HR 9123

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., for his
3valuable contributions to the residents of the State of
4Florida and honoring him as one of Florida's great
7     WHEREAS, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., a native of Havana, Cuba,
8began his professional career working with his family's
9insurance agency, and later ventured into public relations when
10he and a group of his friends created Calle Ocho, the world's
11largest block party, which has evolved into Carnival Miami, and
12     WHEREAS, today, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., serves as President
13of Pantín/Beber Silverstein Public Relations, serving national
14and international clients with his expertise in diversity,
15business issues, Hispanic affairs, community relations, and
16education, and
17     WHEREAS, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., is responsible for creating
18Cuba Nostalgia, an annual expo of Cuba's rich history, and
19Merrill Lynch Arteaméricas, a Latin American art exhibition, and
20     WHEREAS, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., is a member of the
21Counselors Academy of the Public Relations Society of America,
22serves as an advisor and honorary board member of the Black
23Executive Forum, sits on the board of trustees of Goodwill
24Industries of South Florida, and is on the board of directors of
25Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida, and has held
26leadership positions for events such as the Summit of the
27Americas, Super Bowl XXIII, the Miss Universe Pageant, the 1987
28Papal visit, and The Breeders Cup, and
29     WHEREAS, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., has served on the executive
30committees of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and the
31Florida Chamber of Commerce, and
32     WHEREAS, Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., served on the Board of
33Trustees of Miami Dade Community College and as the chairman of
34the Board of Trustees of Barry University and is currently a
35member of the Board of Trustees of Florida State University, and
36     WHEREAS, in 1988, the Miami Herald named Leslie V. Pantín,
37Jr., as one of 18 private citizens who helped shape Miami and,
38in 1993, as one of the 100 people to shape South Florida's
39history, and, in 1998, honored him with its Spirit of Excellence
42Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
45     That Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., is recognized for his valuable
46contributions to the residents of the State of Florida and is
47honored as one of Florida's great innovators.
48     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
49presented to Leslie V. Pantín, Jr., as a tangible token of the
50sentiments expressed herein.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.