HR 9009

House Resolution
2A resolution commending the osteopathic physicians of this
3state and designating April 14, 2010, as "Osteopathic
4Medicine Day" in the State of Florida.
6     WHEREAS, osteopathic physicians provide health care
7services that account for more than 59 million patient visits in
8this country each year, and
9     WHEREAS, this state has three accredited osteopathic
10hospitals, two osteopathic medical colleges, and the third
11largest osteopathic physician population in the United States,
13     WHEREAS, osteopathic physicians provide comprehensive
14medical care, including preventive medicine, diagnoses, and the
15appropriate use of drugs, surgery, manipulation, and hospital
16referrals, NOW, THEREFORE,
18Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
21     That the House of Representatives commends the osteopathic
22physicians of this state for their contributions to the health
23and welfare of the residents of this state and designates April
2414, 2010, as "Osteopathic Medicine Day" in the State of Florida.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.