HCR 8001

House Concurrent Resolution
2A concurrent resolution urging Congress to call a
3convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the
4Constitution of the United States to provide for a
5balanced federal budget and limit the ability of Congress
6to dictate to states requirements for the expenditure of
7federal funds.
9     WHEREAS, fiscal discipline and economic integrity have been
10core principles of American governance, and
11     WHEREAS, the American people have historically demanded the
12same prudent, responsible, and intellectually honest financial
13behavior from their elected representatives as ultimately
14compels individual behavior, and
15     WHEREAS, it is the firm conviction of the Legislature of
16the State of Florida that it is wrong to fund the prosperity of
17the present generation by robbing future Americans of their own,
19     WHEREAS, mortgaging the birthright of our children and
20grandchildren is a dangerous departure from traditional American
21values which threatens to permanently undermine the strength of
22our nation, and
23     WHEREAS, the national debt has nearly doubled over the past
248 years and Florida's share of that debt is $727 billion, more
25than all Floridians make in wages and salaries in 2 years, and
26     WHEREAS, for the nation to pay off the entire federal debt
27by 2015, Congress would have to triple the federal income taxes
28of every American and devote the increase exclusively to debt
29payments, and
30     WHEREAS, our debt is increasingly owed to the governments
31of foreign nations, not to the citizens of the United States;
32therefore, our wealth is transferred to others and will not be
33available to supply the means for America's future growth and
34prosperity, and
35     WHEREAS, this generation will bequeath to its children one
36of the world's most indebted industrial democracies, and
37     WHEREAS, high federal deficits cause increasingly high
38payments for debt interest in the future, make future borrowing
39more costly, reduce investment activity, and thus reduce the
40size of the future economy, and
41     WHEREAS, the people of Florida recognized the wisdom of
42fiscal discipline and enshrined in its State Constitution the
43requirement for a balanced budget to place a prudent limit on
44the tendencies of government, and
45     WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has made fiscally
46responsible decisions, maintaining a balanced budget and saving
47the citizens of this state from crippling deficits, massive debt
48burdens, and bankruptcy, and
49     WHEREAS, we, the Legislature of the State of Florida, call
50for the Constitution of the United States to be amended to
51require the Federal Government to operate with fiscal
52responsibility, common sense, and the revenues granted to it by
53the people, and
54     WHEREAS, the Federal Government has for too long relied on
55revenue increases and borrowing against our future rather than
56on prudent spending decisions within the limits of current
57revenues, and
58     WHEREAS, lasting resolution of this nation's budget deficit
59can be achieved only by addressing the spending habits of our
60Federal Government, not by increasing the tax burden under which
61our citizens already labor, and
62     WHEREAS, Article V of the Constitution of the United States
63makes provision for amending the Constitution on the application
64of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, calling
65a convention for proposing amendments that shall be valid to all
66intents and purposes if ratified by the legislatures of three-
67fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-
68fourths thereof, as one or the other mode of ratification may be
69proposed by Congress, NOW, THEREFORE,
71Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
72Florida, the Senate Concurring:
74     That the Legislature of the State of Florida, with all due
75respect and great reluctance, does hereby make application to
76the Congress of the United States pursuant to Article V of the
77Constitution of the United States to call an Article V
78amendments convention for the sole purpose of proposing
79amendments to the Constitution of the United States:
80     (1)  To achieve and maintain a balanced budget by:
81     (a)  Requiring that such balanced budget account for all
82obligations of the Federal Government;
83     (b)  Allowing flexibility in federal balanced budget
84requirements by providing exceptions related to exigencies such
85as national emergencies or threats to the nation's security;
86     (c)  Imposing spending limits on the Federal Government;
87     (d)  Setting extraordinary vote requirements for new or
88increased federal taxes and other revenues; and
89     (e)  Prohibiting federal mandates on states to impose taxes
90or fees.
91     (2)  To control the ability of the Congress and the various
92federal executive agencies to require states to expend funds by:
93     (a)  Limiting the ability of Congress and the various
94federal executive agencies to pass legislation requiring states
95to spend money or to take actions requiring the expenditure of
96money unless federal funds are provided in ongoing amounts
97sufficient to offset the full costs of such requirements; and
98     (b)  Limiting the ability of Congress to dictate to states
99requirements for the expenditure of federal funds other than
100such requirements as may be necessary to measure outcomes to be
101achieved through the expenditure of the federal funds, leaving
102to the several states the ability to decide how to best
103accomplish those outcomes.
104     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this concurrent resolution
105supersedes all previous memorials applying to the Congress of
106the United States to call a convention for the purpose of
107proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States,
108including Senate Memorial 234 and House Memorial 2801, both
109passed in 1976, and superseded, revoked, and withdrawn in 1988
110by Senate Memorial 302, and that such previous memorials are
111hereby revoked and withdrawn, nullified, and superseded to the
112same effect as if they had never been passed.
113     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this concurrent resolution is
114revoked and withdrawn, nullified, and superseded to the same
115effect as if it had never been passed, and retroactive to the
116date of passage, if it is used for the purpose of calling a
117convention or used in support of conducting a convention to
118amend the Constitution of the United States for any purpose
119other than requiring a balanced federal budget or limiting the
120ability of the Federal Government to require states to spend
122     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this concurrent
123resolution be dispatched to the President of the United States
124Senate, to the Speaker of the United States House of
125Representatives, to each member of the Florida delegation to the
126United States Congress, and to the presiding officers of each
127house of the several state legislatures.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.