HB 743

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to restrictions on business entities doing
3business with Iran; providing definitions; prohibiting the
4state from entering into, awarding, or renewing a contract
5or purchasing agreement for commodities or contractual
6services with, or receiving or soliciting proposals for
7the acquisition of commodities or contractual services
8from, any business entity doing business with Iran;
9providing for the cessation of such prohibition under
10specified circumstances; directing the Department of
11State, in conjunction with the Department of Management
12Services, the Department of Business and Professional
13Regulation, the Department of Legal Affairs, and the State
14Board of Administration, to develop a mechanism for the
15identification of business entities doing business with
16the nation of Iran and for the enforcement of the act;
17providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Restrictions on business entities doing
22business with Iran.-
23     (1)  DEFINITIONS.-For purposes of this section:
24     (a)  "Business entity" means:
25     1.  Any proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise,
26organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint
27venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership,
28limited liability company, trust, or other entity or business
29association, including all wholly owned subsidiaries, majority-
30owned subsidiaries, parent companies, or affiliates of such
31entities or business associations; or
32     2.  Any self-employed individual,
34whether fictitiously named or not, doing business in this state,
35that exists for the purpose of making a profit.
36     (b)  "Doing business with Iran" means:
37     1.  Engaging in commerce in any form with Iran, including,
38but not limited to, acquiring, developing, maintaining, owning,
39selling, possessing, leasing, or operating equipment,
40facilities, personnel, products, services, personal property,
41real property, or any other apparatus of business or commerce.
42     2.  Engaging in or in any way benefiting from dealings
43with, or activities related to or involving, the nation of Iran.
44     (c)  "Iran" means the Islamic Republic of Iran and includes
45the government of Iran, its instrumentalities, and companies
46owned or controlled by the government of Iran.
47     (2)  PROHIBITED CONTRACTS.-The state may not enter into,
48award, or renew a contract or purchasing agreement for
49commodities or contractual services with, or receive or solicit
50proposals for the acquisition of commodities or contractual
51services from, any business entity doing business, either
52directly or indirectly, with Iran.
53     (3)  CESSATION OF PROHIBITION.-The prohibition under
54subsection (2) is removed if the Congress or the President of
55the United States affirmatively and unambiguously declares, by
56means including, but not limited to, legislation, executive
57order, or written certification from the President to Congress,
58that the prohibition of contracts, awards, and agreements
59provided in subsection (2) interferes with the conduct of United
60States foreign policy.
62Department of State, in conjunction with the Department of
63Management Services, the Department of Business and Professional
64Regulation, the Department of Legal Affairs, and the State Board
65of Administration, shall develop a mechanism for the
66identification of business entities doing business with the
67nation of Iran and for the enforcement of this section.
68     Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2010.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.