331,931 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to
make Medicaid low-income pool payments to hospitals that serve as a
safety net in providing emergency, specialized pediatric trauma services
and inpatient hospital care to low-income individuals. These amounts
shall be paid to the following:
Jackson Memorial Hospital................................... 2,335,932
Shands Jacksonville Hospital................................ 32,039,960
All Children's Hospital..................................... 4,835,455
Shands Teaching Hospital.................................... 4,690,372
Tampa General Hospital...................................... 12,702,939
Orlando Regional Medical Center............................. 4,067,456
Lee Memorial Hospital/CMS................................... 867,236
St. Mary's Hospital......................................... 191,461
Miami Children's Hospital................................... 3,924,100
Broward General Medical Center.............................. 141,686
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare............................. 40,075
St. Joseph's Hospital....................................... 15,501
Florida Hospital............................................ 40,568
Baptist Hospital of Pensacola............................... 314,758
Mt. Sinai Medical Center.................................... 6,682,827
Bayfront Medical Center..................................... 142,367
Sacred Heart Hospital....................................... 320,573
Naples Community Hospital................................... 184,159
Baptist Medical Center - Jacksonville....................... 250,000
Plantation Hospital......................................... 5,000,000
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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