1 | House Resolution |
2 | A resolution commending the University of Florida Men's |
3 | Indoor Track and Field Team for winning the 2010 Division |
4 | I Men's Indoor Track and Field Team NCAA Championship. |
5 |
6 | WHEREAS, the University of Florida Gators have long been |
7 | recognized for their winning tradition in all intercollegiate |
8 | sports, and |
9 | WHEREAS, the University of Florida Men's Indoor Track and |
10 | Field Team has continued this tradition of athletic excellence, |
11 | achieved and maintained through their hard work, determination, |
12 | and a team-first attitude, and |
13 | WHEREAS, the University of Florida Men's Indoor Track and |
14 | Field Team led the nation with 14 All-America honors this |
15 | season, and |
16 | WHEREAS, the Florida Gators won their first NCAA Men's |
17 | Indoor Track and Field Championship on Saturday, March 13, 2010, |
18 | at the University of Arkansas' Randal Tyson Track Center, |
19 | scoring 57 total team points, beating Oregon and Texas A&M by 13 |
20 | points, and |
21 | WHEREAS, two individuals on the University of Florida Men's |
22 | Indoor Track and Field Team won NCAA individual titles, Jeff |
23 | Demps for the 60-meter dash and Christian Taylor for the triple |
24 | jump, and |
25 | WHEREAS, under head coach Mike Holloway and his coaching |
26 | staff, and Athletic Director Jeremy Foley, the Florida Gators |
27 | came together to form a championship team, and |
28 | WHEREAS, the national championship won by the Florida Men's |
29 | Track and Field team marked the 23rd championship won by a Gator |
30 | team in all sports, NOW, THEREFORE, |
31 |
32 | Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of |
33 | Florida: |
34 |
35 | That the House of Representatives commends the University |
36 | of Florida Men's Indoor Track and Field Team for winning the |
37 | 2010 National Collegiate Athletic Association Championship, the |
38 | first such championship in the history of the University of |
39 | Florida. |
40 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be |
41 | presented to the University of Florida, to Coach Mike Holloway, |
42 | and to each member of the Florida Gators Men's Indoor Track and |
43 | Field Team as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed |
44 | herein. |